# Copyright (c) 2019, CMCC Technologies Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from rest_framework import serializers from affected_vnfs import AffectedVnfsSerializer from affected_pnfs import AffectedPnfsSerializer from affected_vls import AffectedVLsSerializer from affected_vnffgs import AffectedVnffgsSerializer from affected_nss import AffectedNssSerializer from affected_saps import AffectedSapsSerializer from link import LinkSerializer from response import ProblemDetailsSerializer from lcm.ns import const class ResourceChangesSerializer(serializers.Serializer): affectedVnfs = AffectedVnfsSerializer( help_text="Information about VNFC instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.", required=False, many=True ) affectedPnfs = AffectedPnfsSerializer( help_text="Information about the PNF instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.", required=False, many=True ) affectedVls = AffectedVLsSerializer( help_text="Information about the VL instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation", required=False, many=True ) affectedVnffgs = AffectedVnffgsSerializer( help_text="Information about the VNFFG instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.", required=False, many=True ) affectedNss = AffectedNssSerializer( help_text="Information about the nested NS instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.", required=False, many=True ) affectedSaps = AffectedSapsSerializer( help_text="Information about the SAP instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.", required=False, many=True ) class LcmOpLinkSerializer(serializers.Serializer): self = LinkSerializer( help_text="URI of this resource.", required=True, allow_null=False) nsInstance = serializers.CharField( help_text="Link to the NS instance that the operation applies to.", required=True) cancel = serializers.CharField( help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'cancel' operation for this LCM operation occurrence.", required=False) retry = serializers.CharField( help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'retry' operation for this LCM operation occurrence, " "if retrying is currently allowed", required=False) rollback = serializers.CharField( help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'cancel' operation for this LCM operation occurrence.", required=False) fail = serializers.CharField( help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'fail' operation for this LCM operation occurrence.", required=False) class NSLCMOpOccSerializer(serializers.Serializer): id = serializers.CharField( help_text="Identifier of this NS lifecycle management operation occurrence,", max_length=255, required=True, allow_null=False ) operationState = serializers.ChoiceField( help_text="The state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. ", required=True, choices=const.LCM_OPERATION_STATE_TYPES ) stateEnteredTime = serializers.CharField( help_text="Date-time when the current state was entered.", max_length=50 ) startTime = serializers.CharField( help_text="Date-time of the start of the operation.", max_length=50 ) nsInstanceId = serializers.UUIDField( help_text="Identifier of the ns instance to which the operation applies" ) operation = serializers.ChoiceField( help_text="The lifecycle management operation", required=True, choices=const.NS_LCM_OP_TYPES ) isAutomaticInvocation = serializers.BooleanField( help_text="Set to true if this NS LCM operation occurrence has been automatically triggered by the NFVO.", default=False ) operationParams = serializers.DictField( help_text="Input parameters of the LCM operation. This attribute shall be formatted according to the request " "data type of the related LCM operation. The following mapping between operationType and the data " "type of this attribute shall apply: " "1. INSTANTIATE: InstantiateVnfRequest " "2. SCALE: ScaleVnfRequest " "3. CHANGE_FLAVOUR: ChangeVnfFlavourRequest" "4. HEAL: HealVnfRequest " "5. TERMINATE: TerminateVnfRequest ", required=True, allow_null=False ) isCancelPending = serializers.BooleanField( help_text="If the NS LCM operation occurrence is in 'STARTING' or 'PROCESSING' or 'ROLLING_BACK' state and " "the operation is being cancelled, this attribute shall be set to True. Otherwise, it shall be set " "to False.", required=True ) cancelMode = serializers.CharField( help_text="The mode of an ongoing cancellation. Shall be present when isCancelPending=true, and shall be None " "otherwise.", allow_null=True, required=False ) error = ProblemDetailsSerializer( help_text="If 'operationState' is 'FAILED_TEMP' or 'FAILED' or PROCESSING' or 'ROLLING_BACK' and previous " "value of 'operationState' was 'FAILED_TEMP' this attribute shall be present ", allow_null=True, required=False ) resourceChanges = ResourceChangesSerializer( help_text="It contains information about the cumulative changes to virtualised resources that were performed " "so far by the LCM operation since its start, if applicable.", required=False, allow_null=True) _links = LcmOpLinkSerializer( help_text="Links to resources related to this resource.", required=True)