/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.policy.models.base; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import lombok.Data; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.NonNull; import org.onap.policy.common.utils.validation.Assertions; import org.onap.policy.models.base.PfValidationResult.ValidationResult; /** * A reference key identifies entities in the system that are contained in other entities. Every contained concept in * the system must have an {@link PfReferenceKey} to identify it. Non-contained first order concepts are identified * using an {@link PfConceptKey} key. * *

An {@link PfReferenceKey} contains an {@link PfConceptKey} key reference to the first order entity that contains * it. The local name of the reference key must uniquely identify the referenced concept among those concepts contained * in the reference key's parent. In other words, if a parent concept has more than one child, the local name in the key * of all its children must be unique. * *

If a reference key's parent is itself a reference key, then the parent's local name must be set in the reference * key. If the parent is a first order concept, then the parent's local name in the key will be set to NULL. * *

Key validation checks that the parent name and parent version fields match the NAME_REGEXP and * VERSION_REGEXP regular expressions respectively and that the local name fields match the * LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP regular expression. */ @Embeddable @Data @EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false) public class PfReferenceKey extends PfKey { private static final String PARENT_KEY_NAME = "parentKeyName"; private static final String PARENT_KEY_VERSION = "parentKeyVersion"; private static final String PARENT_LOCAL_NAME = "parentLocalName"; private static final String LOCAL_NAME = "localName"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 8932717618579392561L; /** Regular expression to specify the structure of local names in reference keys. */ public static final String LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP = "[A-Za-z0-9\\-_\\.]+|^$"; /** Regular expression to specify the structure of IDs in reference keys. */ public static final String REFERENCE_KEY_ID_REGEXP = "[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+:[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]:[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+:[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+"; private static final int PARENT_NAME_FIELD = 0; private static final int PARENT_VERSION_FIELD = 1; private static final int PARENT_LOCAL_NAME_FIELD = 2; private static final int LOCAL_NAME_FIELD = 3; @Column(name = PARENT_KEY_NAME, length = 120) private String parentKeyName; @Column(name = PARENT_KEY_VERSION, length = 15) private String parentKeyVersion; @Column(name = PARENT_LOCAL_NAME, length = 120) private String parentLocalName; @Column(name = LOCAL_NAME, length = 120) private String localName; /** * The default constructor creates a null reference key. */ public PfReferenceKey() { this(NULL_KEY_NAME, NULL_KEY_VERSION, NULL_KEY_NAME, NULL_KEY_NAME); } /** * The Copy Constructor creates a key by copying another key. * * @param referenceKey * the reference key to copy from */ public PfReferenceKey(final PfReferenceKey referenceKey) { this(referenceKey.getParentKeyName(), referenceKey.getParentKeyVersion(), referenceKey.getParentLocalName(), referenceKey.getLocalName()); } /** * Constructor to create a null reference key for the specified parent concept key. * * @param pfConceptKey * the parent concept key of this reference key */ public PfReferenceKey(final PfConceptKey pfConceptKey) { this(pfConceptKey.getName(), pfConceptKey.getVersion(), NULL_KEY_NAME, NULL_KEY_NAME); } /** * Constructor to create a reference key for the given parent concept key with the given local name. * * @param pfConceptKey * the parent concept key of this reference key * @param localName * the local name of this reference key */ public PfReferenceKey(final PfConceptKey pfConceptKey, final String localName) { this(pfConceptKey, NULL_KEY_NAME, localName); } /** * Constructor to create a reference key for the given parent reference key with the given local name. * * @param parentReferenceKey * the parent reference key of this reference key * @param localName * the local name of this reference key */ public PfReferenceKey(final PfReferenceKey parentReferenceKey, final String localName) { this(parentReferenceKey.getParentConceptKey(), parentReferenceKey.getLocalName(), localName); } /** * Constructor to create a reference key for the given parent reference key (specified by the parent reference key's * concept key and local name) with the given local name. * * @param pfConceptKey * the concept key of the parent