# Copyright 2016 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging import threading import time import traceback from lcm.jobs.const import JOB_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_ID_URI from lcm.pub.database.models import NSInstModel, VLInstModel, FPInstModel, NfInstModel from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException from lcm.pub.msapi.nslcm import call_from_ns_cancel_resource from lcm.pub.utils.jobutil import JobUtil from lcm.pub.utils.values import ignore_case_get from lcm.pub.utils import restcall from lcm.ns.enum import OWNER_TYPE from lcm.pub.database.models import PNFInstModel from lcm.ns.biz.ns_lcm_op_occ import NsLcmOpOcc from lcm.jobs.enum import JOB_PROGRESS logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TerminateNsService(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, ns_inst_id, job_id, request_data): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.terminate_type = request_data.get('terminationType', 'GRACEFUL') self.terminate_timeout = request_data.get('gracefulTerminationTimeout', 600) self.job_id = job_id self.ns_inst_id = ns_inst_id self.occ_id = NsLcmOpOcc.create(ns_inst_id, "TERMINATE", "PROCESSING", False, request_data) def run(self): try: if not NSInstModel.objects.filter(id=self.ns_inst_id): JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_PROGRESS.FINISHED, "Need not terminate.", '') NsLcmOpOcc.update(self.occ_id, "COMPLETED") return JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 10, "Starting terminate...", '') self.cancel_sfc_list() self.cancel_vnf_list() self.cancel_vl_list() self.cancel_pnf_list() NSInstModel.objects.filter(id=self.ns_inst_id).update(status='null') JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_PROGRESS.FINISHED, "ns terminate ends.", '') NsLcmOpOcc.update(self.occ_id, "COMPLETED") except NSLCMException as e: JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR, e.args[0]) NsLcmOpOcc.update(self.occ_id, operationState="FAILED", error=e.args[0]) except Exception as e: logger.error(e.args[0]) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR, "ns terminate fail.") NsLcmOpOcc.update(self.occ_id, operationState="FAILED", error=e.args[0]) def cancel_vl_list(self): array_vlinst = VLInstModel.objects.filter(ownertype=OWNER_TYPE.NS, ownerid=self.ns_inst_id) if not array_vlinst: logger.info("[cancel_vl_list] no vlinst attatch to ns_inst_id: %s" % self.ns_inst_id) return step_progress = 20 / len(array_vlinst) cur_progress = 70 for vlinst in array_vlinst: delete_result = "failed" cur_progress += step_progress try: ret = call_from_ns_cancel_resource('vl', vlinst.vlinstanceid) if ret[0] == 0: result = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]).get("result", "") if str(result) == '0': delete_result = "success" except Exception as e: logger.error("[cancel_vl_list] error[%s]!" % e.args[0]) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) job_msg = "Delete vlinst:[%s] %s." % (vlinst.vlinstanceid, delete_result) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, cur_progress, job_msg) def cancel_sfc_list(self): array_sfcinst = FPInstModel.objects.filter(nsinstid=self.ns_inst_id) if not array_sfcinst: logger.info("[cancel_sfc_list] no sfcinst attatch to ns_inst_id: %s" % self.ns_inst_id) return step_progress = 20 / len(array_sfcinst) cur_progress = 30 for sfcinst in array_sfcinst: cur_progress += step_progress delete_result = "failed" try: ret = call_from_ns_cancel_resource('sfc', sfcinst.sfcid) if ret[0] == 0: result = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]).get("result", "") if str(result) == '0': delete_result = "success" except Exception as e: logger.error("[cancel_sfc_list] error[%s]!" % e.args[0]) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) job_msg = "Delete sfcinst:[%s] %s." % (sfcinst.sfcid, delete_result) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, cur_progress, job_msg) def cancel_vnf_list(self): array_vnfinst = NfInstModel.objects.filter(ns_inst_id=self.ns_inst_id) if not array_vnfinst: logger.info("[cancel_vnf_list] no vnfinst attatch to ns_inst_id: %s" % self.ns_inst_id) return step_progress = 10 / len(array_vnfinst) cur_progress = 50 vnf_jobs = [] for vnfinst in array_vnfinst: cur_progress += step_progress delete_result = "failed" vnf_job_id = '' try: vnf_job_id = self.delete_vnf(vnfinst.nfinstid) if vnf_job_id: delete_result = "deleting" except Exception as e: logger.error("[cancel_vnf_list] error[%s]!" % e.args[0]) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) job_msg = "Delete vnfinst:[%s] %s." % (vnfinst.nfinstid, delete_result) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, cur_progress, job_msg) vnf_jobs.append((vnfinst.nfinstid, vnf_job_id)) for vnfinstid, vnfjobid in vnf_jobs: try: cur_progress += step_progress if not vnfjobid: continue is_job_ok = self.wait_delete_vnf_job_finish(vnfjobid) msg = "%s to delete VNF(%s)" % ("Succeed" if is_job_ok else "Failed", vnfinstid) logger.debug(msg) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, cur_progress, msg) except Exception as e: msg = "Exception occurs when delete VNF(%s)" % vnfinstid logger.debug(msg) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, cur_progress, msg) def delete_vnf(self, nf_instid): term_param = { "terminationType": self.terminate_type } if self.terminate_timeout: term_param["gracefulTerminationTimeout"] = int(self.terminate_timeout) ret = call_from_ns_cancel_resource('vnf', nf_instid, term_param) if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Terminate VNF(%s) failed: %s", nf_instid, ret[1]) return '' job_info = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) vnf_job_id = ignore_case_get(job_info, "jobId") return vnf_job_id def wait_delete_vnf_job_finish(self, vnf_job_id): count = 0 retry_count = 400 interval_second = 2 response_id, new_response_id = 0, 0 job_end_normal, job_timeout = False, True while count < retry_count: count = count + 1 time.sleep(interval_second) uri = JOB_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_ID_URI % (vnf_job_id, response_id) ret = restcall.req_by_msb(uri, "GET") if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Failed to query job: %s:%s", ret[2], ret[1]) continue job_result = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) if "responseDescriptor" not in job_result: logger.debug("No new progress after response_id(%s) in job(%s)", response_id, vnf_job_id) continue progress = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["progress"] new_response_id = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["responseId"] job_desc = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["statusDescription"] if new_response_id != response_id: logger.debug("%s:%s:%s", progress, new_response_id, job_desc) response_id = new_response_id count = 0 if progress == JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR: job_timeout = False logger.error("Job(%s) failed: %s", vnf_job_id, job_desc) break elif progress == JOB_PROGRESS.FINISHED: job_end_normal, job_timeout = True, False logger.info("Job(%s) ended normally", vnf_job_id) break if job_timeout: logger.error("Job(%s) timeout", vnf_job_id) return job_end_normal def cancel_pnf_list(self): pnfinst_list = PNFInstModel.objects.filter(nsInstances__contains=self.ns_inst_id) if len(pnfinst_list) > 0: cur_progress = 90 step_progress = 5 / len(pnfinst_list) for pnfinst in pnfinst_list: delete_result = "fail" try: ret = call_from_ns_cancel_resource('pnf', pnfinst.pnfId) if ret[0] == 0: delete_result = "success" except Exception as e: logger.error("[cancel_pnf_list] error[%s]!" % e.args[0]) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) job_msg = "Delete pnfinst:[%s] %s" % (pnfinst.pnfId, delete_result) cur_progress += step_progress JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, cur_progress, job_msg)