/* * ============LICENSE_START=================================================== * SPARKY (AAI UI service) * ============================================================================ * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. * Copyright © 2017 Amdocs * All rights reserved. * ============================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END===================================================== * * ECOMP and OpenECOMP are trademarks * and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property. */ import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {connect} from 'react-redux'; import { isEqual, isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import {VerticalFilterBar} from 'vertical-filter-bar'; import {CollapsibleSlidingPanel} from 'collapsible-sliding-panel'; import {setSecondaryTitle} from 'app/MainScreenWrapperActionHelper.js'; import { vnfActionTypes, VNF_TITLE, VNFS_ROUTE, VNF_SEARCH_FILTER_NAME } from 'app/vnfSearch/VnfSearchConstants.js'; import { processVnfVisualizationsOnFilterChange, processVnfFilterPanelCollapse, setNotificationText, clearVnfSearchData } from 'app/vnfSearch/VnfSearchActions.js'; import VnfSearchOrchStatusVisualizations from 'app/vnfSearch/VnfSearchOrchestratedStatusVisualization.jsx'; import VnfSearchProvStatusVisualizations from 'app/vnfSearch/VnfSearchProvStatusVisualization.jsx'; import VnfSearchNfTypeVisualizations from 'app/vnfSearch/VnfSearchNfTypeVisualization.jsx'; import VnfSearchNfRoleVisualizations from 'app/vnfSearch/VnfSearchNfRoleVisualization.jsx'; import VnfSearchTotalCountVisualization from 'app/vnfSearch/VnfSearchTotalCountVisualization.jsx'; import i18n from 'utils/i18n/i18n'; import {changeUrlAddress, buildRouteObjWithFilters} from 'utils/Routes.js'; import { getUnifiedFilters, processFilterSelection, setNonConvertedFilterValues, convertNonConvertedValues, buildFilterValueMap, setFilterSelectionsToDefaults, FILTER_BAR_TITLE } from 'generic-components/filterBar/FilterBarUtils.js'; const mapStateToProps = ({vnfSearch}) => { let { feedbackMsgText = '', feedbackMsgSeverity = '', vnfFilters = {}, selectedFilterValues = {}, vnfFilterValues = {}, vnfVisualizationPanelClass = 'collapsible-panel-main-panel', unifiedFilterValues = {}, nonConvertedFilters = {} } = vnfSearch; return { feedbackMsgText, feedbackMsgSeverity, vnfFilters, selectedFilterValues, vnfFilterValues, vnfVisualizationPanelClass, unifiedFilterValues, nonConvertedFilters }; }; let mapActionToProps = (dispatch) => { return { onSetViewTitle: (title) => { dispatch(setSecondaryTitle(title)); }, onInitializeVnfSearchFilters: () => { // first time to the page, need to get the list of available filters dispatch(getUnifiedFilters(VNF_SEARCH_FILTER_NAME, vnfActionTypes.VNF_SEARCH_FILTERS_RECEIVED)); }, onFilterPanelCollapse: (isOpen) => { // expand/collapse the filter panel dispatch(processVnfFilterPanelCollapse(isOpen)); }, onFilterSelection: (selectedFilters, allFilters) => { // callback for filter bar whenever a selection is made... need to // convert and save the selected value(s) if (Object.keys(allFilters).length > 0) { // only process the selection if allFilters has values (possible that // filter bar is sending back the default filter selections before // we have received the list of available filters i.e. allFilters) dispatch(processFilterSelection(selectedFilters, allFilters)); } }, onFilterValueChange: (convertedFilterValues) => { // filter values have been converted, now update the VNF visualizations dispatch(processVnfVisualizationsOnFilterChange(convertedFilterValues)); }, onReceiveNewFilterValueParams: (filterValueString) => { // new filter values have been received as URL parameters, save the // non-converted values (later to be converted and sent to filter bar) // and update the VNF visualizations let filterValueMap = buildFilterValueMap(filterValueString); dispatch(setNonConvertedFilterValues(filterValueMap)); dispatch(processVnfVisualizationsOnFilterChange(filterValueMap)); // incase url param was changed manually, need to update vnfFilterValues }, onResetFilterBarToDefaults: (filters, filterValues) => { dispatch(setFilterSelectionsToDefaults(filters, filterValues)); }, onPrepareToUnmount: () => { // clean things up: // 1- clear the VNF data // 2- ensure filter bar is closed