# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json def safe_get(key_val, key): return key_val[key] if key in key_val else "" def find_node_name(node_id, node_list): for node in node_list: if node['id'] == node_id: return node['template_name'] raise Exception('can not find node(%s).' % node_id) def find_node_type(node_id, node_list): for node in node_list: if node['id'] == node_id: return node['type_name'] raise Exception('can not find node(%s).' % node_id) def find_related_node(node_id, src_json_model, requirement_name): related_nodes = [] for model_tpl in safe_get(src_json_model, "node_templates"): for rt in safe_get(model_tpl, 'requirement_templates'): if safe_get(rt, 'name') == requirement_name and safe_get(rt, 'target_node_template_name') == node_id: related_nodes.append(model_tpl['name']) return related_nodes def convert_props(src_node, dest_node): if 'properties' in src_node and src_node['properties']: for prop_name, prop_info in src_node['properties'].items(): if 'value' in prop_info: dest_node['properties'][prop_name] = prop_info['value'] def convert_metadata(src_json): return src_json['metadata'] if 'metadata' in src_json else {} def convert_factor_unit(value): if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): return value return "%s %s" % (value["factor"], value["unit"]) def convert_inputs(src_json): inputs = {} if 'inputs' in src_json: src_inputs = src_json['inputs'] for param_name, param_info in src_inputs.items(): input_param = {} if 'type_name' in param_info: input_param['type'] = param_info['type_name'] if 'description' in param_info: input_param['description'] = param_info['description'] if 'value' in param_info: input_param['value'] = param_info['value'] inputs[param_name] = input_param return inputs def convert_vnf_node(src_node, src_json_model): vnf_node = { 'type': src_node['type_name'], 'vnf_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}, 'dependencies': [], 'networks': [] } convert_props(src_node, vnf_node) for model_tpl in safe_get(src_json_model, "node_templates"): if model_tpl['name'] != vnf_node['vnf_id']: continue vnf_node['dependencies'] = [ { 'key_name': requirement['name'], 'vl_id': requirement['target_node_template_name'] } for requirement in safe_get(model_tpl, 'requirement_templates') if safe_get(requirement, 'target_capability_name') == 'virtual_linkable' ] vnf_node['networks'] = [requirement['target_node_template_name'] for requirement in safe_get(model_tpl, 'requirement_templates') if safe_get(requirement, 'name') == 'dependency'] return vnf_node def convert_pnf_node(src_node, src_json_model): pnf_node = {'pnf_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}} convert_props(src_node, pnf_node) pnf_node['cps'] = find_related_node(src_node['id'], src_json_model, 'virtualbinding') return pnf_node def convert_vl_node(src_node, src_node_list): vl_node = {'vl_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}} convert_props(src_node, vl_node) vl_node['route_id'] = '' for relation in safe_get(src_node, 'relationships'): if safe_get(relation, 'type_name').endswith('.VirtualLinksTo'): vl_node['route_id'] = find_node_name(relation['target_node_id'], src_node_list) break vl_node['route_external'] = (src_node['type_name'].find('.RouteExternalVL') > 0) return vl_node def convert_cp_node(src_node, src_node_list, model_type='NSD'): cp_node = {'cp_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}} convert_props(src_node, cp_node) src_relationships = src_node['relationships'] for relation in src_relationships: if safe_get(relation, 'name') in ('virtualLink', 'virtual_link'): cp_node['vl_id'] = find_node_name(relation['target_node_id'], src_node_list) elif safe_get(relation, 'name') in ('virtualbinding', 'virtual_binding'): node_key = 'pnf_id' if model_type == 'NSD' else 'vdu_id' cp_node[node_key] = find_node_name(relation['target_node_id'], src_node_list) return cp_node def convert_router_node(src_node, src_node_list): router_node = {'router_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}} convert_props(src_node, router_node) for relation in src_node['relationships']: if safe_get(relation, 'name') != 'external_virtual_link': continue router_node['external_vl_id'] = find_node_name(relation['target_node_id'], src_node_list) router_node['external_ip_addresses'] = [] if 'properties' not in relation: continue for prop_name, prop_info in relation['properties'].items(): if prop_name == 'router_ip_address': router_node['external_ip_addresses'].append(prop_info['value']) break return router_node def convert_fp_node(src_node, src_node_list, src_json_model): fp_node = { 'fp_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}, 'forwarder_list': [] } convert_props(src_node, fp_node) for relation in safe_get(src_node, 'relationships'): if safe_get(relation, 'name') != 'forwarder': continue forwarder_point = {'type': 'vnf'} target_node_type = find_node_type(relation['target_node_id'], src_node_list).upper() if target_node_type.find('.CP.') >= 0 or target_node_type.endswith('.CP'): forwarder_point['type'] = 'cp' forwarder_point['node_name'] = find_node_name(relation['target_node_id'], src_node_list) forwarder_point['capability'] = '' if forwarder_point['type'] == 'vnf': for node_tpl in src_json_model["node_templates"]: if fp_node['fp_id'] != node_tpl["name"]: continue for r_tpl in safe_get(node_tpl, "requirement_templates"): if safe_get(r_tpl, "target_node_template_name") != forwarder_point['node_name']: continue forwarder_point['capability'] = safe_get(r_tpl, "target_capability_name") break break fp_node['forwarder_list'].append(forwarder_point) return fp_node def convert_vnffg_group(src_group, src_group_list, src_node_list): vnffg = { 'vnffg_id': src_group['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}, 'members': [] } convert_props(src_group, vnffg) for member_node_id in src_group['member_node_ids']: vnffg['members'].append(find_node_name(member_node_id, src_node_list)) return vnffg def convert_imagefile_node(src_node, src_node_list): image_node = { 'image_file_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {} } convert_props(src_node, image_node) return image_node def convert_localstorage_node(src_node, src_node_list): localstorage_node = { 'local_storage_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {} } convert_props(src_node, localstorage_node) return localstorage_node def convert_volumestorage_node(src_node, src_node_list): volumestorage_node = { 'volume_storage_id': src_node['id'], 'description': "", 'properties': {}} convert_props(src_node, volumestorage_node) volumestorage_node["properties"]["size"] = convert_factor_unit( volumestorage_node["properties"]["size_of_storage"]) return volumestorage_node def convert_vdu_node(src_node, src_node_list, src_json_model): vdu_node = { 'vdu_id': src_node['template_name'], 'description': '', 'properties': {}, 'image_file': '', 'local_storages': [], 'dependencies': [], 'nfv_compute': {}, 'vls': [], 'artifacts': [], 'volume_storages': [] } convert_props(src_node, vdu_node) for relation in src_node.get('relationships', ''): r_id, r_name = safe_get(relation, 'target_node_id'), safe_get(relation, 'name') if r_name == 'guest_os': vdu_node['image_file'] = find_node_name(r_id, src_node_list) elif r_name == 'local_storage': vdu_node['local_storages'].append(find_node_name(r_id, src_node_list)) elif r_name == 'virtual_storage': vdu_node['volume_storages'].append(r_id) elif r_name.endswith('.AttachesTo'): nt = find_node_type(r_id, src_node_list) if nt.endswith('.BlockStorage.Local') or nt.endswith('.LocalStorage'): vdu_node['local_storages'].append(find_node_name(r_id, src_node_list)) for capability in src_node['capabilities']: if not capability['type_name'].endswith('.VirtualCompute'): continue vdu_node['nfv_compute']['flavor_extra_specs'] = {} for prop_name, prop_info in capability['properties'].items(): if prop_name == "virtual_cpu": vdu_node['nfv_compute']['num_cpus'] = prop_info["value"]["num_virtual_cpu"] if "virtual_cpu_clock" in prop_info["value"]: vdu_node['nfv_compute']['cpu_frequency'] =\ convert_factor_unit(prop_info["value"]["virtual_cpu_clock"]) elif prop_name == "virtual_memory": vdu_node['nfv_compute']['mem_size'] = convert_factor_unit( prop_info["value"]["virtual_mem_size"]) elif prop_name == "requested_additional_capabilities": if prop_info and "value" in prop_info: for key, val in prop_info["value"].items(): vdu_node['nfv_compute']['flavor_extra_specs'].update( val["target_performance_parameters"]) vdu_node['cps'] = find_related_node(src_node['id'], src_json_model, 'virtualbinding') for cp_node in vdu_node['cps']: for src_cp_node in src_node_list: if src_cp_node['template_name'] != cp_node: continue for relation in safe_get(src_cp_node, 'relationships'): if relation['name'] != 'virtualLink': continue vl_node_name = find_node_name(relation['target_node_id'], src_node_list) if vl_node_name not in vdu_node['vls']: vdu_node['vls'].append(vl_node_name) for item in safe_get(src_node, 'artifacts'): artifact = { 'artifact_name': item['name'], 'type': item['type_name'], 'file': item['source_path'], 'properties': {} } convert_props(item, artifact) for key in artifact['properties']: if 'factor' in artifact['properties'][key] and 'unit' in artifact['properties'][key]: artifact['properties'][key] = convert_factor_unit(artifact['properties'][key]) vdu_node['artifacts'].append(artifact) if artifact["type"].endswith(".SwImage"): vdu_node['image_file'] = artifact["artifact_name"] return vdu_node def convert_exposed_node(src_json, src_nodes, exposed): for item in safe_get(safe_get(src_json, 'substitution'), 'requirements'): external_cps = { 'key_name': item['mapped_name'], "cp_id": find_node_name(item['node_id'], src_nodes) } exposed['external_cps'].append(external_cps) for item in safe_get(safe_get(src_json, 'substitution'), 