# Copyright 2016 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging from lcm.ns.const import OWNER_TYPE from lcm.pub.database.models import NSInstModel, NfInstModel, VLInstModel, CPInstModel, VNFFGInstModel logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GetNSInfoService(object): def __init__(self, nsfilter=None): self.ns_filter = nsfilter def get_ns_info(self): ns_insts = None if self.ns_filter and "ns_inst_id" in self.ns_filter: ns_inst_id = self.ns_filter["ns_inst_id"] ns_insts = NSInstModel.objects.filter(id=ns_inst_id) else: ns_insts = NSInstModel.objects.all() return [self.get_single_ns_info(ns_inst) for ns_inst in ns_insts] def get_single_ns_info(self, ns_inst): return { 'nsInstanceId': ns_inst.id, 'nsName': ns_inst.name, 'description': ns_inst.description, 'nsdId': ns_inst.nsd_id, 'vnfInfoId': self.get_vnf_infos(ns_inst.id), 'vlInfo': self.get_vl_infos(ns_inst.id), 'vnffgInfo': self.get_vnffg_infos(ns_inst.id, ns_inst.nsd_model), 'nsState': ns_inst.status} @staticmethod def get_vnf_infos(ns_inst_id): vnfs = NfInstModel.objects.filter(ns_inst_id=ns_inst_id) return [{ 'vnfInstanceId': vnf.nfinstid, 'vnfInstanceName': vnf.nf_name, 'vnfProfileId': vnf.vnf_id} for vnf in vnfs] def get_vl_infos(self, ns_inst_id): vls = VLInstModel.objects.filter(ownertype=OWNER_TYPE.NS, ownerid=ns_inst_id) return [{ 'vlInstanceId': vl.vlinstanceid, 'vlInstanceName': vl.vlinstancename, 'vldId': vl.vldid, 'relatedCpInstanceId': self.get_cp_infos(vl.vlinstanceid)} for vl in vls] @staticmethod def get_cp_infos(vl_inst_id): cps = CPInstModel.objects.filter(relatedvl__icontains=vl_inst_id) return [{ 'cpInstanceId': cp.cpinstanceid, 'cpInstanceName': cp.cpname, 'cpdId': cp.cpdid} for cp in cps] def get_vnffg_infos(self, ns_inst_id, nsd_model): vnffgs = VNFFGInstModel.objects.filter(nsinstid=ns_inst_id) return [{ 'vnffgInstanceId': vnffg.vnffginstid, 'vnfId': self.convert_string_to_list(vnffg.vnflist), 'pnfId': self.get_pnf_infos(nsd_model), 'virtualLinkId': self.convert_string_to_list(vnffg.vllist), 'cpId': self.convert_string_to_list(vnffg.cplist), 'nfp': self.convert_string_to_list(vnffg.fplist)} for vnffg in vnffgs] @staticmethod def get_pnf_infos(nsd_model): context = json.loads(nsd_model) pnfs = context['pnfs'] return [pnf['pnf_id'] for pnf in pnfs] @staticmethod def convert_string_to_list(detail_id_string): if not detail_id_string: return None return detail_id_string.split(',')