dispatch(clearVnfSearchData()); dispatch(processVnfFilterPanelCollapse(false)); }, onConvertFilterValues: (nonConvertedValues, allFilters, currentlySetFilterValues) => { // we have saved non-converted filter values received from URL params, // time to convert them so can update filter bar selections programatically dispatch(convertNonConvertedValues(nonConvertedValues, allFilters, currentlySetFilterValues)); }, onMessageStateChange: (msgText, msgSeverity) => { dispatch(setNotificationText(msgText, msgSeverity)); } }; }; class vnfSearch extends Component { static propTypes = { feedbackMsgText: React.PropTypes.string, feedbackSeverity: React.PropTypes.string, vnfFilters: React.PropTypes.object, selectedFilterValues: React.PropTypes.object, vnfFilterValues: React.PropTypes.object, vnfVisualizationPanelClass: React.PropTypes.string, unifiedFilterValues: React.PropTypes.object, nonConvertedFilters: React.PropTypes.object }; componentWillMount() { this.props.onSetViewTitle(i18n(VNF_TITLE)); this.props.onInitializeVnfSearchFilters(); if (this.props.match && this.props.match.params && this.props.match.params.filters) { this.props.onReceiveNewFilterValueParams(this.props.match.params.filters); } if (this.props.feedbackMsgText) { this.props.onMessageStateChange(this.props.feedbackMsgText, this.props.feedbackMsgSeverity); } } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.feedbackMsgText && nextProps.feedbackMsgText !== this.props.feedbackMsgText) { this.props.onMessageStateChange(nextProps.feedbackMsgText, nextProps.feedbackMsgSeverity); } if (nextProps.vnfFilterValues && !isEqual(nextProps.vnfFilterValues, this.props.vnfFilterValues) && this.props.vnfFilters) { this.props.onFilterValueChange(nextProps.vnfFilterValues); changeUrlAddress(buildRouteObjWithFilters(VNFS_ROUTE, nextProps.vnfFilterValues), this.props.history); } if (nextProps.match && nextProps.match.params && nextProps.match.params.filters && !isEqual(nextProps.match.params.filters, this.props.match.params.filters)) { // added line below to reload the filters if filter changes, this will load new filters this.props.onInitializeVnfSearchFilters(); this.props.onReceiveNewFilterValueParams(nextProps.match.params.filters); } else if (Object.keys(nextProps.nonConvertedFilters).length > 0 && !isEqual(this.props.nonConvertedFilters, nextProps.nonConvertedFilters)) { if (Object.keys(this.props.vnfFilters).length > 0) { this.props.onConvertFilterValues( nextProps.nonConvertedFilters, this.props.vnfFilters, this.props.vnfFilterValues); } } else if ((!nextProps.match || !nextProps.match.params || !nextProps.match.params.filters) && this.props.match.params.filters && this.props.vnfFilters && this.props.vnfFilterValues) { // VNF Search navigation button was pressed while the view is still visible ... need to reset // the filter bar selections to the default values this.props.onResetFilterBarToDefaults(this.props.vnfFilters, this.props.vnfFilterValues); } if (nextProps.vnfFilters && !isEqual(nextProps.vnfFilters, this.props.vnfFilters) && Object.keys(this.props.nonConvertedFilters).length > 0) { // just received list of available filters and there is are nonConvertedFilters (previously // set from url params), need to convert those values and update the filter bar selections this.props.onConvertFilterValues( this.props.nonConvertedFilters, nextProps.vnfFilters, this.props.vnfFilterValues); } else if (nextProps.vnfFilters && !isEqual(nextProps.vnfFilters, this.props.vnfFilters) && isEmpty(this.props.vnfFilterValues)) { // filter bar previously returned the default filter selections (but we didn't have the list // of available filters at the time, so couldn't do anything. Now receiving the list of // available filters, so triger the filter selection action in order to load the visualization data this.props.onResetFilterBarToDefaults(nextProps.vnfFilters, this.props.vnfFilterValues); } } componentWillUnmount() { // set the data to 'NO DATA' so upon return, the view is rendered with // no data until the request for new data is returned this.props.onPrepareToUnmount(); } getFilterBar() { return ( this.props.onFilterSelection(selectedFilters, this.props.vnfFilters)} /> ); } render() { let filterBar = this.getFilterBar(); return (
); } } export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps)(vnfSearch);