'capabilities'): forward_cps = { 'key_name': item['mapped_name'], "cp_id": find_node_name(item['node_id'], src_nodes) } exposed['forward_cps'].append(forward_cps) def convert_vnffgs(src_json_inst, src_nodes): vnffgs = [] src_groups = safe_get(src_json_inst, 'groups') for group in src_groups: type_name = group['type_name'].upper() if type_name.find('.VNFFG.') >= 0 or type_name.endswith('.VNFFG'): vnffgs.append(convert_vnffg_group(group, src_groups, src_nodes)) return vnffgs def merge_imagefile_node(img_nodes, vdu_nodes): for vdu_node in vdu_nodes: for artifact in vdu_node.get("artifacts", []): if not artifact["type"].endswith(".SwImage"): continue imgids = [img["image_file_id"] for img in img_nodes] if artifact["artifact_name"] in imgids: continue img_nodes.append({ "image_file_id": artifact["artifact_name"], "description": "", "properties": artifact["properties"] }) def convert_common(src_json, target_json): if isinstance(src_json, (unicode, str)): src_json_dict = json.loads(src_json) else: src_json_dict = src_json src_json_inst = src_json_dict["instance"] src_json_model = src_json_dict["model"] if "model" in src_json_dict else {} target_json['metadata'] = convert_metadata(src_json_inst) target_json['inputs'] = convert_inputs(src_json_inst) target_json['vls'] = [] target_json['cps'] = [] target_json['routers'] = [] return src_json_inst, src_json_model def convert_nsd_model(src_json): target_json = {'vnfs': [], 'pnfs': [], 'fps': []} src_json_inst, src_json_model = convert_common(src_json, target_json) src_nodes = src_json_inst['nodes'] for node in src_nodes: type_name = node['type_name'] if type_name.find('.VNF.') > 0 or type_name.endswith('.VNF'): target_json['vnfs'].append(convert_vnf_node(node, src_json_model)) elif type_name.find('.PNF.') > 0 or type_name.endswith('.PNF'): target_json['pnfs'].append(convert_pnf_node(node, src_json_model)) elif type_name.find('.VL.') > 0 or type_name.endswith('.VL') \ or node['type_name'].find('.RouteExternalVL') > 0: target_json['vls'].append(convert_vl_node(node, src_nodes)) elif type_name.find('.CP.') > 0 or type_name.endswith('.CP'): target_json['cps'].append(convert_cp_node(node, src_nodes)) elif type_name.find('.FP.') > 0 or type_name.endswith('.FP'): target_json['fps'].append(convert_fp_node(node, src_nodes, src_json_model)) elif type_name.endswith('.Router'): target_json['routers'].append(convert_router_node(node, src_nodes)) target_json['vnffgs'] = convert_vnffgs(src_json_inst, src_nodes) target_json['ns_exposed'] = {'external_cps': [], 'forward_cps': []} convert_exposed_node(src_json_inst, src_nodes, target_json['ns_exposed']) return json.dumps(target_json) def convert_vnfd_model(src_json): target_json = {'image_files': [], 'local_storages': [], 'vdus': [], 'volume_storages': []} src_json_inst, src_json_model = convert_common(src_json, target_json) src_nodes = src_json_inst['nodes'] for node in src_nodes: type_name = node['type_name'] if type_name.endswith('.ImageFile'): target_json['image_files'].append(convert_imagefile_node(node, src_nodes)) elif type_name.endswith('.BlockStorage.Local') or type_name.endswith('.LocalStorage'): target_json['local_storages'].append(convert_localstorage_node(node, src_nodes)) elif type_name.endswith('VDU.VirtualStorage'): target_json['volume_storages'].append(convert_volumestorage_node(node, src_nodes)) elif type_name.endswith('VDU.Compute'): target_json['vdus'].append(convert_vdu_node(node, src_nodes, src_json_model)) elif type_name.find('.VL.') > 0 or type_name.endswith('.VL') \ or type_name.endswith('.VnfVirtualLinkDesc') \ or type_name.endswith('.RouteExternalVL'): target_json['vls'].append(convert_vl_node(node, src_nodes)) elif type_name.find('.CP.') > 0 or type_name.endswith('.CP') or type_name.endswith(".VduCpd"): target_json['cps'].append(convert_cp_node(node, src_nodes, 'VNFD')) elif type_name.endswith('.Router'): target_json['routers'].append(convert_router_node(node, src_nodes)) target_json['vnf_exposed'] = {'external_cps': [], 'forward_cps': []} convert_exposed_node(src_json_inst, src_nodes, target_json['vnf_exposed']) merge_imagefile_node(target_json['image_files'], target_json['vdus']) return json.dumps(target_json) if __name__ == '__main__': src_json = json.dumps({ "instance": { "metadata": { "vnfSoftwareVersion": "1.0.0", "vnfProductName": "zte", "localizationLanguage": [ "english", "chinese" ], "vnfProvider": "zte", "vnfmInfo": "zte", "defaultLocalizationLanguage": "english", "vnfdId": "zte-hss-1.0", "vnfProductInfoDescription": "hss", "vnfdVersion": "1.0.0", "vnfProductInfoName": "hss" }, "nodes": [ { "id": "vNAT_Storage_6wdgwzedlb6sq18uzrr41sof7", "type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.VirtualStorage", "template_name": "vNAT_Storage", "properties": { "size_of_storage": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "value": { "value": 10000000000, "factor": 10, "unit": "GB", "unit_size": 1000000000 } }, "type_of_storage": { "type_name": "string", "value": "volume" }, "rdma_enabled": { "type_name": "boolean", "value": False } }, "interfaces": [ { "name": "Standard", "description": "This lifecycle interface defines the essential, normative operations that TOSCA nodes may support.", "type_name": "tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard", "operations": [ { "name": "create", "description": "Standard lifecycle create operation." }, { "name": "stop", "description": "Standard lifecycle stop operation." }, { "name": "start", "description": "Standard lifecycle start operation." }, { "name": "delete", "description": "Standard lifecycle delete operation." }, { "name": "configure", "description": "Standard lifecycle configure operation." } ] } ], "capabilities": [ { "name": "feature", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Node" }, { "name": "virtual_storage", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage" } ] }, { "id": "sriov_link_2610d7gund4e645wo39dvp238", "type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLinkDesc", "template_name": "sriov_link", "properties": { "vl_flavours": { "type_name": "map", "value": { "vl_id": "aaaa" } }, "connectivity_type": { "type_name": "tosca.datatypes.nfv.ConnectivityType", "value": { "layer_protocol": "ipv4", "flow_pattern": "flat" } }, "description": { "type_name": "string", "value": "sriov_link" }, "test_access": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ "test" ] } }, "interfaces": [ { "name": "Standard", "description": "This lifecycle interface defines the essential, normative operations that TOSCA nodes may support.", "type_name": "tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard", "operations": [ { "name": "create", "description": "Standard lifecycle create operation." }, { "name": "stop", "description": "Standard lifecycle stop operation." }, { "name": "start", "description": "Standard lifecycle start operation." }, { "name": "delete", "description": "Standard lifecycle delete operation." }, { "name": "configure", "description": "Standard lifecycle configure operation." } ] } ], "capabilities": [ { "name": "feature", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Node" }, { "name": "virtual_linkable", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable" } ] }, { "id": "vdu_vNat_7ozwkcr86sa87fmd2nue2ww07", "type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Compute", "template_name": "vdu_vNat", "properties": { "configurable_properties": { "type_name": "map", "value": { "test": { "additional_vnfc_configurable_properties": { "aaa": "1", "bbb": "2", "ccc": "3" } } } }, "boot_order": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ "vNAT_Storage" ] }, "name": { "type_name": "string", "value": "vNat" }, "nfvi_constraints": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ "test" ] }, "description": { "type_name": "string", "value": "the virtual machine of vNat" } }, "interfaces": [ { "name": "Standard", "description": "This lifecycle interface defines the essential, normative operations that TOSCA nodes may support.", "type_name": "tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard", "operations": [ { "name": "create", "description": "Standard lifecycle create operation." }, { "name": "stop", "description": "Standard lifecycle stop operation." }, { "name": "start", "description": "Standard lifecycle start operation." }, { "name": "delete", "description": "Standard lifecycle delete operation." }, { "name": "configure", "description": "Standard lifecycle configure operation." } ] } ], "artifacts": [ { "name": "vNatVNFImage", "type_name": "tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage", "source_path": "/swimages/vRouterVNF_ControlPlane.qcow2", "properties": { "operating_system": { "type_name": "string", "value": "linux" }, "sw_image": { "type_name": "string", "value": "/swimages/vRouterVNF_ControlPlane.qcow2" }, "name": { "type_name": "string", "value": "vNatVNFImage" }, "checksum": { "type_name": "string", "value": "5000" }, "min_ram": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "value": { "value": 1000000000, "factor": 1, "unit": "GB", "unit_size": 1000000000 } }, "disk_format": { "type_name": "string", "value": "qcow2" }, "version": { "type_name": "string", "value": "1.0" }, "container_format": { "type_name": "string", "value": "bare" }, "min_disk": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "value": { "value": 10000000000, "factor": 10, "unit": "GB", "unit_size": 1000000000 } }, "supported_virtualisation_environments": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ "test_0" ] }, "size": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "value": { "value": 10000000000, "factor": 10, "unit": "GB", "unit_size": 1000000000 } } } } ], "capabilities": [ { "name": "feature", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Node" }, { "name": "os", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem", "properties": { "distribution": { "type_name": "string", "description": "The Operating System (OS) distribution. Examples of valid values for a \"type\" of \"Linux\" would include: debian, fedora, rhel and ubuntu." }, "version": { "type_name": "version", "description": "The Operating System version." }, "type": { "type_name": "string", "description": "The Operating System (OS) type. Examples of valid values include: linux, aix, mac, windows, etc." }, "architecture": { "type_name": "string", "description": "The Operating System (OS) architecture. Examples of valid values include: x86_32, x86_64, etc." } } }, { "name": "host", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Container", "properties": { "cpu_frequency": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.frequency", "description": "Specifies the operating frequency of CPU's core. This property expresses the expected frequency of one (1) CPU as provided by the property \"num_cpus\"." }, "mem_size": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "description": "Size of memory available to applications running on the Compute node (default unit is MB)." }, "num_cpus": { "type_name": "integer", "description": "Number of (actual or virtual) CPUs associated with the Compute node." }, "disk_size": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "description": "Size of the local disk available to applications running on the Compute node (default unit is MB)." } } }, { "name": "binding", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.network.Bindable" }, { "name": "scalable", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Scalable", "properties": { "min_instances": { "type_name": "integer", "value": 1, "description": "This property is used to indicate the minimum number of instances that should be created for the associated TOSCA Node Template by a TOSCA orchestrator." }, "default_instances": { "type_name": "integer", "description": "An optional property that indicates the requested default number of instances that should be the starting number of instances a TOSCA orchestrator should attempt to allocate. Note: The value for this property MUST be in the range between the values set for \"min_instances\" and \"max_instances\" properties." }, "max_instances": { "type_name": "integer", "value": 1, "description": "This property is used to indicate the maximum number of instances that should be created for the associated TOSCA Node Template by a TOSCA orchestrator." } } }, { "name": "virtual_compute", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualCompute", "properties": { "requested_additional_capabilities": { "type_name": "map", "value": { "ovs_dpdk": { "requested_additional_capability_name": "ovs_dpdk", "min_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0", "support_mandatory": True, "target_performance_parameters": { "sw:ovs_dpdk": "true" }, "preferred_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0" }, "hyper_threading": { "requested_additional_capability_name": "hyper_threading", "min_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0", "support_mandatory": True, "target_performance_parameters": { "hw:cpu_cores": "2", "hw:cpu_threads": "2", "hw:cpu_threads_policy": "isolate", "hw:cpu_sockets": "2" }, "preferred_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0" }, "numa": { "requested_additional_capability_name": "numa", "min_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0", "support_mandatory": True, "target_performance_parameters": { "hw:numa_cpus.0": "0,1", "hw:numa_cpus.1": "2,3,4,5", "hw:numa_nodes": "2", "hw:numa_mem.1": "3072", "hw:numa_mem.0": "1024" }, "preferred_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0" } } }, "virtual_cpu": { "type_name": "tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpu", "value": { "num_virtual_cpu": 2, "virtual_cpu_clock": { "value": 2400000000, "factor": 2.4, "unit": "GHz", "unit_size": 1000000000 }, "cpu_architecture": "X86", "virtual_cpu_oversubscription_policy": "test", "virtual_cpu_pinning": { "cpu_pinning_map": { "cpu_pinning_0": "1" }, "cpu_pinning_policy": "static" } } }, "virtual_memory": { "type_name": "tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualMemory", "value": { "virtual_mem_oversubscription_policy": "mem_policy_test", "numa_enabled": True, "virtual_mem_size": { "value": 10000000000, "factor": 10, "unit": "GB", "unit_size": 1000000000 } } } } }, { "name": "virtual_binding", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualBindable" } ], "relationships": [ { "name": "virtual_storage", "source_requirement_index": 0, "target_node_id": "vNAT_Storage_6wdgwzedlb6sq18uzrr41sof7", "properties": { "location": { "type_name": "string", "value": "/mnt/volume_0", "description": "The relative location (e.g., path on the file system), which provides the root location to address an attached