/* * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * org.onap.music * =================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property * =================================================================== * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 IBM * =================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END============================================= * ==================================================================== */ package org.onap.music.datastore.jsonobjects; import java.util.Map; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.onap.music.datastore.PreparedQueryObject; import org.onap.music.eelf.logging.EELFLoggerDelegate; import org.onap.music.exceptions.MusicQueryException; import org.onap.music.main.MusicUtil; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; @ApiModel(value = "JsonTable", description = "Defines the Json for Creating a new Table.") @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class JsonTable { private EELFLoggerDelegate logger = EELFLoggerDelegate.getLogger(JsonTable.class); private String keyspaceName; private String tableName; private Map fields; private Map properties; private String primaryKey; private String partitionKey; private String clusteringKey; private String filteringKey; private String clusteringOrder; private Map consistencyInfo; @ApiModelProperty(value = "Consistency level", allowableValues = "eventual,critical,atomic") public Map getConsistencyInfo() { return consistencyInfo; } public void setConsistencyInfo(Map consistencyInfo) { this.consistencyInfo = consistencyInfo; } @ApiModelProperty(value = "Properties") public Map getProperties() { return properties; } public void setProperties(Map properties) { this.properties = properties; } @ApiModelProperty(value = "Fields") public Map getFields() { return fields; } public void setFields(Map fields) { this.fields = fields; } @ApiModelProperty(value = "KeySpace Name") public String getKeyspaceName() { return keyspaceName; } public void setKeyspaceName(String keyspaceName) { this.keyspaceName = keyspaceName; } @ApiModelProperty(value = "Table Name") public String getTableName() { return tableName; } public void setTableName(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } @ApiModelProperty(value = "Clustering Order", notes = "") public String getClusteringOrder() { return clusteringOrder; } public void setClusteringOrder(String clusteringOrder) { this.clusteringOrder = clusteringOrder; } @ApiModelProperty(value = "Primary Key") public String getPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey; } public void setPrimaryKey(String primaryKey) { this.primaryKey = primaryKey; } public String getClusteringKey() { return clusteringKey; } public void setClusteringKey(String clusteringKey) { this.clusteringKey = clusteringKey; } public String getFilteringKey() { return filteringKey; } public void setFilteringKey(String filteringKey) { this.filteringKey = filteringKey; } public String getPartitionKey() { return partitionKey; } public void setPartitionKey(String partitionKey) { this.partitionKey = partitionKey; } public PreparedQueryObject genCreateTableQuery() throws MusicQueryException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Coming inside genCreateTableQuery method " + this.getKeyspaceName()); logger.debug("Coming inside genCreateTableQuery method " + this.getTableName()); } String primaryKey = null; String partitionKey = this.getPartitionKey(); String clusterKey = this.getClusteringKey(); String filteringKey = this.getFilteringKey(); if (filteringKey != null) { clusterKey = clusterKey + "," + filteringKey; } primaryKey = this.getPrimaryKey(); // get primaryKey if available PreparedQueryObject queryObject = new PreparedQueryObject(); // first read the information about the table fields Map fields = this.getFields(); if (fields == null) { /*return response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(new JsonResponse(ResultType.FAILURE) .setError("Create Table Error: No fields in request").toMap()).build();*/ throw new MusicQueryException( "Create Table Error: No fields in request", Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode()); } StringBuilder fieldsString = new StringBuilder("(vector_ts text,"); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry entry : fields.