# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import json import logging import os from lcm.pub.database.models import NSInstModel from lcm.pub.database.models import NfInstModel from lcm.pub.utils.values import ignore_case_get from lcm.ns_vnfs.const import VNF_STATUS logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SCALE_TYPE = ("SCALE_NS", "SCALE_VNF") scale_vnf_data_mapping = { "vnfInstanceId": "", "scaleByStepData": { "type": "", "aspectId": "", "numberOfSteps": "" } } def mapping_conv(keyword_map, rest_return): resp_data = {} for param in keyword_map: if keyword_map[param]: if isinstance(keyword_map[param], dict): resp_data[param] = mapping_conv( keyword_map[param], ignore_case_get( rest_return, param)) else: resp_data[param] = ignore_case_get(rest_return, param) return resp_data def get_vnf_scale_info(filename, ns_instanceId, aspect, step): json_data = get_json_data(filename) scale_options = ignore_case_get(json_data, "scale_options") for i in range(scale_options.__len__()): ns_scale_option = scale_options[i] if (ignore_case_get(ns_scale_option, "ns_instanceId") == ns_instanceId) \ and (ignore_case_get(ns_scale_option, "ns_scale_aspect") == aspect): ns_scale_info_list = ignore_case_get( ns_scale_option, "ns_scale_info_list") for j in range(ns_scale_info_list.__len__()): ns_scale_info = ns_scale_info_list[j] if ns_scale_info["step"] == step: return ns_scale_info["vnf_scale_info"] return None def get_vnf_instance_id_list(vnfd_id): kwargs = {} kwargs['package_id'] = vnfd_id kwargs['status'] = VNF_STATUS.ACTIVE nf_model_list = NfInstModel.objects.filter(**kwargs) vnf_instance_id_list = list() nf_model_len = nf_model_list.__len__() if nf_model_len == 0: logger.error("No VNF instances found(vnfd_id=%s)" % vnfd_id) else: for i in range(nf_model_len): vnf_instance_id_list.append(nf_model_list[i].nfinstid) return vnf_instance_id_list def get_json_data(filename): f = open(filename) json_str = f.read() data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(json_str) f.close() return data def check_scale_list(vnf_scale_list, ns_instanceId, aspect, step): if vnf_scale_list is None or vnf_scale_list.__len__() == 0: logger.debug( "The scaling option[ns=%s, aspect=%s, step=%s] does not exist. Pls check the config file." % (ns_instanceId, aspect, step)) raise Exception( "The scaling option[ns=%s, aspect=%s, step=%s] does not exist. Pls check the config file." % (ns_instanceId, aspect, step)) else: return vnf_scale_list def get_scale_vnf_data_list(filename, ns_instanceId, aspect, step, scale_type): vnf_scale_list = get_vnf_scale_info(filename, ns_instanceId, aspect, step) check_scale_list(vnf_scale_list, ns_instanceId, aspect, step) scaleVnfDataList = set_scaleVnfData_type(vnf_scale_list, scale_type) logger.debug("scaleVnfDataList = %s" % scaleVnfDataList) return scaleVnfDataList # Get the nsd id according to the ns instance id. def get_nsdId(ns_instanceId): if NSInstModel.objects.filter(id=ns_instanceId): nsd_id = NSInstModel.objects.filter(id=ns_instanceId)[0].nsd_id return nsd_id return None def check_and_set_params(scaleNsData, ns_InstanceId): if scaleNsData is None: raise Exception("Error! scaleNsData in the request is Empty!") scaleNsByStepsData = scaleNsData["scaleNsByStepsData"] # scaleNsData[0]["scaleNsByStepsData"][0] if scaleNsByStepsData is None: raise Exception("Error! scaleNsByStepsData in the request is Empty!") aspect = scaleNsByStepsData["aspectId"] numberOfSteps = scaleNsByStepsData["numberOfSteps"] scale_type = scaleNsByStepsData["scalingDirection"] return aspect, numberOfSteps, scale_type def get_scale_vnf_data(scaleNsData, ns_InstanceId): curdir_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)))) filename = curdir_path + "/ns/data/scalemapping.json" logger.debug("filename = %s" % filename) aspect, numberOfSteps, scale_type = check_and_set_params( scaleNsData, ns_InstanceId) return