/* * Copyright © 2016-2018 European Support Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.openecomp.sdc.translator.services.heattotosca; public class HeatToToscaLogConstants { private static final String LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX = "Heat resource: '{}' with type: '{}' "; private static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX = "therefore this resource will be ignored in TOSCA translation."; private static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_SUFFIX = "therefore this connection will be ignored in TOSCA translation."; private static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY_SUFFIX = "therefore this property will be ignored in TOSCA translation."; //Contrail Attach Policy messages public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_PROPERTY_GET_ATTR = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include 'policy' property without 'get_attr' of 'fq_name'/'get_resource' function, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_RESOURCE = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include unsupported policy resource, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_NETWORK_PROPERTY = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include 'network' property without 'get_resource' function, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; //Service Instance messages public static final String LOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_GET_RESOURCE = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include 'service_template' property without 'get_resource' function, currently not supported, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_INVALID_TYPE = "Resource id '{}' with type '{} has reference to resource '{}' with type '{}' in property service_template" + ". Invalid type, resource type should be type of '{}', " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE = "Resource id '{}' with type '{}' has reference to unsupported resource '{}' with type '{}' in" + " property 'service_template', " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_MULTIPLE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_DIFF_INTERFACES = "More than one ServiceInstance pointing to the same ServiceTemplate '{} ' with different number of " + "interfaces., " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_MISSING_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "missing 'virtual_network' property in 'interface_list' entry, therefore, no network connection is " + "define for this entry."; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_NETWORK_RESOURCE_CONNECTION = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "has connection to invalid/not supported network resource, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_INVALID_NETWORK_CONNECTION = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include 'virtual_network' property with value '{}', the connection to this network wasn't found/not " + "supported " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_SUFFIX + " for this property."; //Contrail v2 virtual network public static final String LOG_INVALID_NETWORK_POLICY_REFS_RESOURCE = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "property network_policy_refs is referenced to an unsupported resource " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE_FORMAT = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "invalid format of property value, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_INVALID_PROPERTY_FORMAT_GET_ATTR_FQ_NAME = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "has property with invalid format of 'get_attr' function with 'fq_name' value, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_INVALID_PROPERTY_FORMAT_GET_RESOURCE = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "has property with invalid format of 'get_resource' function, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY_SUFFIX; //Contrail v2 vlan subinterface public static final String LOG_MULTIPLE_INTERFACE_VALUES = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include '{}' property with more than one interface values, only the first interface will be connected, " + "all rest will be ignored in TOSCA translation"; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_VLAN_RESOURCE_CONNECTION = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include '{}' property which is connect to unsupported/incorrect {} resource '{}' with type '{}', " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_SUFFIX; //Security rules to port public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY_RULE_PORT_CAPABILITY_CONNECTION = "Nested resource '{}' property '{}' is pointing to resource with type '{}' which is not supported for " + "capability '{}' connection, (security rules to port connection). Supported types are: '{}', " + "therefore, this TOSCA capability will not be connected."; //Neutron Port public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENT_CONNECTION = "'{}' property of port resource('{}') is pointing to a resource of type '{}' which is not supported for " + "this requirement. Supported types are: {}"; //Volume Attachment public static final String LOG_INVALID_INSTANCE_UUID = LOG_HEAT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX + "include 'instance_uuid' property without 'get_resource' function, " + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_RESOURCE_SUFFIX; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_MSG = "Volume attachment with id '{}' is pointing to unsupported resource type({}) through the property " + "'volume_id'. The connection to the volume is ignored. Supported types are: {}"; //Capability/Requirement helpers public static final String LOG_NESTED_RESOURCE_PROPERTY_NOT_DEFINED = "'{}' property is not define in nested " + "resource '{}' for the nested heat file, therefore, '{}' TOSCA {} will not be connected."; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_CAPABILITY_CONNECTION = "'{}' connection to '{}' capability of type '{}' is not supported/invalid," + LOG_UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_SUFFIX; //Port to Net Resource Connection public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_PORT_NETWORK_REQUIREMENT_CONNECTION = "Nested resource '{}' property '{}' is pointing to a resource with type '{}' which is not " + "supported for requirement '{}' that connect port to network. Supported types are: '{}', " + "therefore, this TOSCA requirement will not be connected."; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_VOL_ATTACHMENT_VOLUME_REQUIREMENT_CONNECTION = "Nested resource '{}' property '{}' is pointing to a resource with type '{}' which is not " + "supported for requirement '{}' that connect VolumeAttachment to Volume. Supported " + "types are: '{}', therefore, this TOSCA requirement will not be connected."; //Contrail v2 vmi to net resource connection public static final String LOG_MULTIPLE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_REFS_VALUES = "Heat resource: '{}' with nested heat file: '{}' has resource '{}' with " + "type '{}' which include 'virtual_network_refs' property with more than one network values, " + "only the first network will be translated, all rest will be ignored in TOSCA translation."; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_VMI_NETWORK_REQUIREMENT_CONNECTION = "Nested resource '{}' property '{}' is pointing to a resource with type '{}' which is not supported for " + "requirement '{}' that connect virtual machine interface to network. Supported " + "types are: '{}', therefore, this TOSCA requirement will not be connected."; //Contrail v2 vlan to interface connection public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_VMI_VLAN_SUB_INTERFACE_REQUIREMENT_CONNECTION = "Nested resource '{}' property '{}' is pointing to a {} resource with type '{}' which is not supported " + "for requirement '{}' that connect vmi vlan sub interface to interface. Supported types are: " + "'{}' (excluding Vlan), therefore, this TOSCA requirement will not be connected."; public static final String LOG_MULTIPLE_INTERFACE_VALUES_NESTED = "Heat resource: '{}' with nested heat file: '{}' has resource '{}' with type '{}' which include '{}' " + "property with more than one interface values, only the first interface will be connected, all " + "rest will be ignored in TOSCA translation."; public static final String LOG_UNSUPPORTED_CONTRAIL_PORT_NETWORK_REQUIREMENT_CONNECTION = "Nested resource '{}' property '{}' is pointing to a resource with type '{}' which is not supported" + "for requirement '{}' that connect contrail port to network. Supported types " + "are: '{}', therefore, this TOSCA requirement will not be connected."; private HeatToToscaLogConstants() { //Hiding implicit constructor } }