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals("PRIMARY KEY")) { primaryKey = entry.getValue(); // replaces primaryKey primaryKey = primaryKey.trim(); } else { if (counter == 0 ) fieldsString.append("" + entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue() + ""); else fieldsString.append("," + entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue() + ""); } if (counter != (fields.size() - 1) ) { counter = counter + 1; } else { if((primaryKey != null) && (partitionKey == null)) { primaryKey = primaryKey.trim(); int count1 = StringUtils.countMatches(primaryKey, ')'); int count2 = StringUtils.countMatches(primaryKey, '('); if (count1 != count2) { /*return response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(new JsonResponse(ResultType.FAILURE) .setError("Create Table Error: primary key '(' and ')' do not match, primary key=" + primaryKey) .toMap()).build();*/ throw new MusicQueryException( "Create Table Error: primary key '(' and ')' do not match, primary key=" + primaryKey, Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode()); } if ( primaryKey.indexOf('(') == -1 || ( count2 == 1 && (primaryKey.lastIndexOf(')') +1) == primaryKey.length() ) ) { if (primaryKey.contains(",") ) { partitionKey= primaryKey.substring(0,primaryKey.indexOf(',')); partitionKey=partitionKey.replaceAll("[\\(]+",""); clusterKey=primaryKey.substring(primaryKey.indexOf(',')+1); // make sure index clusterKey=clusterKey.replaceAll("[)]+", ""); } else { partitionKey=primaryKey; partitionKey=partitionKey.replaceAll("[\\)]+",""); partitionKey=partitionKey.replaceAll("[\\(]+",""); clusterKey=""; } } else { // not null and has ) before the last char partitionKey= primaryKey.substring(0,primaryKey.indexOf(')')); partitionKey=partitionKey.replaceAll("[\\(]+",""); partitionKey = partitionKey.trim(); clusterKey= primaryKey.substring(primaryKey.indexOf(')')); clusterKey=clusterKey.replaceAll("[\\(]+",""); clusterKey=clusterKey.replaceAll("[\\)]+",""); clusterKey = clusterKey.trim(); if (clusterKey.indexOf(',') == 0) { clusterKey=clusterKey.substring(1); } clusterKey = clusterKey.trim(); if (clusterKey.equals(",") ) clusterKey=""; // print error if needed ( ... ),) } if (!(partitionKey.isEmpty() || clusterKey.isEmpty()) && (partitionKey.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterKey) || clusterKey.contains(partitionKey) || partitionKey.contains(clusterKey)) ) { logger.error("DataAPI createTable partition/cluster key ERROR: partitionKey="+partitionKey+", clusterKey=" + clusterKey + " and primary key=" + primaryKey ); /*return response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(new JsonResponse(ResultType.FAILURE).setError( "Create Table primary key error: clusterKey(" + clusterKey + ") equals/contains/overlaps partitionKey(" +partitionKey+ ") of" + " primary key=" + primaryKey) .toMap()).build();*/ throw new MusicQueryException("Create Table primary key error: clusterKey(" + clusterKey + ") equals/contains/overlaps partitionKey(" + partitionKey + ") of" + " primary key=" + primaryKey, Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode()); } if (partitionKey.isEmpty() ) primaryKey=""; else if (clusterKey.isEmpty() ) primaryKey=" (" + partitionKey + ")"; else primaryKey=" (" + partitionKey + ")," + clusterKey; if (primaryKey != null) fieldsString.append(", PRIMARY KEY (" + primaryKey + " )"); } else { // end of length > 0 if (!(partitionKey.isEmpty() || clusterKey.isEmpty()) && (partitionKey.