/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * policy-yaml * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.controlloop.compiler; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jgrapht.Graph; import org.jgrapht.graph.ClassBasedEdgeFactory; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge; import org.jgrapht.graph.DirectedMultigraph; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.policy.ControlLoop; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.policy.ControlLoopPolicy; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.policy.FinalResult; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.policy.Policy; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.policy.PolicyResult; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.policy.TargetType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor; public class ControlLoopCompiler implements Serializable { private static final String OPERATION_POLICY = "Operation Policy "; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ControlLoopCompiler.class.getName()); /** * Compiles the policy from an object. */ public static ControlLoopPolicy compile(ControlLoopPolicy policy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { // // Ensure the control loop is sane // validateControlLoop(policy.getControlLoop(), callback); // // Validate the policies // validatePolicies(policy, callback); return policy; } /** * Compiles the policy from an input stream. * * @param yamlSpecification the yaml input stream * @param callback method to callback during compilation * @return Control Loop object * @throws CompilerException throws any compile exception found */ public static ControlLoopPolicy compile(InputStream yamlSpecification, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { Yaml yaml = new Yaml(new Constructor(ControlLoopPolicy.class)); Object obj = yaml.load(yamlSpecification); if (obj == null) { throw new CompilerException("Could not parse yaml specification."); } if (! (obj instanceof ControlLoopPolicy)) { throw new CompilerException("Yaml could not parse specification into required ControlLoopPolicy object"); } return ControlLoopCompiler.compile((ControlLoopPolicy) obj, callback); } private static void validateControlLoop(ControlLoop controlLoop, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { if (controlLoop == null && callback != null) { callback.onError("controlLoop cannot be null"); } if (controlLoop != null) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(controlLoop.getControlLoopName()) && callback != null) { callback.onError("Missing controlLoopName"); } if ((!controlLoop.getVersion().contentEquals(ControlLoop.getCompilerVersion())) && callback != null) { callback.onError("Unsupported version for this compiler"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(controlLoop.getTrigger_policy())) { throw new CompilerException("trigger_policy is not valid"); } } } private static void validatePolicies(ControlLoopPolicy policy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { if (policy == null) { throw new CompilerException("policy cannot be null"); } if (policy.getPolicies() == null) { callback.onWarning("controlLoop is an open loop."); } else { // // For this version we can use a directed multigraph, in the future we may not be able to // Graph graph = new DirectedMultigraph<>(new ClassBasedEdgeFactory(LabeledEdge.class)); // // Check to see if the trigger Event is for OpenLoop, we do so by // attempting to create a FinalResult object from it. If its a policy id, this should // return null. // FinalResult triggerResult = FinalResult.toResult(policy.getControlLoop().getTrigger_policy()); TriggerNodeWrapper triggerNode; // // Did this turn into a FinalResult object? // if (triggerResult != null) { validateOpenLoopPolicy(policy, triggerResult, callback); return; // } else { validatePoliciesContainTriggerPolicyAndCombinedTimeoutIsOk(policy, callback); triggerNode = new TriggerNodeWrapper(policy.getControlLoop().getControlLoopName()); } // // Add in the trigger node // graph.addVertex(triggerNode); // // Add in our Final Result nodes. All paths should end to these nodes. // FinalResultNodeWrapper finalSuccess = new FinalResultNodeWrapper(FinalResult.FINAL_SUCCESS); FinalResultNodeWrapper finalFailure = new FinalResultNodeWrapper(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE); FinalResultNodeWrapper finalFailureTimeout = new FinalResultNodeWrapper(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_TIMEOUT); FinalResultNodeWrapper finalFailureRetries = new FinalResultNodeWrapper(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_RETRIES); FinalResultNodeWrapper finalFailureException = new FinalResultNodeWrapper(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION); FinalResultNodeWrapper finalFailureGuard = new FinalResultNodeWrapper(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_GUARD); graph.addVertex(finalSuccess); graph.addVertex(finalFailure); graph.addVertex(finalFailureTimeout); graph.addVertex(finalFailureRetries); graph.addVertex(finalFailureException); graph.addVertex(finalFailureGuard); // // Work through the policies and add