# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import base64 import itertools import json from requests import RequestException from osdf.operation.exceptions import BusinessException from osdf.adapters.local_data.local_policies import get_local_policies from osdf.adapters.policy.utils import policy_name_as_regex, retrieve_node from osdf.utils.programming_utils import list_flatten, dot_notation from osdf.config.base import osdf_config from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import audit_log, MH, metrics_log, debug_log from osdf.utils.interfaces import RestClient def get_by_name(rest_client, policy_name_list, wildcards=True): policy_list = [] for policy_name in policy_name_list: try: query_name = policy_name if wildcards: query_name = policy_name_as_regex(query_name) policy_list.append(rest_client.request(json={"policyName": query_name})) except RequestException as err: audit_log.warn("Error in fetching policy: " + policy_name) raise BusinessException("Cannot fetch policy {}: ".format(policy_name), err) return policy_list def get_by_scope(rest_client, req, config_local, type_service): """ Get policies by scopes as defined in the configuration file. :param rest_client: a rest client object to make a call. :param req: an optimization request. :param config_local: application configuration file. :param type_service: the type of optimization service. :return: policies in the form of list of list where inner list contains policies for a single a scope. """ scope_policies = [] references = config_local.get('references', {}) pscope = config_local.get('policy_info', {}).get(type_service, {}).get('policy_scope', {}) service_name = dot_notation(req, references.get('service_name', {}).get('value', None)) primary_scope = pscope['{}_scope'.format(service_name.lower() if pscope.get(service_name + "_scope", None) else "default")] for sec_scope in pscope.get('secondary_scopes', []): policies, scope_fields = [], [] for field in sec_scope: scope_fields.extend([get_scope_fields(field, references, req, list_flatten(scope_policies)) if 'get_param' in field else field]) scope_fields = set(list_flatten(scope_fields)) scope_fields = set([x.lower() for x in scope_fields]) for scope in scope_fields: policies.extend(policy_api_call(rest_client, primary_scope, scope)) scope_policies.append([policy for policy in policies if scope_fields <= set(json.loads(policy['config'])['content']['policyScope'])]) return scope_policies def get_scope_fields(field, references, req, policy_info): """ Retrieve the values for scope fields from a request and policies as per the configuration and references defined in a configuration file. If the value of a scope field missing in a request or policies, throw an exception since correct policies cannot be retrieved. :param field: details on a scope field from a configuration file. :param references: references defined in a configuration file. :param req: an optimization request. :param policy_info: a list of policies. :return: scope fields retrieved from a request and policies. """ ref_source = references.get(field.get('get_param', ""), {}).get('source') ref_value = references.get(field.get('get_param', ""), {}).get('value') if ref_source == "request": scope_field = dot_notation(req, ref_value) if scope_field: return scope_field raise BusinessException("Field {} is missing a value in a request".format(ref_value.split('.')[-1])) else: scope_fields = [] for policy in policy_info: policy_content = json.loads(policy.get('config', "{}")) if policy_content.get('content', {}).get('policyType', "invalid_policy") == ref_source: scope_fields.append(dot_notation(policy_content, ref_value)) scope_values = list_flatten(scope_fields) if len(scope_values) > 0: return scope_values raise BusinessException("Field {} is missing a value in all policies of type {}".format( ref_value.split('.')[-1], ref_source)) def policy_api_call(rest_client, primary_scope, scope_field): """ Makes a getConfig API call to the policy system to retrieve policies matching a scope. :param rest_client: rest client object to make a call :param primary_scope: the primary scope of policies, which is a folder in the policy system where policies are stored. :param scope_field: the secondary scope of policies, which is a collection of domain values. :return: a list of policies matching both primary and secondary scopes. """ api_call_body = {"policyName": "{}.*".format(primary_scope), "configAttributes": {"policyScope": "{}".format(scope_field)}} return rest_client.request(json=api_call_body) def remote_api(req_json, osdf_config, service_type="placement"): """Make a request to policy and return response -- it accounts for multiple requests that be needed :param req_json: policy request object (can have multiple policy names) :param osdf_config: main config that will have credential information :param service_type: the type of service to call: "placement", "scheduling" :return: all related policies and provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy """ config = osdf_config.deployment uid, passwd = config['policyPlatformUsername'], config['policyPlatformPassword'] pcuid, pcpasswd = config['policyClientUsername'], config['policyClientPassword'] headers = {"ClientAuth": base64.b64encode(bytes("{}:{}".format(pcuid, pcpasswd), "ascii"))} headers.update({'Environment': config['policyPlatformEnv']}) url = config['policyPlatformUrl'] rc = RestClient(userid=uid, passwd=passwd, headers=headers, url=url, log_func=debug_log.debug) if osdf_config.core['policy_info'][service_type]['policy_fetch'] == "by_name": policies = get_by_name(rc, req_json[service_type + "Info"]['policyId'], wildcards=True) elif osdf_config.core['policy_info'][service_type]['policy_fetch'] == "by_name_no_wildcards": policies = get_by_name(rc, req_json[service_type + "Info"]['policyId'], wildcards=False) else: policies = get_by_scope(rc, req_json, osdf_config.core, service_type) formatted_policies = [] for x in itertools.chain(*policies): if x['config'] is None: raise BusinessException("Config not found for policy with name %s" % x['policyName']) else: formatted_policies.append(json.loads(x['config'])) return formatted_policies def local_policies_location(req_json, osdf_config, service_type): """ Get folder and list of policy_files if "local policies" option is enabled :param service_type: placement supported for now, but can be any other service :return: a tuple (folder, file_list) or None """ lp = osdf_config.core.get('osdf_temp', {}).get('local_policies', {}) if lp.get('global_disabled'): return None # short-circuit to disable all local policies if lp.get('local_{}_policies_enabled'.format(service_type)): debug_log.debug('Loading local policies for service type: {}'.format(service_type)) if service_type == "scheduling": return lp.get('{}_policy_dir'.format(service_type)), lp.get('{}_policy_files'.format(service_type)) else: service_name = req_json['serviceInfo']['serviceName'] # TODO: data_mapping.get_service_type(model_name) debug_log.debug('Loading local policies for service name: {}'.format(service_name)) return lp.get('{}_policy_dir_{}'.format(service_type, service_name.lower())), \ lp.get('{}_policy_files_{}'.format(service_type, service_name.lower())) return None def get_policies(request_json, service_type): """Validate the request and get relevant policies :param request_json: Request object :param service_type: the type of service to call: "placement", "scheduling" :return: policies associated with this request and provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy """ req_info = request_json['requestInfo'] req_id = req_info['requestId'] metrics_log.info(MH.requesting("policy", req_id)) local_info = local_policies_location(request_json, osdf_config, service_type) if local_info: # tuple containing location and list of files if local_info[0] is None or local_info[1] is None: raise ValueError("Error fetching local policy info") to_filter = None if osdf_config.core['policy_info'][service_type]['policy_fetch'] == "by_name": to_filter = request_json[service_type + "Info"]['policyId'] policies = get_local_policies(local_info[0], local_info[1], to_filter) else: policies = remote_api(request_json, osdf_config, service_type) return policies