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterKey) || clusterKey.contains(partitionKey) || partitionKey.contains(clusterKey)) ) { logger.error("DataAPI createTable partition/cluster key ERROR: partitionKey="+partitionKey+", clusterKey=" + clusterKey); /*return response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(new JsonResponse(ResultType.FAILURE).setError( "Create Table primary key error: clusterKey(" + clusterKey + ") equals/contains/overlaps partitionKey(" +partitionKey+ ")") .toMap()).build();*/ throw new MusicQueryException( "Create Table primary key error: clusterKey(" + clusterKey + ") equals/contains/overlaps partitionKey(" + partitionKey + ")", Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode()); } if (partitionKey.isEmpty() ) primaryKey=""; else if (clusterKey.isEmpty() ) primaryKey=" (" + partitionKey + ")"; else primaryKey=" (" + partitionKey + ")," + clusterKey; if (primaryKey != null) fieldsString.append(", PRIMARY KEY (" + primaryKey + " )"); } fieldsString.append(")"); } // end of last field check } // end of for each // information about the name-value style properties Map propertiesMap = this.getProperties(); StringBuilder propertiesString = new StringBuilder(); if (propertiesMap != null) { counter = 0; for (Map.Entry entry : propertiesMap.entrySet()) { Object ot = entry.getValue(); String value = ot + ""; if (ot instanceof String) { value = "'" + value + "'"; } else if (ot instanceof Map) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map otMap = (Map) ot; try { value = "{" + MusicUtil.jsonMaptoSqlString(otMap, ",") + "}"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MusicQueryException(e.getMessage(), Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode()); } } propertiesString.append(entry.getKey() + "=" + value + ""); if (counter != propertiesMap.size() - 1) propertiesString.append(" AND "); counter = counter + 1; } } String clusteringOrder = this.getClusteringOrder(); if (clusteringOrder != null && !(clusteringOrder.isEmpty())) { String[] arrayClusterOrder = clusteringOrder.split("[,]+"); for (int i = 0; i < arrayClusterOrder.length; i++) { String[] clusterS = arrayClusterOrder[i].trim().split("[ ]+"); if ( (clusterS.length ==2) && (clusterS[1].equalsIgnoreCase("ASC") || clusterS[1].equalsIgnoreCase("DESC"))) { continue; } else { /*return response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity(new JsonResponse(ResultType.FAILURE) .setError("createTable/Clustering Order vlaue ERROR: valid clustering order is ASC or DESC or expecting colname order; please correct clusteringOrder:"+ clusteringOrder+".") .toMap()).build();*/ throw new MusicQueryException( "createTable/Clustering Order vlaue ERROR: valid clustering order is ASC or DESC or expecting colname order; please correct clusteringOrder:" + clusteringOrder + ".", Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode()); } // add validation for column names in cluster key } if (!(clusterKey.isEmpty())) { clusteringOrder = "CLUSTERING ORDER BY (" +clusteringOrder +")"; //cjc check if propertiesString.length() >0 instead propertiesMap if (propertiesMap != null) { propertiesString.append(" AND "+ clusteringOrder); } else { propertiesString.append(clusteringOrder); } } else { logger.warn("Skipping clustering order=("+clusteringOrder+ ") since clustering key is empty "); } } //if non empty queryObject.appendQueryString( "CREATE TABLE " + this.getKeyspaceName() + "." + this.getTableName() + " " + fieldsString); if (propertiesString != null && propertiesString.length()>0 ) queryObject.appendQueryString(" WITH " + propertiesString); queryObject.appendQueryString(";"); return queryObject; } /** * * @return */ public PreparedQueryObject genCreateShadowLockingTableQuery() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Coming inside genCreateShadowLockingTableQuery method " + this.getKeyspaceName()); logger.debug("Coming inside genCreateShadowLockingTableQuery method " + this.getTableName()); } String tableName = "unsyncedKeys_" + this.getTableName(); String tabQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + this.getKeyspaceName() + "." + tableName + " ( key text,PRIMARY KEY (key) );"; PreparedQueryObject queryObject = new PreparedQueryObject(); queryObject.appendQueryString(tabQuery); return queryObject; } /** * genDropTableQuery * * @return PreparedQueryObject */ public PreparedQueryObject genDropTableQuery() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Coming inside genDropTableQuery method " + this.getKeyspaceName()); logger.debug("Coming inside genDropTableQuery method " + this.getTableName()); } PreparedQueryObject query = new PreparedQueryObject(); query.appendQueryString("DROP TABLE " + this.getKeyspaceName() + "." + this.getTableName() + ";"); logger.info("Delete Query ::::: " + query.getQuery()); return query; } }