them in as nodes. // Map mapNodes = addPoliciesAsNodes(policy, graph, triggerNode, callback); // // last sweep to connect remaining edges for policy results // for (Policy operPolicy : policy.getPolicies()) { PolicyNodeWrapper node = mapNodes.get(operPolicy); // // Just ensure this has something // if (node == null) { continue; } addEdge(graph, mapNodes, operPolicy.getId(), operPolicy.getSuccess(), finalSuccess, PolicyResult.SUCCESS, node); addEdge(graph, mapNodes, operPolicy.getId(), operPolicy.getFailure(), finalFailure, PolicyResult.FAILURE, node); addEdge(graph, mapNodes, operPolicy.getId(), operPolicy.getFailure_timeout(), finalFailureTimeout, PolicyResult.FAILURE_TIMEOUT, node); addEdge(graph, mapNodes, operPolicy.getId(), operPolicy.getFailure_retries(), finalFailureRetries, PolicyResult.FAILURE_RETRIES, node); addEdge(graph, mapNodes, operPolicy.getId(), operPolicy.getFailure_exception(), finalFailureException, PolicyResult.FAILURE_EXCEPTION, node); addEdge(graph, mapNodes, operPolicy.getId(), operPolicy.getFailure_guard(), finalFailureGuard, PolicyResult.FAILURE_GUARD, node); } validateNodesAndEdges(graph, callback); } } private static void validateOpenLoopPolicy(ControlLoopPolicy policy, FinalResult triggerResult, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { // // Ensure they didn't use some other FinalResult code // if (triggerResult != FinalResult.FINAL_OPENLOOP) { throw new CompilerException("Unexpected Final Result for trigger_policy, should only be " + FinalResult.FINAL_OPENLOOP.toString() + " or a valid Policy ID"); } // // They really shouldn't have any policies attached. // if ((policy.getPolicies() != null || policy.getPolicies().isEmpty()) && callback != null) { callback.onWarning("Open Loop policy contains policies. The policies will never be invoked."); } } private static void validatePoliciesContainTriggerPolicyAndCombinedTimeoutIsOk(ControlLoopPolicy policy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { int sum = 0; boolean triggerPolicyFound = false; for (Policy operPolicy : policy.getPolicies()) { sum += operPolicy.getTimeout().intValue(); if (policy.getControlLoop().getTrigger_policy().equals(operPolicy.getId())) { triggerPolicyFound = true; } } if (policy.getControlLoop().getTimeout().intValue() < sum && callback != null) { callback.onError("controlLoop overall timeout is less than the sum of operational policy timeouts."); } if (!triggerPolicyFound) { throw new CompilerException("Unexpected value for trigger_policy, should only be " + FinalResult.FINAL_OPENLOOP.toString() + " or a valid Policy ID"); } } private static Map addPoliciesAsNodes(ControlLoopPolicy policy, Graph graph, TriggerNodeWrapper triggerNode, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { Map mapNodes = new HashMap<>(); for (Policy operPolicy : policy.getPolicies()) { // // Is it still ok to add? // if (!okToAdd(operPolicy, callback)) { // // Do not add it in // continue; } // // Create wrapper policy node and save it into our map so we can // easily retrieve it. // PolicyNodeWrapper node = new PolicyNodeWrapper(operPolicy); mapNodes.put(operPolicy, node); graph.addVertex(node); // // Is this the trigger policy? // if (operPolicy.getId().equals(policy.getControlLoop().getTrigger_policy())) { // // Yes add an edge from our trigger event node to this policy // graph.addEdge(triggerNode, node, new LabeledEdge(triggerNode, node, new TriggerEdgeWrapper("ONSET"))); } } return mapNodes; } private static void addEdge(Graph graph, Map mapNodes, String policyId, String connectedPolicy, FinalResultNodeWrapper finalResultNodeWrapper, PolicyResult policyResult, NodeWrapper node) throws CompilerException { FinalResult finalResult = FinalResult.toResult(finalResultNodeWrapper.getId()); if (FinalResult.isResult(connectedPolicy, finalResult)) { graph.addEdge(node, finalResultNodeWrapper, new LabeledEdge(node, finalResultNodeWrapper, new FinalResultEdgeWrapper(finalResult))); } else { PolicyNodeWrapper toNode = findPolicyNode(mapNodes, connectedPolicy); if (toNode == null) { throw new CompilerException(OPERATION_POLICY + policyId + " is connected to unknown policy " + connectedPolicy); } else { graph.addEdge(node, toNode, new LabeledEdge(node, toNode, new PolicyResultEdgeWrapper(policyResult))); } } } private static void validateNodesAndEdges(Graph graph, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { for (NodeWrapper node : graph.vertexSet()) { if (node instanceof TriggerNodeWrapper) { validateTriggerNodeWrapper(graph, node); } else if (node instanceof FinalResultNodeWrapper) { validateFinalResultNodeWrapper(graph, node); } else if (node instanceof PolicyNodeWrapper) { validatePolicyNodeWrapper(graph, node, callback); } for (LabeledEdge edge : graph.outgoingEdgesOf(node)) { LOGGER.info("{} invokes {} upon {}", edge.from.getId(), edge.to.getId(), edge.edge.getId()); } } } private static void validateTriggerNodeWrapper(Graph graph, NodeWrapper node) throws CompilerException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.info("Trigger Node {}", node); } if (graph.inDegreeOf(node) > 0) { // // Really should NEVER get here unless someone messed up the code