Helm Chart Generator: - generate a helm chart from the base helm template and parsed component spec file. - distribute a helm chart to Chartmuseum Environment variables: | Name | Description | |------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | $CHARTMUSEUM_BASEURL | set a Chartmuseum base url for chart distribution. | | $CHARTMUSEUM_AUTH_BASIC_USERNAME | set a Chartmuseum username for the basic auth. | | $CHARTMUSEUM_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD | set a Chartmuseum password for the basic auth. | Requirements: - Helm Chart Generator uses 'helm' command installed on the host machine, so 'helm' command must be installed. - For the distribution, $CHARTMUSEUM_BASEURL, $CHARTMUSEUM_AUTH_BASIC_USERNAME and $CHARTMUSEUM_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD must be set. Usage: helmchartgenerator-.jar (with JAR) OR HelmChartGeneratorApplication.java (with the main class) - Arguments must be passed in the numeric order mentioned below. Arguments: 1. Spec file location (Required) 2. Chart directory location (helm template location) (Required) 3. Output directory location (Required) 4. Component spec schema (Optional) (Note: Default componentSpec schema will be used if not passed.) 5. --distribute flag (Optional)