/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * rest * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nordix Foundation. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.rest; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.lang.annotation.Documented; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import javax.ws.rs.Consumes; import javax.ws.rs.DELETE; import javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod; import javax.ws.rs.POST; import javax.ws.rs.PUT; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.PathParam; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.onap.policy.common.endpoints.http.server.HttpServletServer; import org.onap.policy.common.endpoints.http.server.HttpServletServerFactoryInstance; import org.onap.policy.common.utils.network.NetworkUtil; @Path("RestTest") public class RestTest { private static final String MERGE_PATCH_PLUS_JSON = "application/merge-patch+json"; private static final String NAME_PARAM = "Bob"; private static final String AGE_PARAM = "10"; private static final String PAYLOAD = "At last! "; private static final String RETURN_STRING = "Hello There "; private static final String EXPECT_STRING = RETURN_STRING + NAME_PARAM + " aged " + AGE_PARAM; private static final String LOCALHOST = "localhost"; private static final String BASE = "base"; private static int port; private static String baseUri; private static String getUri; private static String deleteUri; private static String putUri; private static String putUriBlank; private static String postUri; private static String postUriBlank; private static String patchUri; private static String patchUriBlank; private static HttpServletServer server; /** * Sets server endpoint for the tests. */ @BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { port = NetworkUtil.allocPort(); baseUri = "http://" + LOCALHOST + ":" + port + "/" + BASE + "/"; getUri = baseUri + "RestTest/GetHello/" + NAME_PARAM + "?age=" + AGE_PARAM; deleteUri = baseUri + "RestTest/DeleteHello/" + NAME_PARAM + "?age=" + AGE_PARAM; putUri = baseUri + "RestTest/PutHello/" + NAME_PARAM + "?age=" + AGE_PARAM; putUriBlank = baseUri + "RestTest/PutBlank"; postUri = baseUri + "RestTest/PostHello/" + NAME_PARAM + "?age=" + AGE_PARAM; postUriBlank = baseUri + "RestTest/PostBlank"; patchUri = baseUri + "RestTest/PatchHello/" + NAME_PARAM + "?age=" + AGE_PARAM; patchUriBlank = baseUri + "RestTest/PatchBlank"; server = HttpServletServerFactoryInstance.getServerFactory() .build("RestTest", LOCALHOST, port, "/" + BASE, false, true); server.addServletClass("/*", RestTest.class.getName()); server.waitedStart(5000); } /** * Tear down server endpoint for the tests. * * @throws Exception if there is a problem */ @AfterClass public static void tearDown() throws Exception { HttpServletServerFactoryInstance.getServerFactory().destroy(); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testGetUrlNull() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); mgr.get(null, "user", null, null); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testPutUrlNull() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); mgr.put(null, "user", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testPostUrlNull() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); mgr.post(null, "user", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testDeleteUrlNull() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); mgr.delete(null, "user", null, null, null, null); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testPatchUrlNull() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); mgr.patch(null, "user", null, null, PAYLOAD); } @Test public void testUsernameNull() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); Pair result = mgr.get(getUri, null, null, null); checkResult(result, "GOT: " + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.delete(deleteUri, null, null, null, null, null); checkResult(result, "DELETE: " + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.delete(deleteUri, null, null, null); checkResult(result, "DELETE: " + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.put(putUri, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PUT: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.put(putUriBlank, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PUT: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); result = mgr.post(postUri, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "POST: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.post(postUriBlank, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "POST: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); result = mgr.patch(patchUri, null, null, null, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PATCH: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.patch(patchUriBlank, null, null, null, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PATCH: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); } private void checkResult(Pair result, String expectedText) { assertEquals((Integer) 200, result.getLeft()); assertNotNull(result.getRight()); assertTrue(result.getRight().length() > 0); assertEquals(expectedText, result.getRight()); } @Test public void testUsernameEmpty() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); Pair result = mgr.get(getUri, "", null, null); checkResult(result, "GOT: " + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.delete(deleteUri, "", null, null, null, null); checkResult(result, "DELETE: " + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.put(putUri, "", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PUT: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.put(putUriBlank, "", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PUT: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); result = mgr.post(postUri, "", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "POST: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.post(postUriBlank, "", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "POST: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); result = mgr.patch(patchUri, "", null, null, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PATCH: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.patch(patchUriBlank, "", null, null, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PATCH: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); } @Test