# Copyright (c) 2019, CMCC Technologies Co., Ltd. # Copyright (c) 2019, ZTE Corporation. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging from lcm.pub.database.models import NSLcmOpOccModel from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException from lcm.ns.const import NS_OCC_BASE_URI, NS_INSTANCE_BASE_URI logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FILTERS = { 'id': 'id', 'operationState': 'operation_state', 'stateEnteredTime': 'state_entered_time', 'startTime': 'start_time', 'nsInstanceId': 'ns_instance_id', 'operation': 'operation' } class QueryNsLcmOpOcc: def __init__(self, data, lcm_op_occ_id=''): self.ns_lcm_op_occ_id = lcm_op_occ_id self.params = data def query_multi_ns_lcm_op_occ(self): query_data = {} logger.debug("QueryMultiNsLcmOpOccs--get--biz::> Check for filters in query params" % self.params) for query, value in list(self.params.items()): if query in FILTERS: query_data[FILTERS[query]] = value # Query the database with filters if the request has fields in request params, else fetch all records if query_data: lcm_ops = NSLcmOpOccModel.objects.filter(**query_data) else: lcm_ops = NSLcmOpOccModel.objects.all() if not lcm_ops.exists(): return [] # raise NSLCMException('LCM Operation Occurances do not exist') return [self.fill_resp_data(lcm_op) for lcm_op in lcm_ops] def fill_resp_data(self, lcm_op): NS_LCM_OP_OCC_URI = NS_OCC_BASE_URI % lcm_op.id resp_data = { 'id': lcm_op.id, 'operationState': lcm_op.operation_state, 'stateEnteredTime': lcm_op.state_entered_time, 'startTime': lcm_op.start_time, 'nsInstanceId': lcm_op.ns_instance_id, 'operation': lcm_op.operation, 'isAutomaticInvocation': lcm_op.is_automatic_invocation, 'operationParams': json.loads(lcm_op.operation_params), 'isCancelPending': lcm_op.is_cancel_pending, 'cancelMode': lcm_op.cancel_mode, 'error': None if not lcm_op.error else json.loads(lcm_op.error), 'resourceChanges': None if not lcm_op.resource_changes else json.loads(lcm_op.resource_changes), '_links': { 'self': {'href': NS_LCM_OP_OCC_URI}, 'nsInstance': {'href': NS_INSTANCE_BASE_URI % lcm_op.ns_instance_id}, 'retry': {'href': NS_LCM_OP_OCC_URI + '/retry'}, 'rollback': {'href': NS_LCM_OP_OCC_URI + '/rollback'}, 'continue': {'href': NS_LCM_OP_OCC_URI + '/continue'}, 'fail': {'href': NS_LCM_OP_OCC_URI + '/fail'}, 'cancel': {'href': NS_LCM_OP_OCC_URI + '/cancel'} } # json.loads(lcm_op.links) } return resp_data def query_single_ns_lcm_op_occ(self): lcm_op = NSLcmOpOccModel.objects.filter(id=self.ns_lcm_op_occ_id) if not lcm_op.exists(): raise NSLCMException('LCM Operation Occurance does not exist') resp_data = self.fill_resp_data(lcm_op[0]) return resp_data