/*- * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * ONAP Portal * =================================================================== * Copyright (C) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =================================================================== * * Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed * under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); * you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END============================================ * * */ import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild, ElementRef, Inject, PLATFORM_ID, Injector } from '@angular/core'; import { NgbActiveModal, NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; import { IApplications } from 'src/app/shared/model/applications-onboarding/applications'; import { ApplicationsService } from 'src/app/shared/services'; import { ConfirmationModalComponent } from 'src/app/modals/confirmation-modal/confirmation-modal.component'; import { InformationModalComponent } from 'src/app/modals/information-modal/information-modal.component'; import { isPlatformBrowser } from '@angular/common'; @Component({ selector: 'app-application-details-dialog', templateUrl: './application-details-dialog.component.html', styleUrls: ['./application-details-dialog.component.scss'], }) export class ApplicationDetailsDialogComponent implements OnInit { addEditAction: any; emptyImg = null; emptyImgForPreview:string; conflictMessages = {}; result: any; isEditMode: boolean = false; appImageTypeError: boolean = false; isSaving: boolean = false; originalImage: any; ECOMP_URL_REGEX = "/^((?:https?\:\/\/|ftp?\:\/\/)?(w{3}.)?(?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)*[-a-z0-9]+.*)[^-_.]$/i"; private ngbModal:NgbModal; constructor(public activeModal: NgbActiveModal, public applicationsService : ApplicationsService,@Inject(PLATFORM_ID)private platformId:Object,private injector:Injector) { if(isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { this.ngbModal = this.injector.get(NgbModal); } } @Input() applicationObj: IApplications; @Input() action: any; @Output() passEntry: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild('applicationName') applicationNameElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('inputAppImageUpload') inputAppImageUpload: ElementRef; newAppModel = { 'id': null, 'appName': null, 'imageUrl': null, 'appDescription': null, 'appNotes': null, 'landingPage': null, 'alternateUrl': null, 'restUrl': null, 'isOpen': false, 'appBasicAuthUsername': null, 'appBasicAuthPassword': null, 'thumbnail': this.emptyImg, 'isEnabled': false, 'applicationType': null, 'rolesInAAF': false, 'nameSpace': null, 'uebTopicName': null, 'uebKey': null, 'uebSecret': null, 'imageLink': null, 'usesCadi': true, 'modeOfIntegration': null, 'appAck': false, 'restrictedApp': false }; applicationTypeArray: any[] = [ { name: 'GUI Application', value: "1" }, { name: 'HyperLink Application', value: "2" }, { name: 'Non-GUI Application', value: "3" } ]; rolesManagementType: any[] = [ { name: 'Roles in Application (Non-Centralized)', value: false }, { name: 'Roles in AAF (Centralized)', value: true } ]; modeOfIntegration: any[] = [ { name: 'Portal SDK Based', value: 'sdk' }, { name: 'Framework Based', value: 'fw' } ] ngOnInit() { this.addEditAction = this.action; if (this.action === 'add') { this.applicationObj.applicationType = "1"; if (this.applicationObj.applicationType == '1') { this.applicationObj.modeOfIntegration = this.modeOfIntegration[0].value; } this.applicationObj.rolesInAAF = true; this.applicationObj.usesCadi = true; this.applicationObj.appAck = false; console.log("Action : ", this.action); console.log("Focus : ", this.applicationNameElement.nativeElement); setTimeout(() => { // this will make the execution after the above boolean has changed this.applicationNameElement.nativeElement.focus(); }, 0); } if (this.applicationObj.id) { this.isEditMode = true; }else{ this.isEditMode = false; } //console.log("isEditMode :: ",this.isEditMode); this.originalImage = null this.emptyImgForPreview = '../../../assets/images/default_app_image.gif'; } appImageHandler(event: any){ var reader = new FileReader(); if(event.target.files && event.target.files[0]){ reader.readAsDataURL(event.target.files[0]); // read file as data url var fileName = event.target.files[0].name; var validFormats = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png']; //Get file extension var ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase(); //console.log("fileName::>>",fileName ,ext) //console.log("fileExtetion::>>",ext) //Check for valid format if(validFormats.indexOf(ext) == -1){ this.newAppModel.thumbnail = this.emptyImg; this.originalImage = null; this.applicationObj.imageUrl = null; this.applicationObj.imageLink = null; this.applicationObj.thumbnail = null; if(!this.isEditMode){ this.newAppModel.imageUrl = null; this.newAppModel.imageLink = null; this.newAppModel.thumbnail = null; } this.appImageTypeError=true; }else{ reader.onload = (event: any) => { // called once readAsDataURL is completed this.applicationObj.imageLink = event.target.result; this.applicationObj.imageUrl = event.target.result; this.applicationObj.thumbnail = event.target.result; this.originalImage = event.target.result; if(!this.isEditMode){ this.newAppModel.imageLink = event.target.result; this.newAppModel.imageUrl = event.target.result; this.newAppModel.thumbnail = event.target.result; this.originalImage = event.target.result; } } } } } removeImage(){ let confirmationMsg = 'Are you sure you want to remove the image?'; this.openInformationModal("Confirmation",confirmationMsg).result.then((result) => { if (result === 'Ok') { //this.imageApi.clearFile(); this.applicationObj.thumbnail = this.emptyImg; this.originalImage = null; this.applicationObj.imageUrl = null; this.applicationObj.imageLink = null; this.emptyImgForPreview = '../../../assets/images/default_app_image.gif'; this.inputAppImageUpload.nativeElement.value = ""; } }, (resut) => { return; }) } /** Add/Edit Application Method*/ saveChanges() { //console.log("addNewApplication getting called.."); if (this.applicationObj.rolesInAAF) { //if valid. if (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "1") { console.log("Gui Application valodations"); //if valid. if (!this.applicationObj.isEnabled) { if (((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName) || (this.applicationObj.nameSpace == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.nameSpace) || (this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername))) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required fields(*) for centralized application'); return; } } if (this.applicationObj.isEnabled) { if (((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName) || (this.applicationObj.landingPage == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.landingPage) || (this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername) || (this.applicationObj.nameSpace == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.nameSpace))) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required fields(*) for centralized active application'); return; } } } else if (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "3") { console.log("Non-Gui Application valodations"); if (!this.applicationObj.isEnabled) { if (((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName) || (this.applicationObj.nameSpace == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.nameSpace) || (this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername))) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required fields(*) for centralized application'); return; } } if (this.applicationObj.isEnabled) { if (((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName) || (this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername) || (this.applicationObj.nameSpace == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.nameSpace))) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required fields(*) for centralized active application'); return; } } } } else { console.log("Non-centralized applications validation"); this.applicationObj.appAck = null; if (!this.applicationObj.isEnabled) { if ((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName)) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required field(*) ApplicationName to Save the applictaion'); return; } } else if (this.applicationObj.isEnabled && (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "1")) { if ((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName) || (this.applicationObj.landingPage == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.landingPage) || (this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername) || (this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthPassword == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthPassword)) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required fields(*) along with password as the app is not centralized'); return; } } else if (this.applicationObj.isEnabled && (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "3")) { console.log("Non gui validation"); if ((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName) || (this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername)) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required fields(*)'); return; } } else if (this.applicationObj.isEnabled && (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "2")) { if ((this.applicationObj.appName == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.appName) || (this.applicationObj.landingPage == 'undefined' || !this.applicationObj.landingPage)) { this.openConfirmationModal('', 'Please fill in all required fields(*)'); return; } } } //URL Validation if (this.applicationObj.isEnabled && this.applicationObj.applicationType == "1") { if (this.applicationObj.landingPage && this.applicationObj.landingPage != 'undefined' && this.applicationObj.landingPage != '') { let isValidURL = this.isUrlValid(this.applicationObj.landingPage); if (!isValidURL) { this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'Application URL must be a valid URL.'); return; } } else { this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'Application URL is required.'); return; } } this.isSaving = true; // For a restricted app, null out all irrelevant fields if (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "2") { console.log("Hyperlinka pplication validation"); this.newAppModel.restUrl = null; this.newAppModel.isOpen = true; this.newAppModel.appBasicAuthUsername = null; this.newAppModel.appBasicAuthPassword = null; this.newAppModel.uebTopicName = null; this.newAppModel.uebKey = null; this.newAppModel.uebSecret = null; this.newAppModel.restrictedApp = true; /**Need to set below fields values based on input provided in the dialog */ this.newAppModel.applicationType = this.applicationObj.applicationType; this.newAppModel.appName = this.applicationObj.appName; this.newAppModel.landingPage = this.applicationObj.landingPage; this.newAppModel.usesCadi = this.applicationObj.usesCadi; if (this.applicationObj.isEnabled) { this.newAppModel.isEnabled = this.applicationObj.isEnabled; }else{ this.newAppModel.isEnabled = false; } console.log("New Model : ", this.newAppModel); } else { /**Need to set below fields values based on input provided in the dialog */ this.newAppModel.applicationType = this.applicationObj.applicationType; this.newAppModel.appName = this.applicationObj.appName; this.newAppModel.landingPage = this.applicationObj.landingPage; this.newAppModel.restUrl = this.applicationObj.restUrl; this.newAppModel.appBasicAuthUsername = this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthUsername; this.newAppModel.appBasicAuthPassword = this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthPassword; this.newAppModel.modeOfIntegration = this.applicationObj.modeOfIntegration; this.newAppModel.usesCadi = this.applicationObj.usesCadi; this.newAppModel.appAck = this.applicationObj.appAck; if(this.applicationObj.isEnabled){ this.newAppModel.isEnabled = this.applicationObj.isEnabled; }else{ this.newAppModel.isEnabled = false; } if(this.applicationObj.isOpen){ this.newAppModel.isOpen = this.applicationObj.isOpen; }else{ this.newAppModel.isOpen = false; } //console.log("this.applicationObj.isOpen",this.applicationObj.isOpen); if (this.applicationObj.rolesInAAF) { this.newAppModel.rolesInAAF = this.applicationObj.rolesInAAF; } else { this.newAppModel.rolesInAAF = false; this.newAppModel.usesCadi = false; } } if (this.applicationObj.nameSpace=="") { this.newAppModel.nameSpace = null; }else{ this.newAppModel.nameSpace = this.applicationObj.nameSpace; } if (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "2" || this.applicationObj.applicationType == "3") { this.applicationObj.modeOfIntegration = null; } if (this.newAppModel.applicationType == "2" || this.newAppModel.applicationType == "3") { this.newAppModel.modeOfIntegration = null; } if (this.isEditMode) { console.log("Edit application Object : ", JSON.stringify(this.applicationObj)); console.log("Mode Of iNtegration : ", this.applicationObj.modeOfIntegration); if (this.applicationObj.applicationType == "1" && !this.applicationObj.rolesInAAF || this.applicationObj.applicationType == "3" && !this.applicationObj.rolesInAAF) { this.applicationObj.usesCadi = false; } if(this.applicationObj && this.applicationObj.usesCadi){ this.applicationObj.appBasicAuthPassword = null; } this.applicationsService.updateOnboardingApp(this.applicationObj) .subscribe( _data => { this.result = _data; //console.log("update application response :: ",this.result); if(this.result !=null && this.result.httpStatusCode ==200){ this.passEntry.emit(this.result); this.ngbModal.dismissAll(); }else{ this.openConfirmationModal('Error','There was a problem updating the application changes. Please try again. If the problem persists, then try again later. Error: '+this.result); return } }, error => { console.log(error); if(error.status == 409){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem updating the application changes. ' + 'The Application Name and Namespace should be unique. Error: ' + error.status); return; }else if(error.status == 500){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem updating the application information. ' + 'Please try again later. Error: ' +error.status); return; }else if(error.status == 404 || error.status == 403){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem updating the application information. ' + 'Invalid namespace. Error: ' +error.status); return; }else if(error.status == 401){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem updating the application information. ' + 'Portal Mechid is unauthorized to access the given namespace. Error: ' +error.status); return; }else if(error.status == 400){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error','Bad Request Error: ' + error.status); return; } else{ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem updating the application changes. ' + 'Please try again. If the problem persists, then try again later. Error: ' + error.status); return; } }); }else{ //console.log("Coming inside add application",this.newAppModel); if (this.newAppModel.applicationType == "1" && !this.newAppModel.rolesInAAF || this.newAppModel.applicationType == "3" && !this.newAppModel.rolesInAAF) { this.newAppModel.usesCadi = false; } if(this.newAppModel && this.newAppModel.usesCadi){ this.newAppModel.appBasicAuthPassword = null; } this.applicationsService.addOnboardingApp(this.newAppModel) .subscribe( _data => { this.result = _data; //console.log("Add application response :: ",this.result); if(this.result !=null && this.result.httpStatusCode ==200){ this.passEntry.emit(this.result); this.ngbModal.dismissAll(); }else{ this.openConfirmationModal('Error','There was a problem adding the application changes. Please try again. If the problem persists, then try again later. Error: '+this.result); return } }, error => { console.log(error); if(error.status == 409){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem adding the application changes. ' + 'The Application Name and Namespace should be unique. Error: ' + error.status); return; } else if(error.status == 500){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem adding the application information. ' + 'Please try again later. Error: ' +error.status); return; }else if(error.status == 400){ this.openConfirmationModal('Error','Bad Request Error: ' + error.status); return; } else{ this.openConfirmationModal('Error', 'There was a problem adding the application changes. ' + 'Please try again. If the problem persists, then try again later. Error: ' + error.status); return; } }); } } isUrlValid(userInput){ //let regexQuery = "/^((?:https?\:\/\/|ftp?\:\/\/)?(w{3}.)?(?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)*[-a-z0-9]+.*)[^-_.]$/i"; let regexQuery = "https?://.+"; let res = userInput.match(regexQuery); if(res == null){ return false; }else{ return true; } } openConfirmationModal(_title: string, _message: string) { const modalInfoRef = this.ngbModal.open(ConfirmationModalComponent); modalInfoRef.componentInstance.title = _title; modalInfoRef.componentInstance.message = _message; } openInformationModal(_title: string, _message: string){ const modalInfoRef = this.ngbModal.open(InformationModalComponent); modalInfoRef.componentInstance.title = _title; modalInfoRef.componentInstance.message = _message; return modalInfoRef; } }