node. e.g., a mount point / path such as '/usr/data'. Note: The user must provide it and it cannot be \"root\"." } }, "source_interfaces": [ { "name": "Configure", "description": "The lifecycle interfaces define the essential, normative operations that each TOSCA Relationship Types may support.", "type_name": "tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure", "operations": [ { "name": "add_source", "description": "Operation to notify the target node of a source node which is now available via a relationship." }, { "name": "pre_configure_target", "description": "Operation to pre-configure the target endpoint." }, { "name": "post_configure_source", "description": "Operation to post-configure the source endpoint." }, { "name": "target_changed", "description": "Operation to notify source some property or attribute of the target changed" }, { "name": "pre_configure_source", "description": "Operation to pre-configure the source endpoint." }, { "name": "post_configure_target", "description": "Operation to post-configure the target endpoint." }, { "name": "remove_target", "description": "Operation to remove a target node." }, { "name": "add_target", "description": "Operation to notify the source node of a target node being added via a relationship." } ] } ] } ] }, { "id": "SRIOV_Port_leu1j6rfdt4c8vta6aec1xe39", "type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCpd", "template_name": "SRIOV_Port", "properties": { "address_data": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ { "address_type": "ip_address", "l3_address_data": { "ip_address_type": "ipv4", "floating_ip_activated": False, "number_of_ip_address": 1, "ip_address_assignment": True } } ] }, "description": { "type_name": "string", "value": "sriov port" }, "layer_protocol": { "type_name": "string", "value": "ipv4" }, "virtual_network_interface_requirements": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ { "requirement": { "SRIOV": "true" }, "support_mandatory": False, "name": "sriov", "description": "sriov" }, { "requirement": { "SRIOV": "false" }, "support_mandatory": False, "name": "normal", "description": "normal" } ] }, "role": { "type_name": "string", "value": "root" }, "bitrate_requirement": { "type_name": "integer", "value": 10 } }, "interfaces": [ { "name": "Standard", "description": "This lifecycle interface defines the essential, normative operations that TOSCA nodes may support.", "type_name": "tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard", "operations": [ { "name": "create", "description": "Standard lifecycle create operation." }, { "name": "stop", "description": "Standard lifecycle stop operation." }, { "name": "start", "description": "Standard lifecycle start operation." }, { "name": "delete", "description": "Standard lifecycle delete operation." }, { "name": "configure", "description": "Standard lifecycle configure operation." } ] } ], "capabilities": [ { "name": "feature", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Node" } ], "relationships": [ { "name": "virtual_binding", "source_requirement_index": 0, "target_node_id": "vdu_vNat_7ozwkcr86sa87fmd2nue2ww07", "source_interfaces": [ { "name": "Configure", "description": "The lifecycle interfaces define the essential, normative operations that each TOSCA Relationship Types may support.", "type_name": "tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure", "operations": [ { "name": "add_source", "description": "Operation to notify the target node of a source node which is now available via a relationship." }, { "name": "pre_configure_target", "description": "Operation to pre-configure the target endpoint." }, { "name": "post_configure_source", "description": "Operation to post-configure the source endpoint." }, { "name": "target_changed", "description": "Operation to notify source some property or attribute of the target changed" }, { "name": "pre_configure_source", "description": "Operation to pre-configure the source endpoint." }, { "name": "post_configure_target", "description": "Operation to post-configure the target endpoint." }, { "name": "remove_target", "description": "Operation to remove a target node." }, { "name": "add_target", "description": "Operation to notify the source node of a target node being added via a relationship." } ] } ] }, { "name": "virtual_link", "source_requirement_index": 1, "target_node_id": "sriov_link_2610d7gund4e645wo39dvp238", "target_capability_name": "feature", "source_interfaces": [ { "name": "Configure", "description": "The lifecycle interfaces define the essential, normative operations that each TOSCA Relationship Types may support.", "type_name": "tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure", "operations": [ { "name": "add_source", "description": "Operation to notify the target node of a source node which is now available via a relationship." }, { "name": "pre_configure_target", "description": "Operation