reference key of this reference key * @param parentLocalName * the local name of the parent reference key of this reference key * @param localName * the local name of this reference key */ public PfReferenceKey(final PfConceptKey pfConceptKey, final String parentLocalName, final String localName) { this(pfConceptKey.getName(), pfConceptKey.getVersion(), parentLocalName, localName); } /** * Constructor to create a reference key for the given parent concept key (specified by the parent concept key's * name and version) with the given local name. * * @param parentKeyName * the name of the parent concept key of this reference key * @param parentKeyVersion * the version of the parent concept key of this reference key * @param localName * the local name of this reference key */ public PfReferenceKey(final String parentKeyName, final String parentKeyVersion, final String localName) { this(parentKeyName, parentKeyVersion, NULL_KEY_NAME, localName); } /** * Constructor to create a reference key for the given parent key (specified by the parent key's name, version nad * local name) with the given local name. * * @param parentKeyName * the parent key name of this reference key * @param parentKeyVersion * the parent key version of this reference key * @param parentLocalName * the parent local name of this reference key * @param localName * the local name of this reference key */ public PfReferenceKey(final String parentKeyName, final String parentKeyVersion, final String parentLocalName, final String localName) { super(); this.parentKeyName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_KEY_NAME, parentKeyName, NAME_REGEXP); this.parentKeyVersion = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_KEY_VERSION, parentKeyVersion, VERSION_REGEXP); this.parentLocalName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_LOCAL_NAME, parentLocalName, LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); this.localName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(LOCAL_NAME, localName, LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); } /** * Constructor to create a key from the specified key ID. * * @param id * the key ID in a format that respects the KEY_ID_REGEXP */ public PfReferenceKey(final String id) { final String conditionedId = Assertions.validateStringParameter("id", id, REFERENCE_KEY_ID_REGEXP); // Split on colon, if the id passes the regular expression test above // it'll have just three colons separating the parent name, // parent version, parent local name, and and local name // No need for range checks or size checks on the array final String[] nameVersionNameArray = conditionedId.split(":"); // Initiate the new key parentKeyName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_KEY_NAME, nameVersionNameArray[PARENT_NAME_FIELD], NAME_REGEXP); parentKeyVersion = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_KEY_VERSION, nameVersionNameArray[PARENT_VERSION_FIELD], VERSION_REGEXP); parentLocalName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_LOCAL_NAME, nameVersionNameArray[PARENT_LOCAL_NAME_FIELD], LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); localName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(LOCAL_NAME, nameVersionNameArray[LOCAL_NAME_FIELD], LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); } /** * Get a null reference key. * * @return a null reference key */ public static PfReferenceKey getNullKey() { return new PfReferenceKey(PfKey.NULL_KEY_NAME, PfKey.NULL_KEY_VERSION, PfKey.NULL_KEY_NAME, PfKey.NULL_KEY_NAME); } @Override public PfReferenceKey getKey() { return this; } @Override public List getKeys() { final List keyList = new ArrayList<>(); keyList.add(getKey()); return keyList; } @Override public String getId() { return parentKeyName + ':' + parentKeyVersion + ':' + parentLocalName + ':' + localName; } @Override public boolean isNullKey() { return this.equals(PfReferenceKey.getNullKey()); } /** * Gets the parent concept key of this reference key. * * @return the parent concept key of this reference key */ public PfConceptKey getParentConceptKey() { return new PfConceptKey(parentKeyName, parentKeyVersion); } /** * Gets the parent reference key of this reference key. * * @return the parent reference key of this reference key */ public PfReferenceKey getParentReferenceKey() { return new PfReferenceKey(parentKeyName, parentKeyVersion, parentLocalName); } /** * Sets the parent concept key of this reference key. * * @param parentKey * the parent concept key of this reference key */ public void setParentConceptKey(final PfConceptKey parentKey) { Assertions.argumentNotNull(parentKey, "parentKey may not be null"); parentKeyName = parentKey.getName(); parentKeyVersion = parentKey.getVersion(); parentLocalName = NULL_KEY_NAME; } /** * Sets the parent reference key of this reference key. * * @param parentKey * the parent reference key of this reference key */ public void setParentReferenceKey(final PfReferenceKey parentKey) { Assertions.argumentNotNull(parentKey, "parentKey may not be null"); parentKeyName = parentKey.getParentKeyName(); parentKeyVersion = parentKey.getParentKeyVersion(); parentLocalName = parentKey.getLocalName(); } @Override public PfKey.Compatibility getCompatibility(final PfKey otherKey) { if (!