get_scale_vnf_data_list( filename, ns_InstanceId, aspect, numberOfSteps, scale_type) # Get scaling vnf data info list according to the ns instance id and request ScaleNsData. def get_scale_vnf_data_info_list(scaleNsData, ns_InstanceId): # Gets the nsd id accordign to the ns instance id. nsd_id = get_nsdId(ns_InstanceId) # Gets the scalingmap json data from the package according to the ns instance id. # scalingmap_json = catalog.get_scalingmap_json_package(ns_InstanceId) base_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) ) ) ) scalingmap_filename = base_path + "/ns/data/scalemapping.json" scalingmap_json = get_json_data(scalingmap_filename) # Gets and checks the values of parameters. aspect, numberOfSteps, scale_type = check_and_set_params( scaleNsData, ns_InstanceId) # Firstly, gets the scaling vnf data info list from the scaling map json data. scale_vnf_data_info_list_from_json = get_scale_vnf_data_from_json(scalingmap_json, nsd_id, aspect, numberOfSteps) check_scale_list(scale_vnf_data_info_list_from_json, ns_InstanceId, aspect, numberOfSteps) # Secondly, adds the property of vnfInstanceId to the list according to the vnfd id. scale_vnf_data_info_list = set_scacle_vnf_instance_id(scale_vnf_data_info_list_from_json) check_scale_list(scale_vnf_data_info_list, ns_InstanceId, aspect, numberOfSteps) # Lastly, adds the property of type to the list acoording to the request ScaleNsData. scale_vnf_data_info_list = set_scaleVnfData_type(scale_vnf_data_info_list, scale_type) check_scale_list(scale_vnf_data_info_list, ns_InstanceId, aspect, numberOfSteps) return scale_vnf_data_info_list # Get the vnf scaling info from the scaling_map.json according to the ns package id. def get_scale_vnf_data_from_json(scalingmap_json, nsd_id, aspect, step): scale_options = ignore_case_get(scalingmap_json, "scale_options") for i in range(scale_options.__len__()): ns_scale_option = scale_options[i] if (ignore_case_get(ns_scale_option, "nsd_id") == nsd_id) and ( ignore_case_get(ns_scale_option, "ns_scale_aspect") == aspect): ns_scale_info_list = ignore_case_get( ns_scale_option, "ns_scale_info") for j in range(ns_scale_info_list.__len__()): ns_scale_info = ns_scale_info_list[j] if ns_scale_info["step"] == step: vnf_scale_info_list = ns_scale_info["vnf_scale_info"] return vnf_scale_info_list logger.error("get_scale_vnf_data_from_json method retuan null") return None # Gets the vnf instance id according to the vnfd_id and modify the list of scaling vnf info accrodingly. def set_scacle_vnf_instance_id(vnf_scale_info_list): scale_vnf_data_info_list = [] for i in range(vnf_scale_info_list.__len__()): vnf_scale_info = vnf_scale_info_list[i] vnfd_id = vnf_scale_info["vnfd_id"] vnf_instance_id_list = get_vnf_instance_id_list(vnfd_id) index = 0 while index < vnf_instance_id_list.__len__(): copy_vnf_scale_info = copy.deepcopy(vnf_scale_info) copy_vnf_scale_info.pop("vnfd_id") copy_vnf_scale_info["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf_instance_id_list[index] index += 1 scale_vnf_data_info_list.append(copy_vnf_scale_info) return scale_vnf_data_info_list # Sets the scaling type of vnf data info list. def set_scaleVnfData_type(vnf_scale_list, scale_type): logger.debug( "vnf_scale_list = %s, type = %s" % (vnf_scale_list, scale_type)) scaleVnfDataList = [] if vnf_scale_list is not None: for i in range(vnf_scale_list.__len__()): scaleVnfData = copy.deepcopy(scale_vnf_data_mapping) scaleVnfData["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf_scale_list[i]["vnfInstanceId"] scaleVnfData["scaleByStepData"]["type"] = scale_type scaleVnfData["scaleByStepData"]["aspectId"] = vnf_scale_list[i]["vnf_scaleAspectId"] scaleVnfData["scaleByStepData"]["numberOfSteps"] = vnf_scale_list[i]["numberOfSteps"] scaleVnfDataList.append(scaleVnfData) logger.debug("scaleVnfDataList = %s" % scaleVnfDataList) return scaleVnfDataList