to pre-configure the target endpoint." }, { "name": "post_configure_source", "description": "Operation to post-configure the source endpoint." }, { "name": "target_changed", "description": "Operation to notify source some property or attribute of the target changed" }, { "name": "pre_configure_source", "description": "Operation to pre-configure the source endpoint." }, { "name": "post_configure_target", "description": "Operation to post-configure the target endpoint." }, { "name": "remove_target", "description": "Operation to remove a target node." }, { "name": "add_target", "description": "Operation to notify the source node of a target node being added via a relationship." } ] } ] } ] } ], "substitution": { "node_type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF.vOpenNAT", "requirements": [ { "mapped_name": "sriov_plane", "node_id": "SRIOV_Port_leu1j6rfdt4c8vta6aec1xe39", "name": "virtual_link" } ] } }, "model": { "metadata": { "vnfSoftwareVersion": "1.0.0", "vnfProductName": "openNAT", "localizationLanguage": [ "english", "chinese" ], "vnfProvider": "intel", "vnfmInfo": "GVNFM", "defaultLocalizationLanguage": "english", "vnfdId": "openNAT-1.0", "vnfProductInfoDescription": "openNAT", "vnfdVersion": "1.0.0", "vnfProductInfoName": "openNAT" }, "node_templates": [ { "name": "vNAT_Storage", "type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.VirtualStorage", "default_instances": 1, "min_instances": 0, "properties": { "size_of_storage": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "value": { "value": 10000000000, "factor": 10, "unit": "GB", "unit_size": 1000000000 } }, "type_of_storage": { "type_name": "string", "value": "volume" }, "rdma_enabled": { "type_name": "boolean", "value": False } }, "interface_templates": [ "" ], "capability_templates": [ { "name": "feature", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Node" }, { "name": "virtual_storage", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage" } ] }, { "name": "vdu_vNat", "type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Compute", "default_instances": 1, "min_instances": 0, "properties": { "configurable_properties": { "type_name": "map", "value": { "test": { "additional_vnfc_configurable_properties": { "aaa": "1", "bbb": "2", "ccc": "3" } } } }, "boot_order": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ "vNAT_Storage" ] }, "name": { "type_name": "string", "value": "vNat" }, "nfvi_constraints": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ "test" ] }, "description": { "type_name": "string", "value": "the virtual machine of vNat" } }, "interface_templates": [ "" ], "artifact_templates": [ "" ], "capability_templates": [ { "name": "feature", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Node" }, { "name": "os", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem", "properties": { "distribution": { "type_name": "string", "description": "The Operating System (OS) distribution. Examples of valid values for a \"type\" of \"Linux\" would include: debian, fedora, rhel and ubuntu." }, "version": { "type_name": "version", "description": "The Operating System version." }, "type": { "type_name": "string", "description": "The Operating System (OS) type. Examples of valid values include: linux, aix, mac, windows, etc." }, "architecture": { "type_name": "string", "description": "The Operating System (OS) architecture. Examples of valid values include: x86_32, x86_64, etc." } } }, { "name": "host", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Container", "valid_source_node_type_names": [ "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent" ], "properties": { "cpu_frequency": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.frequency", "description": "Specifies the operating frequency of CPU's core. This property expresses the expected frequency of one (1) CPU as provided by the property \"num_cpus\"." }, "mem_size": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "description": "Size of memory available to applications running on the Compute node (default unit is MB)." }, "num_cpus": { "type_name": "integer", "description": "Number of (actual or virtual) CPUs associated with the Compute node." }, "disk_size": { "type_name": "scalar-unit.size", "description": "Size of the local disk available to applications running on the Compute node (default unit is MB)." } } }, { "name": "binding", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.network.Bindable" }, { "name": "scalable", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Scalable", "properties": { "min_instances": { "type_name": "integer", "value": 1, "description": "This property is used to indicate the minimum number of instances that should be created for the associated TOSCA Node Template by a TOSCA orchestrator." }, "default_instances": { "type_name": "integer", "description": "An optional property that indicates the requested