/* * Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. * Modifications Copyright © 2019 IBM. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onap.ccsdk.cds.controllerblueprints.core import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BooleanNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.DoubleNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.IntNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.MissingNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.NullNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.controllerblueprints.core.utils.JacksonUtils import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.controllerblueprints.core.utils.JsonParserUtils import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter import java.util.UUID import kotlin.reflect.KClass /** * * * @author Brinda Santh */ fun logger(clazz: T) = LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz.javaClass)!! fun > logger(clazz: T) = LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz.java)!! fun T?.defaultToEmpty(): String { return this?.toString() ?: "" } fun T?.defaultToUUID(): String { return this?.toString() ?: UUID.randomUUID().toString() } fun T.bpClone(): T { return ObjectUtils.clone(this) } fun String.isJson(): Boolean { return ((this.trim().startsWith("{") && this.trim().endsWith("}")) || (this.trim().startsWith("[") && this.trim().endsWith("]"))) } fun Any.asJsonString(intend: Boolean? = false): String { return JacksonUtils.getJson(this, intend!!) } fun String.asJsonPrimitive(): TextNode { return TextNode(this) } inline fun String.jsonAsType(): T { return JacksonUtils.readValue(this.trim()) } // If you know the string is json content, then use the function directly fun String.jsonAsJsonType(): JsonNode { return JacksonUtils.jsonNode(this.trim()) } fun Boolean.asJsonPrimitive(): BooleanNode { return BooleanNode.valueOf(this) } fun Int.asJsonPrimitive(): IntNode { return IntNode.valueOf(this) } fun Double.asJsonPrimitive(): DoubleNode { return DoubleNode.valueOf(this) } /** * Utility to convert Primitive object to Json Type Primitive. */ fun T.asJsonPrimitive(): JsonNode { return if (this == null || this is MissingNode || this is NullNode) { NullNode.instance } else { when (this) { is String -> this.asJsonPrimitive() is Boolean -> this.asJsonPrimitive() is Int -> this.asJsonPrimitive() is Double -> this.asJsonPrimitive() else -> throw BluePrintException("$this type is not supported") } } } /** Based on Blueprint DataType Convert string value to JsonNode Type **/ fun String.asJsonType(bpDataType: String): JsonNode { return when (bpDataType.toLowerCase()) { BluePrintConstants.DATA_TYPE_STRING -> this.asJsonPrimitive() BluePrintConstants.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN -> this.toBoolean().asJsonPrimitive() BluePrintConstants.DATA_TYPE_INTEGER -> this.toInt().asJsonPrimitive() BluePrintConstants.DATA_TYPE_FLOAT -> this.toFloat().asJsonPrimitive() BluePrintConstants.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE -> this.toDouble().asJsonPrimitive() // For List, Map and Complex Types. else -> this.jsonAsJsonType() } } /** * Utility to convert Complex or Primitive object to Json Type. */ fun T.asJsonType(): JsonNode { return if (this == null || this is MissingNode || this is NullNode) { NullNode.instance } else { when (this) { is JsonNode -> this is String -> { if (this.isJson()) this.jsonAsJsonType() else TextNode(this) } is Boolean -> BooleanNode.valueOf(this) is Int -> IntNode.valueOf(this.toInt()) is Double -> DoubleNode.valueOf(this.toDouble()) else -> JacksonUtils.jsonNodeFromObject(this) } } } fun Map.asJsonNode(): JsonNode { return JacksonUtils.jsonNodeFromObject(this) } fun Map.asObjectNode(): ObjectNode { return JacksonUtils.objectNodeFromObject(this) } fun format(message: String, vararg args: Any?): String { if (args != null && args.isNotEmpty()) { return MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(message, args).message } return message } fun Map.castOptionalValue(key: String, valueType: KClass): T? { return if (containsKey(key)) { get(key) as? T } else { null } } fun Map.castValue(key: String, valueType: KClass): T { if (containsKey(key)) { return get(key) as T } else { throw BluePrintException("couldn't find the key $key") } } fun ArrayNode.asListOfString(): List { return JacksonUtils.getListFromJsonNode(this, String::class.java) } fun JsonNode.asType(clazzType: Class): T { return JacksonUtils.readValue(this, clazzType) ?: throw BluePrintException("couldn't convert JsonNode of type $clazzType") } fun JsonNode.asListOfString(): List { check(this is ArrayNode) { "JsonNode is not of type ArrayNode" } return this.asListOfString() } fun T?.returnNullIfMissing(): JsonNode? { return if (this == null || this is NullNode || this is MissingNode) { null } else this } fun T?.isNullOrMissing(): Boolean { return this == null || this is NullNode || this is MissingNode } /** * Convert Json to map of json node, the root fields will be map keys */ fun JsonNode.rootFieldsToMap(): MutableMap { if (this is ObjectNode) { val propertyMap: MutableMap = linkedMapOf() this.fields().forEach { propertyMap[it.key] = it.value } return propertyMap } else { throw BluePrintException("json node should be Object Node Type") } } fun JsonNode.removeNullNode() { val it = this.iterator() while (it.hasNext()) { val child = it.next() if (child.isNull) { it.remove() } else { child.removeNullNode() } } } fun MutableMap.putJsonElement(key: String, value: Any) { val convertedValue = value.asJsonType() this[key] = convertedValue } fun Map.getAsString(key: String): String { return this[key]?.asText() ?: throw BluePrintException("couldn't find value for key($key)") } fun Map.getAsBoolean(key: String): Boolean { return this[key]?.asBoolean() ?: throw BluePrintException("couldn't find value for key($key)") } fun Map.getAsInt(key: String): Int { return this[key]?.asInt() ?: throw BluePrintException("couldn't find value for key($key)") } fun Map.getAsDouble(key: String): Double { return this[key]?.asDouble() ?: throw BluePrintException("couldn't find value for key($key)") } fun Map.getOptionalAsString(key: String): String? { return if (this.containsKey(key)) this[key]!!.asText() else null } fun Map.getOptionalAsBoolean(key: String): Boolean? { return if (this.containsKey(key)) this[key]!!.asBoolean() else null } fun Map.getOptionalAsInt(key: String): Int? { return if (this.containsKey(key)) this[key]!!.asInt() else null } fun Map.getOptionalAsDouble(key: String): Double? { return if (this.containsKey(key)) this[key]!!.asDouble() else null } // Checks inline fun checkEquals(value1: String?, value2: String?, lazyMessage: () -> Any): Boolean { if (value1.equals(value2, ignoreCase = true)) { return true } else { throw BluePrintException(lazyMessage().toString()) } } inline fun checkNotEmpty(value: String?, lazyMessage: () -> Any): String { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { val message = lazyMessage() throw IllegalStateException(message.toString()) } else { return value } } inline fun checkNotBlank(value: String?, lazyMessage: () -> Any): String { if (value == null || value.isBlank()) { val message = lazyMessage() throw IllegalStateException(message.toString()) } else { return value } } fun isNotEmpty(value: String?): Boolean { return value != null && value.isNotEmpty() } fun isNotBlank(value: String?): Boolean { return value != null && value.isNotBlank() } fun T?.emptyTONull(): String? { return if (this == null || this.isEmpty()) null else this } fun nullToEmpty(value: String?): String { return if (isNotEmpty(value)) value!! else "" } inline fun T.isComplexType(): Boolean { return this is ObjectNode || this is ArrayNode } // Json Parsing Extensions fun JsonNode.jsonPathParse(expression: String): JsonNode { check(this.isComplexType()) { "$this is not complex or array node to apply expression" } return JsonParserUtils.parse(this, expression) } // Json Path Extensions fun JsonNode.jsonPaths(expression: String): List { check(this.isComplexType()) { "$this is not complex or array node to apply expression" } return JsonParserUtils.paths(this, expression) }