above. // throw new CompilerException("No inputs to event trigger"); } // // Should always be 1, except in the future we may support multiple events // if (graph.outDegreeOf(node) > 1) { throw new CompilerException("The event trigger should only go to ONE node"); } } private static void validateFinalResultNodeWrapper(Graph graph, NodeWrapper node) throws CompilerException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.info("FinalResult Node {}", node); } // // FinalResult nodes should NEVER have an out edge // if (graph.outDegreeOf(node) > 0) { throw new CompilerException("FinalResult nodes should never have any out edges."); } } private static void validatePolicyNodeWrapper(Graph graph, NodeWrapper node, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) throws CompilerException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.info("Policy Node {}", node); } // // All Policy Nodes should have the 5 out degrees defined. // if (graph.outDegreeOf(node) != 6) { throw new CompilerException("Policy node should ALWAYS have 6 out degrees."); } // // All Policy Nodes should have at least 1 in degrees // if (graph.inDegreeOf(node) == 0 && callback != null) { callback.onWarning("Policy " + node.getId() + " is not reachable."); } } private static boolean okToAdd(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { boolean isOk = isPolicyIdOk(operPolicy, callback); if (! isActorOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } if (! isRecipeOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } if (! isTargetOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } if (! arePolicyResultsOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } return isOk; } private static boolean isPolicyIdOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { boolean isOk = true; if (operPolicy.getId() == null || operPolicy.getId().length() < 1) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Operational Policy has an bad ID"); } isOk = false; } else { // // Check if they decided to make the ID a result object // if (PolicyResult.toResult(operPolicy.getId()) != null) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy id is set to a PolicyResult " + operPolicy.getId()); } isOk = false; } if (FinalResult.toResult(operPolicy.getId()) != null) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy id is set to a FinalResult " + operPolicy.getId()); } isOk = false; } } return isOk; } private static boolean isActorOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(operPolicy.getActor())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy actor is null"); } return false; } return true; } private static boolean isRecipeOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(operPolicy.getRecipe())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy recipe is null"); } return false; } return true; } private static boolean isTargetOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { boolean isOk = true; if (operPolicy.getTarget() == null) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy target is null"); } isOk = false; } if (operPolicy.getTarget() != null && operPolicy.getTarget().getType() != TargetType.VM && operPolicy.getTarget().getType() != TargetType.VFC && operPolicy.getTarget().getType() != TargetType.PNF) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy target is invalid"); } isOk = false; } return isOk; } private static boolean arePolicyResultsOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { // // Check that policy results are connected to either default final * or another policy // boolean isOk = isSuccessPolicyResultOk(operPolicy, callback); if (! isFailurePolicyResultOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } if (! isFailureRetriesPolicyResultOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } if (! isFailureTimeoutPolicyResultOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } if (! isFailureExceptionPolicyResultOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } if (! isFailureGuardPolicyResultOk(operPolicy, callback)) { isOk = false; } return isOk; } private static boolean isSuccessPolicyResultOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (FinalResult.toResult(operPolicy.getSuccess()) != null && !operPolicy.getSuccess().equals(FinalResult.FINAL_SUCCESS.toString())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy success is neither another policy nor FINAL_SUCCESS"); } return false; } return true; } private static boolean isFailurePolicyResultOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (FinalResult.toResult(operPolicy.getFailure()) != null && !operPolicy.getFailure().equals(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE.toString())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy failure is neither another policy nor FINAL_FAILURE"); } return false; } return true; } private static boolean isFailureRetriesPolicyResultOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (FinalResult.toResult(operPolicy.getFailure_retries()) != null && !operPolicy.getFailure_retries().equals(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_RETRIES.toString())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy failure retries is neither another policy nor FINAL_FAILURE_RETRIES"); } return false; } return true; } private static boolean isFailureTimeoutPolicyResultOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (FinalResult.toResult(operPolicy.getFailure_timeout()) != null && !operPolicy.getFailure_timeout().equals(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_TIMEOUT.toString())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy failure timeout is neither another policy nor FINAL_FAILURE_TIMEOUT"); } return false; } return true; } private static boolean isFailureExceptionPolicyResultOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (FinalResult.toResult(operPolicy.getFailure_exception()) != null && !operPolicy.getFailure_exception().equals(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION.toString())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy failure exception is neither another policy nor FINAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION"); } return false; } return true; } private static boolean isFailureGuardPolicyResultOk(Policy operPolicy, ControlLoopCompilerCallback callback) { if (FinalResult.toResult(operPolicy.getFailure_guard()) != null && !operPolicy.getFailure_guard().equals(FinalResult.FINAL_FAILURE_GUARD.toString())) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError("Policy failure guard is neither another policy nor FINAL_FAILURE_GUARD"); } return false; } return true; } private static PolicyNodeWrapper findPolicyNode(Map mapNodes, String id) { for (Entry entry : mapNodes.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getId().equals(id)) { return entry.getValue(); } } return null; } @FunctionalInterface private interface NodeWrapper extends Serializable { public String getId(); } private static class TriggerNodeWrapper implements NodeWrapper { private static final long serialVersionUID = -187644087811478349L; private String closedLoopControlName; public TriggerNodeWrapper(String closedLoopControlName) { this.closedLoopControlName = closedLoopControlName; } @Override public String toString() { return "TriggerNodeWrapper [closedLoopControlName=" + closedLoopControlName + "]"; } @Override public String getId() { return closedLoopControlName; } } private static class FinalResultNodeWrapper implements NodeWrapper { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8540008796302474613L; private FinalResult result; public FinalResultNodeWrapper(FinalResult result) { this.result = result; } @Override public String toString() { return "FinalResultNodeWrapper [result=" + result + "]"; } @Override public String getId() { return result.toString(); } } private static class PolicyNodeWrapper implements NodeWrapper { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8170162175653823082L; private transient Policy policy; public PolicyNodeWrapper(Policy operPolicy) { this.policy = operPolicy; } @Override public String toString() { return "PolicyNodeWrapper [policy=" + policy + "]"; } @Override public String getId() { return policy.getId(); } } @FunctionalInterface private interface EdgeWrapper extends Serializable { public String getId(); } private static class TriggerEdgeWrapper implements EdgeWrapper { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2678151552623278863L; private String trigger; public TriggerEdgeWrapper(String trigger) { this.trigger = trigger; } @Override public String getId() { return trigger; } @Override public String toString() { return "TriggerEdgeWrapper [trigger=" + trigger + "]"; } } private static class PolicyResultEdgeWrapper implements EdgeWrapper { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6078569477021558310L; private PolicyResult policyResult; public PolicyResultEdgeWrapper(PolicyResult policyResult) { super(); this.policyResult = policyResult; } @Override public String toString() { return "PolicyResultEdgeWrapper [policyResult=" + policyResult + "]"; } @Override public String getId() { return policyResult.toString(); } } private static class FinalResultEdgeWrapper implements EdgeWrapper { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1486381946896779840L; private FinalResult finalResult; public FinalResultEdgeWrapper(FinalResult result) { this.finalResult = result; } @Override public String toString() { return "FinalResultEdgeWrapper [finalResult=" + finalResult + "]"; } @Override public String getId() { return finalResult.toString(); } } private static class LabeledEdge extends DefaultEdge { private static final long serialVersionUID = 579384429573385524L; private NodeWrapper from; private NodeWrapper to; private EdgeWrapper edge; public LabeledEdge(NodeWrapper from, NodeWrapper to, EdgeWrapper edge) { this.from = from; this.to = to; this.edge = edge; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public NodeWrapper from() { return from; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public NodeWrapper to() { return to; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public EdgeWrapper edge() { return edge; } @Override public String toString() { return "LabeledEdge [from=" + from + ", to=" + to + ", edge=" + edge + "]"; } } }