default number of instances that should be the starting number of instances a TOSCA orchestrator should attempt to allocate. Note: The value for this property MUST be in the range between the values set for \"min_instances\" and \"max_instances\" properties." }, "max_instances": { "type_name": "integer", "value": 1, "description": "This property is used to indicate the maximum number of instances that should be created for the associated TOSCA Node Template by a TOSCA orchestrator." } } }, { "name": "virtual_compute", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualCompute", "properties": { "requested_additional_capabilities": { "type_name": "map", "value": { "ovs_dpdk": { "requested_additional_capability_name": "ovs_dpdk", "min_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0", "support_mandatory": True, "target_performance_parameters": { "sw:ovs_dpdk": "true" }, "preferred_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0" }, "hyper_threading": { "requested_additional_capability_name": "hyper_threading", "min_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0", "support_mandatory": True, "target_performance_parameters": { "hw:cpu_cores": "2", "hw:cpu_threads": "2", "hw:cpu_threads_policy": "isolate", "hw:cpu_sockets": "2" }, "preferred_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0" }, "numa": { "requested_additional_capability_name": "numa", "min_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0", "support_mandatory": True, "target_performance_parameters": { "hw:numa_cpus.0": "0,1", "hw:numa_cpus.1": "2,3,4,5", "hw:numa_nodes": "2", "hw:numa_mem.1": "3072", "hw:numa_mem.0": "1024" }, "preferred_requested_additional_capability_version": "1.0" } } }, "virtual_cpu": { "type_name": "tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpu", "value": { "num_virtual_cpu": 2, "virtual_cpu_clock": { "value": 2400000000, "factor": 2.4, "unit": "GHz", "unit_size": 1000000000 }, "cpu_architecture": "X86", "virtual_cpu_oversubscription_policy": "test", "virtual_cpu_pinning": { "cpu_pinning_map": { "cpu_pinning_0": "1" }, "cpu_pinning_policy": "static" } } }, "virtual_memory": { "type_name": "tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualMemory", "value": { "virtual_mem_oversubscription_policy": "mem_policy_test", "numa_enabled": True, "virtual_mem_size": { "value": 10000000000, "factor": 10, "unit": "GB", "unit_size": 1000000000 } } } } }, { "name": "virtual_binding", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualBindable" } ], "requirement_templates": [ { "name": "virtual_storage", "target_node_template_name": "vNAT_Storage", "relationship_template": { "type_name": "tosca.relationships.nfv.VDU.AttachedTo", "properties": { "location": { "type_name": "string", "value": "/mnt/volume_0", "description": "The relative location (e.g., path on the file system), which provides the root location to address an attached node. e.g., a mount point / path such as '/usr/data'. Note: The user must provide it and it cannot be \"root\"." } }, "source_interface_templates": [ "" ] } } ] }, { "name": "SRIOV_Port", "type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCpd", "default_instances": 1, "min_instances": 0, "properties": { "address_data": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ { "address_type": "ip_address", "l3_address_data": { "ip_address_type": "ipv4", "floating_ip_activated": False, "number_of_ip_address": 1, "ip_address_assignment": True } } ] }, "description": { "type_name": "string", "value": "sriov port" }, "layer_protocol": { "type_name": "string", "value": "ipv4" }, "virtual_network_interface_requirements": { "type_name": "list", "value": [ { "requirement": { "SRIOV": "true" }, "support_mandatory": False, "name": "sriov", "description": "sriov" }, { "requirement": { "SRIOV": "false" }, "support_mandatory": False, "name": "normal", "description": "normal" } ] }, "role": { "type_name": "string", "value": "root" }, "bitrate_requirement": { "type_name": "integer", "value": 10 } }, "interface_templates": [ "" ], "capability_templates": [ { "name": "feature", "type_name": "tosca.capabilities.Node" } ], "requirement_templates": [ { "name": "virtual_binding", "target_node_template_name": "vdu_vNat", "relationship_template": { "type_name": "tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualBindsTo", "source_interface_templates": [ "" ] } }, { "name": "virtual_link", "target_node_type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLinkDesc", "relationship_template": { "type_name": "tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinksTo", "source_interface_templates": [ "" ] } } ] } ], "substitution_template": { "node_type_name": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF.vOpenNAT", "requirement_templates": [ { "mapped_name": "sriov_plane", "node_template_name": "SRIOV_Port", "name": "virtual_link" } ] } } }) print convert_vnfd_model(src_json)