# Copyright 2016 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import traceback from lcm.pub.config.config import REPORT_TO_AAI from lcm.pub.database.models import VLInstModel, VNFFGInstModel from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException from lcm.pub.msapi import resmgr, extsys from lcm.pub.msapi.aai import query_network_aai, delete_network_aai from lcm.pub.nfvi.vim import vimadaptor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DeleteVls(object): def __init__(self, vl_inst_id): self.vl_inst_id = vl_inst_id self.ns_inst_id = "" def do(self): try: vl_inst_info = VLInstModel.objects.filter(vlinstanceid=self.vl_inst_id) if not vl_inst_info: logger.info("vl inst id(%s) is not exist or has been already deleted" % self.vl_inst_id) return {"result": 0, "detail": "vl is not exist or has been already deleted"} self.ns_inst_id = vl_inst_info[0].ownerid vim_id = vl_inst_info[0].vimid subnetwork_id_list = vl_inst_info[0].relatedsubnetworkid.split(",") network_id = vl_inst_info[0].relatednetworkid self.delete_vl_from_vim(vim_id, subnetwork_id_list, network_id) self.delete_vl_from_resmgr() if REPORT_TO_AAI: self.delete_network_and_subnet_in_aai() self.delete_vl_from_db(vl_inst_info) return {"result": 0, "detail": "delete vl success"} except NSLCMException as e: return self.exception_handle(e) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return self.exception_handle(e) def exception_handle(self, e): detail = "vl delete failed, detail message: %s" % e.message logger.error(detail) return {"result": 0, "detail": detail} def delete_vl_from_vim(self, vim_id, subnetwork_id_list, network_id): vim_resp_body = extsys.get_vim_by_id(vim_id) data = { "vimid": vim_id, "vimtype": vim_resp_body["type"], "url": vim_resp_body["url"], "user": vim_resp_body["userName"], "passwd": vim_resp_body["password"], "tenant": vim_resp_body["tenant"]} vim_api = vimadaptor.VimAdaptor(data) for subnetwork_id in subnetwork_id_list: vim_api.delete_subnet(subnet_id=subnetwork_id) vim_api.delete_network(network_id=network_id) def delete_vl_from_resmgr(self): resmgr.delete_vl(self.vl_inst_id) def delete_vl_inst_id_in_vnffg(self): for vnffg_info in VNFFGInstModel.objects.filter(nsinstid=self.ns_inst_id): new_vl_id_list = "" for old_vl_id in vnffg_info.vllist.split(","): if old_vl_id != self.vl_inst_id: new_vl_id_list += old_vl_id + "," new_vl_id_list = new_vl_id_list[:-1] VNFFGInstModel.objects.filter(vnffginstid=vnffg_info.vnffginstid).update(vllist=new_vl_id_list) def delete_network_and_subnet_in_aai(self): logger.debug("DeleteVls::delete_network_in_aai[%s] in aai.", self.vl_inst_id) try: # query network in aai, get resource_version customer_info = query_network_aai(self.vl_inst_id) resource_version = customer_info.get("resource-version") # delete network from aai resp_data, resp_status = delete_network_aai(self.vl_inst_id, resource_version) logger.debug("Delete network[%s] from aai successfully, status: %s", self.vl_inst_id, resp_status) except NSLCMException as e: logger.debug("Fail to delete network[%s] from aai: %s", self.vl_inst_id, e.message) except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception occurs when delete network[%s] from aai: %s", self.vl_inst_id, e.message) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) def delete_vl_from_db(self, vl_inst_info): # do_biz_with_share_lock("delete-vllist-in-vnffg-%s" % self.ns_inst_id, self.delete_vl_inst_id_in_vnffg) self.delete_vl_inst_id_in_vnffg() vl_inst_info.delete()