/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.controlloop.actor.so; import java.net.URI; import java.net.http.HttpRequest; import java.net.http.HttpRequest.BodyPublishers; import java.net.http.HttpRequest.Builder; import java.net.http.HttpResponse; import java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodyHandlers; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import javax.ws.rs.client.InvocationCallback; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.onap.aai.domain.yang.CloudRegion; import org.onap.aai.domain.yang.GenericVnf; import org.onap.aai.domain.yang.ServiceInstance; import org.onap.aai.domain.yang.Tenant; import org.onap.policy.aai.AaiConstants; import org.onap.policy.aai.AaiCqResponse; import org.onap.policy.common.endpoints.event.comm.Topic.CommInfrastructure; import org.onap.policy.common.endpoints.http.client.HttpClient; import org.onap.policy.common.endpoints.utils.NetLoggerUtil.EventType; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.OperationOutcome; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.parameters.ControlLoopOperationParams; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.parameters.HttpPollingConfig; import org.onap.policy.controlloop.actorserviceprovider.pipeline.PipelineControllerFuture; import org.onap.policy.so.SoModelInfo; import org.onap.policy.so.SoOperationType; import org.onap.policy.so.SoRequest; import org.onap.policy.so.SoRequestDetails; import org.onap.policy.so.SoResponse; /** * Operation to delete a VF Module. This gets the VF count from the A&AI Custom Query * response and stores it in the context. It also passes the count-1 to the guard. Once * the "delete" completes successfully, it decrements the VF count that's stored in the * context. */ public class VfModuleDelete extends SoOperation { public static final String NAME = "VF Module Delete"; private static final String PATH_PREFIX = "/"; /** * Constructs the object. * * @param params operation parameters * @param config configuration for this operation */ public VfModuleDelete(ControlLoopOperationParams params, HttpPollingConfig config) { super(params, config); // ensure we have the necessary parameters validateTarget(); } /** * Ensures that A&AI custom query has been performed, and then runs the guard. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected CompletableFuture startPreprocessorAsync() { // need the VF count ControlLoopOperationParams cqParams = params.toBuilder().actor(AaiConstants.ACTOR_NAME) .operation(AaiCqResponse.OPERATION).payload(null).retry(null).timeoutSec(null).build(); // run Custom Query, extract the VF count, and then run the Guard // @formatter:off return sequence(() -> params.getContext().obtain(AaiCqResponse.CONTEXT_KEY, cqParams), this::obtainVfCount, this::startGuardAsync); // @formatter:on } @Override protected Map makeGuardPayload() { Map payload = super.makeGuardPayload(); // run guard with the proposed vf count payload.put(PAYLOAD_KEY_VF_COUNT, getVfCount() - 1); return payload; } @Override protected CompletableFuture startOperationAsync(int attempt, OperationOutcome outcome) { // starting a whole new attempt - reset the count resetPollCount(); Pair pair = makeRequest(); SoRequest request = pair.getRight(); String url = getPath() + pair.getLeft(); String strRequest = prettyPrint(request); logMessage(EventType.OUT, CommInfrastructure.REST, url, strRequest); Map headers = createSimpleHeaders(); // @formatter:off return handleResponse(outcome, url, callback -> delete(url, headers, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, strRequest, callback)); // @formatter:on } /** * Issues an HTTP "DELETE" request, containing a request body, using the java built-in * HttpClient, as the JerseyClient does not support it. This will add the content-type * and authorization headers, so they should not be included within "headers". * * @param uri URI suffix, to be appended to the URI prefix * @param headers headers to be included * @param contentType content type of the request * @param request request to be posted * @param callback response callbacks * @return a future to await the response. Note: it's untested whether canceling this * future will actually cancel the underlying HTTP request */ protected CompletableFuture delete(String uri, Map headers, String contentType, String request, InvocationCallback callback) { // TODO move to HttpOperation final String url = getClient().getBaseUrl() + uri; Builder builder = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(url)); builder = builder.header("Content-type", contentType); builder = addAuthHeader(builder); for (Entry header : headers.entrySet()) { builder = builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue().toString()); } PipelineControllerFuture controller = new PipelineControllerFuture<>(); HttpRequest req = builder.method("DELETE", BodyPublishers.ofString(request)).build(); CompletableFuture> future = makeHttpClient().sendAsync(req, BodyHandlers.ofString()); // propagate "cancel" to the future controller.add(future); future.thenApply(response -> new RestManagerResponse(response.statusCode(), response.body(), getCoder())) .whenComplete((resp, thrown) -> { if (thrown != null) { callback.failed(thrown); controller.completeExceptionally(thrown); } else { callback.completed(resp); controller.complete(resp); } }); return controller; } /** * Adds the authorization header to the HTTP request, if configured. * * @param builder request builder to which the header should be added * @return the builder */ protected Builder addAuthHeader(Builder builder) { // TODO move to HttpOperation final HttpClient client = getClient(); String username = client.getUserName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(username)) { return builder; } String password = client.getPassword(); if (password == null) { password = ""; } String encoded = username + ":" + password; encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encoded.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); return builder.header("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded); } /** * Decrements the VF count that's stored in the context, if the request was * successful. */ @Override protected Status detmStatus(Response rawResponse, SoResponse response) { Status status = super.detmStatus(rawResponse, response); if (status == Status.SUCCESS) { setVfCount(getVfCount() - 1); } return status; } /** * Makes a request. * * @return a pair containing the request URL and the new request */ protected Pair makeRequest() { final AaiCqResponse aaiCqResponse = params.getContext().getProperty(AaiCqResponse.CONTEXT_KEY); final SoModelInfo soModelInfo = prepareSoModelInfo(); final GenericVnf vnfItem = getVnfItem(aaiCqResponse, soModelInfo); final ServiceInstance vnfServiceItem = getServiceInstance(aaiCqResponse); final Tenant tenantItem = getDefaultTenant(aaiCqResponse); final CloudRegion cloudRegionItem = getDefaultCloudRegion(aaiCqResponse); SoRequest request = new SoRequest(); request.setOperationType(SoOperationType.DELETE_VF_MODULE); // // // Do NOT send SO the requestId, they do not support this field // SoRequestDetails details = new SoRequestDetails(); request.setRequestDetails(details); details.setRelatedInstanceList(null); details.setConfigurationParameters(null); // cloudConfiguration details.setCloudConfiguration(constructCloudConfigurationCq(tenantItem, cloudRegionItem)); // modelInfo details.setModelInfo(soModelInfo); // requestInfo details.setRequestInfo(constructRequestInfo()); /* * TODO the legacy SO code always passes null for the last argument, though it * should be passing the vfModuleInstanceId */ // compute the path String path = PATH_PREFIX + vnfServiceItem.getServiceInstanceId() + "/vnfs/" + vnfItem.getVnfId() + "/vfModules/null"; return Pair.of(path, request); } // these may be overridden by junit tests protected java.net.http.HttpClient makeHttpClient() { return java.net.http.HttpClient.newHttpClient(); } }