# Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from robot.api import logger from robot.api.deco import keyword from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn import time from ONAPLibrary.RequestsHelper import RequestsHelper from ONAPLibrary.VariableKeywords import VariableKeywords class BaseAAIKeywords(object): """The main interface for interacting with AAI. It handles low level stuff like managing the http request library and required fields. """ def __init__(self): super(BaseAAIKeywords, self).__init__() self.reqs = RequestsHelper() self.builtin = BuiltIn() self.vars = VariableKeywords() aai_ip_addr = self.vars.get_globally_injected_parameters().get('GLOBAL_INJECTED_AAI_IP_ADDR', '') aai_server_protocol = self.vars.get_global_parameters().get('GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_PROTOCOL', '') aai_server_port = self.vars.get_global_parameters().get('GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_PORT', '') self.aai_endpoint = str(aai_server_protocol) + '://' + str(aai_ip_addr) + ':' + str(aai_server_port) @keyword def run_get_request(self, endpoint, data_path, accept="application/json", auth=None, client_certs=None): """Runs an AAI get request""" return self.reqs.get_request(alias="aai", endpoint=endpoint, data_path=data_path, accept=accept, auth=auth, client_certs=client_certs) @keyword def run_post_request(self, endpoint, data_path, data, accept="application/json", auth=None, client_certs=None): """Runs an AAI post request""" return self.reqs.post_request(alias="aai", endpoint=endpoint, data_path=data_path, data=data, accept=accept, auth=auth, client_certs=client_certs) @keyword def run_put_request(self, endpoint, data_path, data, accept="application/json", auth=None, client_certs=None): """Runs an AAI post request""" return self.reqs.put_request(alias="aai", endpoint=endpoint, data_path=data_path, data=data, accept=accept, auth=auth, client_certs=client_certs) @keyword def run_delete_request(self, endpoint, data_path, resource_version, accept="application/json", auth=None, client_certs=None): """Runs an AAI delete request""" return self.reqs.delete_request(alias="aai", endpoint=endpoint, accept=accept, auth=auth, client_certs=client_certs, data_path=data_path + '?resource-version=' + resource_version) @keyword def wait_for_node_to_exist(self, search_node_type, key, uuid, auth=None, client_certs=None): logger.info('Waiting for AAI traversal to complete...') for i in range(30): logger.trace("running iteration " + str(i)) time.sleep(1) result = self.find_node(search_node_type, key, uuid, auth=auth, client_certs=client_certs) if result: return result error_message = "AAI traversal didn't finish in 30 seconds. Something is wrong. Type {0}, UUID {1}".format( search_node_type, uuid) logger.error(error_message) self.builtin.fail(error_message) @keyword def find_node(self, search_node_type, key, node_uuid, auth=None, client_certs=None): data_path = '/aai/v11/search/nodes-query?search-node-type={0}&filter={1}:EQUALS:{2}'.format( search_node_type, key, node_uuid) resp = self.reqs.get_request("aai", self.aai_endpoint, data_path, accept="application/json", auth=auth, client_certs=client_certs) response = resp.json() return 'result-data' in response