# Copyright 2016-2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import logging import uuid import traceback from lcm.pub.database.models import JobStatusModel, JobModel from lcm.pub.utils import idutil logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def enum(**enums): return type('Enum', (), enums) JOB_STATUS = enum(PROCESSING=0, FINISH=1) JOB_MODEL_STATUS = enum(STARTED='started', PROCESSING='processing', FINISHED='finished', ERROR='error', TIMEOUT='timeout') JOB_TYPE = enum(CREATE_VNF="create vnf", TERMINATE_VNF="terminate vnf", GRANT_VNF="grant vnf", MANUAL_SCALE_VNF="manual scale vnf", HEAL_VNF="heal vnf") class JobUtil(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def __gen_job_id(job_name): return "%s-%s" % (job_name if job_name else "UnknownJob", uuid.uuid1()) @staticmethod def query_job_status(job_id, index_id=-1): # logger.info("Query job status, jobid =[%s], responseid [%d]" % (job_id, index_id)) jobs = [] if index_id < 0: row = JobStatusModel.objects.filter(jobid=job_id).order_by("-indexid").first() if row: jobs.append(row) else: [jobs.append(job) for job in JobStatusModel.objects.filter(jobid=job_id).order_by("-indexid") if job.indexid > index_id] # logger.info("Query job status, rows=%s" % str(jobs)) return jobs @staticmethod def is_job_exists(job_id): jobs = JobModel.objects.filter(jobid=job_id) return len(jobs) > 0 @staticmethod def create_job(inst_type, jobaction, inst_id, user='', job_id=None, res_name=''): if job_id is None: job_id = JobUtil.__gen_job_id( '%s-%s-%s' % (str(inst_type).replace(' ', '_'), str(jobaction).replace(' ', '_'), str(inst_id))) job = JobModel() job.jobid = job_id job.jobtype = inst_type job.jobaction = jobaction job.resid = str(inst_id) job.status = JOB_STATUS.PROCESSING job.user = user job.starttime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X') job.progress = 0 job.resname = res_name logger.debug("create a new job, jobid=%s, jobtype=%s, jobaction=%s, resid=%s, status=%d" % (job.jobid, job.jobtype, job.jobaction, job.resid, job.status)) job.save() return job_id @staticmethod def clear_job(job_id): [job.delete() for job in JobModel.objects.filter(jobid=job_id)] logger.debug("Clear job, job_id=%s" % job_id) @staticmethod def add_job_status(job_id, progress, status_decs, error_code=""): jobs = JobModel.objects.filter(jobid=job_id) if not jobs: logger.error("Job[%s] is not exists, please create job first." % job_id) raise Exception("Job[%s] is not exists." % job_id) try: int_progress = int(progress) job_status = JobStatusModel() job_status.indexid = int(idutil.get_auto_id(job_id)) job_status.jobid = job_id job_status.status = "processing" job_status.progress = int_progress if job_status.progress == 0: job_status.status = "started" elif job_status.progress == 100: job_status.status = "finished" elif job_status.progress == 101: job_status.status = "partly_finished" elif job_status.progress > 101: job_status.status = "error" if error_code == "255": job_status.status = "error" job_status.descp = status_decs job_status.errcode = error_code if error_code else "0" job_status.addtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X') job_status.save() logger.debug("Add a new job status, jobid=%s, indexid=%d," " status=%s, description=%s, progress=%d, errcode=%s, addtime=%r" % (job_status.jobid, job_status.indexid, job_status.status, job_status.descp, job_status.progress, job_status.errcode, job_status.addtime)) job = jobs[0] job.progress = int_progress if job_status.progress >= 100: job.status = JOB_STATUS.FINISH job.endtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X') job.save() logger.debug("update job, jobid=%s, progress=%d" % (job_status.jobid, int_progress)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) @staticmethod def clear_job_status(job_id): [job.delete() for job in JobStatusModel.objects.filter(jobid=job_id)] logger.debug("Clear job status, job_id=%s" % job_id) @staticmethod def get_unfinished_jobs(url_prefix, inst_id, inst_type): jobs = JobModel.objects.filter(resid=inst_id, jobtype=inst_type, status=JOB_STATUS.PROCESSING) progresses = reduce(lambda content, job: content + [url_prefix + "/" + job.jobid], jobs, []) return progresses