# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging from lcm.pub.nfvi.vim.lib.vimexception import VimException from lcm.pub.utils.restcall import req_by_msb from lcm.pub.nfvi.vim import const logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) VIM_DRIVER_BASE_URL = "api/multicloud/v0" def call(vim_id, tenant_id, res, method, data=''): if data and not isinstance(data, str): data = json.JSONEncoder().encode(data) vim_id = json.JSONDecoder().decode(vim_id) if isinstance(vim_id, str) else vim_id vim_id = "%s_%s" % (vim_id['cloud_owner'], vim_id['cloud_regionid']) url = "{base_url}/{vim_id}{tenant_id}/{res}".format( base_url=VIM_DRIVER_BASE_URL, vim_id=vim_id, tenant_id="/" + tenant_id if tenant_id else "", res=res) # url = "{base_url}/{cloud_owner}/{cloud_regionid}{tenant_id}/{res}".format( # base_url=VIM_DRIVER_BASE_URL, # cloud_owner=cloud_owner, # cloud_regionid=cloud_regionid, # tenant_id="/" + tenant_id if tenant_id else "", # res=res) ret = req_by_msb(url, method, data) if ret[0] > 0: raise VimException(ret[1], ret[2]) return json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) if ret[1] else {} ####################################################################### def create_image(vim_id, tenant_id, data): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "images", "POST", data) def delete_image(vim_id, tenant_id, image_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "images/%s" % image_id, "DELETE") def get_image(vim_id, tenant_id, image_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "images/%s" % image_id, "GET") def list_image(vim_id, tenant_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "images", "GET") ###################################################################### def create_network(vim_id, tenant_id, data): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "networks", "POST", data) def delete_network(vim_id, tenant_id, network_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "networks/%s" % network_id, "DELETE") def get_network(vim_id, tenant_id, network_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "networks/%s" % network_id, "GET") def list_network(vim_id, tenant_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "networks", "GET") ###################################################################### def create_subnet(vim_id, tenant_id, data): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "subnets", "POST", data) def delete_subnet(vim_id, tenant_id, subnet_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "subnets/%s" % subnet_id, "DELETE") def get_subnet(vim_id, tenant_id, subnet_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "subnets/%s" % subnet_id, "GET") def list_subnet(vim_id, tenant_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "subnets", "GET") ###################################################################### def create_port(vim_id, tenant_id, data): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "ports", "POST", data) def delete_port(vim_id, tenant_id, port_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "ports/%s" % port_id, "DELETE") def get_port(vim_id, tenant_id, port_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "ports/%s" % port_id, "GET") def list_port(vim_id, tenant_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "ports", "GET") ###################################################################### def create_flavor(vim_id, tenant_id, data): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "flavors", "POST", data) def delete_flavor(vim_id, tenant_id, flavor_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "flavors/%s" % flavor_id, "DELETE") def get_flavor(vim_id, tenant_id, flavor_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "flavors/%s" % flavor_id, "GET") def list_flavor(vim_id, tenant_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "flavors", "GET") ###################################################################### def create_vm(vim_id, tenant_id, data): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "servers", "POST", data) def delete_vm(vim_id, tenant_id, vm_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "servers/%s" % vm_id, "DELETE") def get_vm(vim_id, tenant_id, vm_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "servers/%s" % vm_id, "GET") def list_vm(vim_id, tenant_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "servers", "GET") ###################################################################### def create_volume(vim_id, tenant_id, data): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "volumes", "POST", data) def delete_volume(vim_id, tenant_id, volume_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "volumes/%s" % volume_id, "DELETE") def get_volume(vim_id, tenant_id, volume_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "volumes/%s" % volume_id, "GET") def list_volume(vim_id, tenant_id): return call(vim_id, tenant_id, "volumes", "GET") ###################################################################### def list_tenant(vim_id, tenant_name=""): res = "tenants" if tenant_name: res = "%s?name=%s" % (res, tenant_name) return call(vim_id, "", res, "GET") ###################################################################### class MultiVimApi: def login(self, connect_info): self.vim_id = connect_info["vimid"] self.tenant_name = connect_info["tenant"] tenants = list_tenant(self.vim_id) for tenant in tenants["tenants"]: if self.tenant_name == tenant["name"]: self.tenant_id = tenant["id"] return [0, connect_info] raise VimException(1, "Tenant(%s) not exist" % self.tenant_name) def query_net(self, auth_info, net_id): net = get_network(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, net_id) return [0, { "id": net.get("id", ""), "name": net.get("name", ""), "status": net.get("status", ""), "admin_state_up": net.get("admin_state_up", True), "network_type": net.get("networkType", ""), "physical_network": net.get("physicalNetwork", ""), "segmentation_id": net.get("segmentationId", ""), "tenant_id": self.tenant_id, "tenant_name": self.tenant_name, "subnets": net.get("subnets", []), "shared": net.get("shared", True), "router_external": net.get("routerExternal", "") }] def query_nets(self, auth_info): nets = list_network(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id) return [0, {"networks": [{ "id": net.get("id", ""), "name": net.get("name", ""), "status": net.get("status", ""), "admin_state_up": net.get("admin_state_up", True), "network_type": net.get("networkType", ""), "physical_network": net.get("physicalNetwork", ""), "segmentation_id": net.get("segmentationId", ""), "tenant_id": self.tenant_id, "tenant_name": self.tenant_name, "subnets": net.get("subnets", []), "shared": net.get("shared", True), "router_external": net.get("routerExternal", "") } for net in nets["networks"]]}] def query_subnet(self, auth_info, subnet_id): subnet_info = get_subnet(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, subnet_id) ret = [0, {}] ret[1]["id"] = subnet_id ret[1]["name"] = subnet_info.get("name", "") ret[1]["status"] = "" ret[1]["ip_version"] = subnet_info.get("ipVersion", 4) ret[1]["cidr"] = subnet_info.get("cidr", "") ret[1]["allocation_pools"] = subnet_info.get("allocationPools", []) ret[1]["enable_dhcp"] = subnet_info.get("enableDhcp", False) ret[1]["gateway_ip"] = subnet_info.get("gatewayIp", "") ret[1]["host_routes"] = subnet_info.get("hostRoutes", []) ret[1]["dns_nameservers"] = subnet_info.get("dnsNameservers", []) return ret def query_port(self, auth_info, port_id): port_info = get_port(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, port_id) ret = [0, {}] ret[1]["id"] = port_id ret[1]["name"] = port_info.get("name", "") ret[1]["network_id"] = port_info.get("networkId", "") ret[1]["tenant_id"] = self.tenant_id, ret[1]["ip"] = port_info.get("ip", "") ret[1]["subnet_id"] = port_info.get("subnetId", "") ret[1]["mac_address"] = port_info.get("macAddress", "") ret[1]["status"] = port_info.get("status", "") ret[1]["admin_state_up"] = port_info.get("admin_state_up", True) ret[1]["device_id"] = port_info.get("device_id", "") return ret def create_port(self, auth_info, data): return [0, data] def delete_port(self, auth_info, port_id): return [0, ""] def create_image(self, auth_info, data): image_data = { "name": data["image_name"], "imagePath": data["image_url"], "imageType": data["image_type"], "containerFormat": "bare", "visibility": "public", "properties": [] } image = create_image(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, image_data) return [0, { "id": image["id"], "name": image["name"], const.RES_TYPE_KEY: image["returnCode"]} ] def get_image(self, auth_info, image_id): image = get_image(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, image_id) return [0, { "id": image["id"], "name": image["name"], "size": image["size"], "status": image["status"]} ] def get_images(self, auth_info): images = list_image(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id) return [0, {"image_list": [{ "id": img["id"], "name": img["name"], "size": img["size"], "status": img["status"] } for img in images["images"]]}] def delete_image(self, auth_info, image_id): return [0, ""] def create_network(self, auth_info, data): net_data = { "name": data["network_name"], "shared": True, "networkType": data["network_type"] } if "physical_network" in data and data['physical_network']: net_data["physicalNetwork"] = data['physical_network'] if "vlan_transparent" in data and data["vlan_transparent"]: net_data["vlanTransparent"] = data["vlan_transparent"] if "segmentation_id" in data and data['segmentation_id']: net_data["segmentationId"] = data["segmentation_id"] if "routerExternal" in data and data['routerExternal']: net_data["routerExternal"] = data["routerExternal"] net = create_network(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, net_data) network_id = net["id"] ret_net = { "status": net.get("status", ""), "id": network_id, "name": net.get("name", ""), "provider:segmentation_id": net.get("segmentationId", ""), "provider:network_type": net.get("networkType", ""), const.RES_TYPE_KEY: net["returnCode"], "subnet_list": [] } if "subnet_list" in data and data["subnet_list"]: subnet = data["subnet_list"][0] subnet_data = { "networkId": network_id, "name": subnet["subnet_name"], "cidr": subnet["cidr"], "ipVersion": const.IPV4, "enableDhcp": False } if "ip_version" in subnet and subnet["ip_version"]: subnet_data["ipVersion"] = int(subnet["ip_version"]) if "enable_dhcp" in subnet and subnet["enable_dhcp"]: if isinstance(subnet["enable_dhcp"], str): subnet["enable_dhcp"] = (subnet["enable_dhcp"]).strip().lower() in "true" subnet_data["enableDhcp"] = int(subnet["enable_dhcp"]) == const.ENABLE_DHCP if "gateway_ip" in subnet and subnet["gateway_ip"]: subnet_data["gatewayIp"] = subnet["gateway_ip"] if "dns_nameservers" in subnet and subnet["dns_nameservers"]: subnet_data["dnsNameservers"] = subnet["dns_nameservers"] if "allocation_pools" in subnet and subnet["allocation_pools"]: subnet_data["allocationPools"] = subnet["allocation_pools"] if "host_routes" in subnet and subnet["host_routes"]: subnet_data["hostRoutes"] = subnet["host_routes"] subnet_create = create_subnet(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, subnet_data) ret_net["subnet_list"].append({ "id": subnet_create["id"], "name": subnet_create["name"], const.RES_TYPE_KEY: net["returnCode"]}) return [0, ret_net] def delete_network(self, auth_info, network_id): return delete_network(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, network_id) def delete_subnet(self, auth_info, subnet_id): return delete_subnet(self.vim_id, self.tenant_id, subnet_id)