public void testGoodUrl() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); Pair result = mgr.get(getUri, "user", null, null); checkResult(result, "GOT: " + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.delete(deleteUri, "user", null, null, null, null); checkResult(result, "DELETE: " + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.put(putUri, "user", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PUT: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.put(putUriBlank, "user", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PUT: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); result = mgr.post(postUri, "user", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "POST: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.post(postUriBlank, "user", null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "POST: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); result = mgr.patch(patchUri, "user", null, null, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PATCH: " + PAYLOAD + EXPECT_STRING); result = mgr.patch(patchUriBlank, "user", null, null, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PATCH: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING); } @Test public void testNoUrlParamUrl() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); Pair result = mgr.get(baseUri + "RestTest/GetHello/", null, null, null); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.delete(baseUri + "RestTest/DeleteHello/", null, null, null, null, null); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.put(baseUri + "RestTest/PutHello/", null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.post(baseUri + "RestTest/PostHello/", null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.patch(baseUri + "RestTest/PatchHello/", null, null, null, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); } @Test public void testNoQueryParamUrl() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); Pair result = mgr.get(baseUri + "RestTest/GetHello/" + NAME_PARAM, null, null, null); checkResult(result, "GOT: " + RETURN_STRING + NAME_PARAM + " aged 90"); result = mgr.delete(baseUri + "RestTest/DeleteHello/" + NAME_PARAM, null, null, null, null, null); checkResult(result, "DELETE: " + RETURN_STRING + NAME_PARAM + " aged 90"); result = mgr.put(baseUri + "RestTest/PutHello/" + NAME_PARAM, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PUT: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING + NAME_PARAM + " aged 90"); result = mgr.post(baseUri + "RestTest/PostHello/" + NAME_PARAM, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "POST: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING + NAME_PARAM + " aged 90"); result = mgr.patch(baseUri + "RestTest/PatchHello/" + NAME_PARAM, null, null, null, PAYLOAD); checkResult(result, "PATCH: " + PAYLOAD + RETURN_STRING + NAME_PARAM + " aged 90"); } @Test public void testBadUrl() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); Pair result = mgr.get(baseUri + "NonExistant/URL/", null, null, null); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.delete(baseUri + "NonExistant/URL/", null, null, null, null, null); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.put(baseUri + "NonExistant/URL/", null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.post(baseUri + "NonExistant/URL/", null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.patch(baseUri + "NonExistant/URL/", null, null, null, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 404, result.getLeft()); } @Test public void testWrongUrl() { RestManager mgr = new RestManager(); Pair result = mgr.get(deleteUri, null, null, null); assertEquals((Integer) 405, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.delete(getUri, null, null, null, null, null); assertEquals((Integer) 405, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.delete(getUri, null, null, null); assertEquals((Integer) 405, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.put(getUri, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 405, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.post(getUri, null, null, null, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 405, result.getLeft()); result = mgr.patch(getUri, null, null, null, PAYLOAD); assertEquals((Integer) 405, result.getLeft()); } @GET @Path("/GetHello/{name}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String getIt(@PathParam("name") String name, @DefaultValue("90") @QueryParam("age") String age) { return "GOT: " + RETURN_STRING + name + " aged " + age; } @DELETE @Path("/DeleteHello/{name}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String deleteIt(@PathParam("name") String name, @DefaultValue("90") @QueryParam("age") String age) { return "DELETE: " + RETURN_STRING + name + " aged " + age; } @PUT @Path("/PutHello/{name}") @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String putBlank( String payload, @PathParam("name") String name, @DefaultValue("90") @QueryParam("age") String age) { return "PUT: " + payload + RETURN_STRING + name + " aged " + age; } @PUT @Path("/PutBlank") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String putIt(String payload) { return "PUT: " + payload + RETURN_STRING; } @POST @Path("/PostHello/{name}") @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String postIt( String payload, @PathParam("name") String name, @DefaultValue("90") @QueryParam("age") String age) { return "POST: " + payload + RETURN_STRING + name + " aged " + age; } @POST @Path("/PostBlank") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String postBlank(String payload) { return "POST: " + payload + RETURN_STRING; } @Target({ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @HttpMethod("PATCH") @Documented public static @interface Patch { } @Patch @Path("/PatchHello/{name}") @Consumes(MERGE_PATCH_PLUS_JSON) @Produces(MERGE_PATCH_PLUS_JSON) public String patchIt( String payload, @PathParam("name") String name, @DefaultValue("90") @QueryParam("age") String age) { return "PATCH: " + payload + RETURN_STRING + name + " aged " + age; } @Patch @Path("/PatchBlank") @Produces(MERGE_PATCH_PLUS_JSON) public String patchBlank(String payload) { return "PATCH: " + payload + RETURN_STRING; } }