# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging import threading import traceback from lcm.pub.database.models import NfInstModel from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException from lcm.pub.msapi.vnfmdriver import send_nf_scaling_request from lcm.pub.utils.jobutil import JobUtil from lcm.pub.enum import JOB_MODEL_STATUS, JOB_TYPE, JOB_PROGRESS from lcm.pub.utils.values import ignore_case_get from lcm.ns_vnfs.enum import VNF_STATUS from lcm.ns_vnfs.biz.wait_job import wait_job_finish logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NFManualScaleService(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, vnf_instance_id, data): super(NFManualScaleService, self).__init__() self.vnf_instance_id = vnf_instance_id self.data = data self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job( "NF", JOB_TYPE.MANUAL_SCALE_VNF, vnf_instance_id) self.nf_scale_params = [] self.m_nf_inst_id = '' self.vnfm_inst_id = '' def run(self): try: self.do_biz() except NSLCMException as e: JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR, e.args[0]) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.args[0]) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR, 'VNF scale failed') finally: self.update_nf_status() def do_biz(self): self.update_job(1, desc='VNF scale start') self.update_nf_status(VNF_STATUS.SCALING) self.get_and_check_params() self.send_nf_scaling_requests() self.update_nf_status(VNF_STATUS.ACTIVE) self.update_job(100, desc='VNF scale success') def get_and_check_params(self): nf_info = NfInstModel.objects.filter(nfinstid=self.vnf_instance_id) if not nf_info: raise NSLCMException( 'NF instance[id=%s] does not exist' % self.vnf_instance_id) logger.debug('vnfd_model = %s, vnf_instance_id = %s' % (nf_info[0].vnfd_model, self.vnf_instance_id)) nf_model = nf_info[0].vnfd_model self.m_nf_inst_id = nf_info[0].mnfinstid self.vnfm_inst_id = nf_info[0].vnfm_inst_id scale_vnf_data = ignore_case_get(self.data, 'scaleVnfData') if not scale_vnf_data: raise NSLCMException('scaleVnfData parameter does not exist') self.nf_scale_params.append({ 'type': ignore_case_get(scale_vnf_data, 'type'), 'aspectId': ignore_case_get(scale_vnf_data, 'aspectId'), 'numberOfSteps': ignore_case_get(scale_vnf_data, 'numberOfSteps'), 'additionalParam': {'vnfdModel': nf_model} }) def send_nf_scaling_requests(self): nf_scale_num = len(self.nf_scale_params) for i in range(nf_scale_num): progress_range = [10 + 80 / nf_scale_num * i, 10 + 80 / nf_scale_num * (i + 1)] self.send_nf_scaling_request( self.nf_scale_params[i], progress_range) def send_nf_scaling_request(self, scale_param, progress_range): req_param = json.JSONEncoder().encode(scale_param) rsp = send_nf_scaling_request( self.vnfm_inst_id, self.m_nf_inst_id, req_param) vnfm_job_id = ignore_case_get(rsp, 'jobId') ret = wait_job_finish( self.vnfm_inst_id, self.job_id, vnfm_job_id, progress_range=progress_range, timeout=1200, mode='1') if ret != JOB_MODEL_STATUS.FINISHED: raise NSLCMException("VNF scale failed") def update_nf_status(self, status=VNF_STATUS.ACTIVE): NfInstModel.objects.filter( nfinstid=self.vnf_instance_id).update( status=status) def update_job(self, progress, desc=''): JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, progress, desc)