# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import json import os import re import shutil import urllib from toscaparser.functions import GetInput from toscaparser.tosca_template import ToscaTemplate from lcm.pub.utils.toscaparser.dataentityext import DataEntityExt class BaseInfoModel(object): def buildToscaTemplate(self, path, params): file_name = None try: file_name = self._check_download_file(path) valid_params = self._validate_input_params(file_name, params) return self._create_tosca_template(file_name, valid_params) finally: if file_name != None and file_name != path and os.path.exists(file_name): try: os.remove(file_name) except Exception, e: pass def _validate_input_params(self, path, params): valid_params = {} if params and len(params) > 0: tmp = self._create_tosca_template(path, None) for key,value in params.items(): if hasattr(tmp, 'inputs') and len(tmp.inputs) > 0: for input_def in tmp.inputs: if (input_def.name == key): valid_params[key] = DataEntityExt.validate_datatype(input_def.type, value) return valid_params def _create_tosca_template(self, file_name, valid_params): tosca_tpl = None try: tosca_tpl = ToscaTemplate(file_name, valid_params) print "-----------------------------" print '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % item for item in tosca_tpl.__dict__.items()]) print "-----------------------------" return tosca_tpl finally: if tosca_tpl != None and hasattr(tosca_tpl, "temp_dir") and os.path.exists(tosca_tpl.temp_dir): try: shutil.rmtree(tosca_tpl.temp_dir) except Exception, e: pass def _check_download_file(self, path): if (path.startswith("ftp") or path.startswith("sftp")): return self.downloadFileFromFtpServer(path) elif (path.startswith("http")): return self.download_file_from_httpserver(path) return path def download_file_from_httpserver(self, path): path = path.encode("utf-8") tmps = str.split(path, '/') localFileName = tmps[len(tmps) - 1] urllib.urlretrieve(path, localFileName) return localFileName def downloadFileFromFtpServer(self, path): path = path.encode("utf-8") tmp = str.split(path, '://') protocol = tmp[0] tmp = str.split(tmp[1], ':') if len(tmp) == 2: userName = tmp[0] tmp = str.split(tmp[1], '@') userPwd = tmp[0] index = tmp[1].index('/') hostIp = tmp[1][0:index] remoteFileName = tmp[1][index:len(tmp[1])] if protocol.lower() == 'ftp': hostPort = 21 else: hostPort = 22 if len(tmp) == 3: userName = tmp[0] userPwd = str.split(tmp[1], '@')[0] hostIp = str.split(tmp[1], '@')[1] index = tmp[2].index('/') hostPort = tmp[2][0:index] remoteFileName = tmp[2][index:len(tmp[2])] localFileName = str.split(remoteFileName, '/') localFileName = localFileName[len(localFileName) - 1] if protocol.lower() == 'sftp': self.sftp_get(userName, userPwd, hostIp, hostPort, remoteFileName, localFileName) else: self.ftp_get(userName, userPwd, hostIp, hostPort, remoteFileName, localFileName) return localFileName def buidMetadata(self, tosca): if 'metadata' in tosca.tpl: self.metadata = copy.deepcopy(tosca.tpl['metadata']) def buildProperties(self, nodeTemplate, parsed_params): properties = {} isMappingParams = parsed_params and len(parsed_params) > 0 for k, item in nodeTemplate.get_properties().items(): properties[k] = item.value if isinstance(item.value, GetInput): if item.value.result() and isMappingParams: properties[k] = DataEntityExt.validate_datatype(item.type, item.value.result()) else: tmp = {} tmp[item.value.name] = item.value.input_name properties[k] = tmp if 'attributes' in nodeTemplate.entity_tpl: for k, item in nodeTemplate.entity_tpl['attributes'].items(): properties[k] = str(item) return properties def verify_properties(self, props, inputs, parsed_params): ret_props = {} if (props and len(props) > 0): for key, value in props.items(): ret_props[key] = self._verify_value(value, inputs, parsed_params) # if isinstance(value, str): # ret_props[key] = self._verify_string(inputs, parsed_params, value); # continue # if isinstance(value, list): # ret_props[key] = map(lambda x: self._verify_dict(inputs, parsed_params, x), value) # continue # if isinstance(value, dict): # ret_props[key] = self._verify_map(inputs, parsed_params, value) # continue # ret_props[key] = value return ret_props def build_requirements(self, node_template): rets = [] for req in node_template.requirements: for req_name, req_value in req.items(): if (isinstance(req_value, dict)): if ('node' in req_value and req_value['node'] not in node_template.templates): continue # No target requirement for aria parser, not add to result. rets.append({req_name : req_value}) return rets def buildCapabilities(self, nodeTemplate, inputs, ret): capabilities = json.dumps(nodeTemplate.entity_tpl.get('capabilities', None)) match = re.findall(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}',capabilities) for m in match: aa= [input_def for input_def in inputs if m == input_def.name][0] capabilities = re.sub(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}', json.dumps(aa.default), capabilities,1) if capabilities != 'null': ret['capabilities'] = json.loads(capabilities) def buildArtifacts(self, nodeTemplate, inputs, ret): artifacts = json.dumps(nodeTemplate.entity_tpl.get('artifacts', None)) match = re.findall(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}',artifacts) for m in match: aa= [input_def for input_def in inputs if m == input_def.name][0] artifacts = re.sub(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}', json.dumps(aa.default), artifacts,1) if artifacts != 'null': ret['artifacts'] = json.loads(artifacts) def build_interfaces(self, node_template): if 'interfaces' in node_template.entity_tpl: return node_template.entity_tpl['interfaces'] return None def isVnf(self, node): return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VNF.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VNF') def isPnf(self, node): return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.PNF.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.PNF') def isCp(self, node): return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.CP.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.CP') def isVl(self, node): return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VIRTUALLINK.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VL.') >= 0 or \ node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VIRTUALLINK') or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VL') def isService(self, node): return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.SERVICE.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.SERVICE') def get_requirement_node_name(self, req_value): return self.get_prop_from_obj(req_value, 'node') def get_prop_from_obj(self, obj, prop): if isinstance(obj, str): return obj if (isinstance(obj, dict) and prop in obj): return obj[prop] return None def getNodeDependencys(self, node): return self.getRequirementByName(node, 'dependency') def getVirtualLinks(self, node): return self.getRequirementByName(node, 'virtualLink') def getVirtualbindings(self, node): return self.getRequirementByName(node, 'virtualbinding') def getRequirementByName(self, node, requirementName): requirements = [] if 'requirements' in node: for item in node['requirements']: for key, value in item.items(): if key == requirementName: requirements.append(value) return requirements def get_networks(self, node): rets = [] if 'requirements' in node: for item in node['requirements']: for key, value in item.items(): if key.upper().find('VIRTUALLINK') >=0: rets.append({"key_name":key, "vl_id":self.get_requirement_node_name(value)}) return rets def _verify_value(self, value, inputs, parsed_params): if isinstance(value, str): return self._verify_string(inputs, parsed_params, value) if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict): return self._verify_object(value, inputs, parsed_params) return value def _verify_object(self, value, inputs, parsed_params): s = self._verify_string(inputs, parsed_params, json.dumps(value)) return json.loads(s) def _get_input_name(self, getInput): input_name = getInput.split(':')[1] input_name = input_name.strip() return input_name.replace('"', '').replace('}', '') def _verify_string(self, inputs, parsed_params, value): getInputs = re.findall(r'{"get_input": "[a-zA-Z_0-9]+"}', value) for getInput in getInputs: input_name = self._get_input_name(getInput) if parsed_params and input_name in parsed_params: value = value.replace(getInput, json.dumps(parsed_params[input_name])) else: for input_def in inputs: if input_def.default and input_name == input_def.name: value = value.replace(getInput, json.dumps(input_def.default)) return value def get_node_vl_id(self, node): vl_ids = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getVirtualLinks(node)) if len(vl_ids) > 0: return vl_ids[0] return "" def get_node_by_name(self, node_templates, name): for node in node_templates: if node['name'] == name: return node return None