(otherKey instanceof PfReferenceKey)) { return Compatibility.DIFFERENT; } final PfReferenceKey otherReferenceKey = (PfReferenceKey) otherKey; return this.getParentConceptKey().getCompatibility(otherReferenceKey.getParentConceptKey()); } @Override public boolean isCompatible(@NonNull final PfKey otherKey) { if (!(otherKey instanceof PfReferenceKey)) { return false; } final PfReferenceKey otherReferenceKey = (PfReferenceKey) otherKey; return this.getParentConceptKey().isCompatible(otherReferenceKey.getParentConceptKey()); } @Override public int getMajorVersion() { return this.getParentConceptKey().getMajorVersion(); } @Override public int getMinorVersion() { return this.getParentConceptKey().getMinorVersion(); } @Override public int getPatchVersion() { return this.getParentConceptKey().getPatchVersion(); } @Override public boolean isNewerThan(@NonNull final PfKey otherKey) { Assertions.instanceOf(otherKey, PfReferenceKey.class); final PfReferenceKey otherReferenceKey = (PfReferenceKey) otherKey; return this.getParentConceptKey().isNewerThan(otherReferenceKey.getParentConceptKey()); } @Override public PfValidationResult validate(final PfValidationResult result) { final String parentNameValidationErrorMessage = Assertions.getStringParameterValidationMessage(PARENT_KEY_NAME, parentKeyName, NAME_REGEXP); if (parentNameValidationErrorMessage != null) { result.addValidationMessage(new PfValidationMessage(this, this.getClass(), ValidationResult.INVALID, "parentKeyName invalid-" + parentNameValidationErrorMessage)); } final String parentKeyVersionValidationErrorMessage = Assertions .getStringParameterValidationMessage(PARENT_KEY_VERSION, parentKeyVersion, VERSION_REGEXP); if (parentKeyVersionValidationErrorMessage != null) { result.addValidationMessage(new PfValidationMessage(this, this.getClass(), ValidationResult.INVALID, "parentKeyVersion invalid-" + parentKeyVersionValidationErrorMessage)); } final String parentLocalNameValidationErrorMessage = Assertions .getStringParameterValidationMessage(PARENT_LOCAL_NAME, parentLocalName, LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); if (parentLocalNameValidationErrorMessage != null) { result.addValidationMessage(new PfValidationMessage(this, this.getClass(), ValidationResult.INVALID, "parentLocalName invalid-" + parentLocalNameValidationErrorMessage)); } final String localNameValidationErrorMessage = Assertions.getStringParameterValidationMessage(LOCAL_NAME, localName, LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); if (localNameValidationErrorMessage != null) { result.addValidationMessage(new PfValidationMessage(this, this.getClass(), ValidationResult.INVALID, "localName invalid-" + localNameValidationErrorMessage)); } return result; } @Override public void clean() { parentKeyName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_KEY_NAME, parentKeyName, NAME_REGEXP); parentKeyVersion = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_KEY_VERSION, parentKeyVersion, VERSION_REGEXP); parentLocalName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(PARENT_LOCAL_NAME, parentLocalName, LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); localName = Assertions.validateStringParameter(LOCAL_NAME, localName, LOCAL_NAME_REGEXP); } @Override public PfConcept copyTo(final PfConcept target) { Assertions.argumentNotNull(target, "target may not be null"); final Object copyObject = target; Assertions.instanceOf(copyObject, PfReferenceKey.class); final PfReferenceKey copy = ((PfReferenceKey) copyObject); copy.setParentKeyName(parentKeyName); copy.setParentKeyVersion(parentKeyVersion); copy.setLocalName(localName); copy.setParentLocalName(parentLocalName); return copy; } @Override public int compareTo(final PfConcept otherObj) { Assertions.argumentNotNull(otherObj, "comparison object may not be null"); if (this == otherObj) { return 0; } if (getClass() != otherObj.getClass()) { return this.hashCode() - otherObj.hashCode(); } final PfReferenceKey other = (PfReferenceKey) otherObj; if (!parentKeyName.equals(other.parentKeyName)) { return parentKeyName.compareTo(other.parentKeyName); } if (!parentKeyVersion.equals(other.parentKeyVersion)) { return parentKeyVersion.compareTo(other.parentKeyVersion); } if (!parentLocalName.equals(other.parentLocalName)) { return parentLocalName.compareTo(other.parentLocalName); } return localName.compareTo(other.localName); } }