# Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import logging import threading import time import traceback from lcm.ns.enum import NS_INST_STATUS from lcm.pub.database.models import JobModel, NSInstModel, NfInstModel, VNFCInstModel, VmInstModel from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException from lcm.pub.utils.jobutil import JobUtil, JOB_MODEL_STATUS from lcm.pub.utils.values import ignore_case_get from lcm.ns_vnfs.biz.heal_vnfs import NFHealService from lcm.ns.biz.ns_lcm_op_occ import NsLcmOpOcc JOB_ERROR = 255 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NSHealService(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, ns_instance_id, request_data, job_id): super(NSHealService, self).__init__() self.ns_instance_id = ns_instance_id self.request_data = request_data self.job_id = job_id self.occ_id = NsLcmOpOcc.create(ns_instance_id, "HEAL", "PROCESSING", False, request_data) self.heal_vnf_data = '' self.heal_ns_data = '' def run(self): try: self.do_biz() except NSLCMException as e: JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_ERROR, e.message) NsLcmOpOcc.update(self.occ_id, operationState="FAILED", error=e.message) except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, JOB_ERROR, 'ns heal fail') NsLcmOpOcc.update(self.occ_id, operationState="FAILED", error=e.message) def do_biz(self): self.update_job(1, desc='ns heal start') self.get_and_check_params() self.update_ns_status(NS_INST_STATUS.HEALING) self.do_heal() self.update_ns_status(NS_INST_STATUS.ACTIVE) self.update_job(100, desc='ns heal success') NsLcmOpOcc.update(self.occ_id, "COMPLETED") def get_and_check_params(self): ns_info = NSInstModel.objects.filter(id=self.ns_instance_id) if not ns_info: errmsg = 'NS [id=%s] does not exist' % self.ns_instance_id logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) self.heal_ns_data = ignore_case_get(self.request_data, 'healNsData') self.heal_vnf_data = ignore_case_get(self.request_data, 'healVnfData') if self.heal_ns_data and self.heal_vnf_data: errmsg = 'healNsData and healVnfData can not exist together' logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) if not self.heal_ns_data and not self.heal_vnf_data: errmsg = 'healNsData and healVnfData parameters does not exist or value is incorrect.' logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) def do_heal(self): if self.heal_vnf_data: vnf_heal_params = self.prepare_vnf_heal_params(self.heal_vnf_data) status = self.do_vnf_or_ns_heal(vnf_heal_params, 15) if status is JOB_MODEL_STATUS.FINISHED: logger.info('nf[%s] heal handle end' % vnf_heal_params.get('vnfInstanceId')) self.update_job(90, desc='nf[%s] heal handle end' % vnf_heal_params.get('vnfInstanceId')) else: errmsg = 'nf heal failed' logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) else: ns_heal_params = self.prepare_ns_heal_params(self.heal_ns_data) for ns_heal_param in ns_heal_params: status = self.do_vnf_or_ns_heal(ns_heal_param, 15) if status is JOB_MODEL_STATUS.FINISHED: logger.info('nf[%s] heal handle end' % ns_heal_param.get('vnfInstanceId')) self.update_job(90, desc='nf[%s] heal handle end' % ns_heal_param.get('vnfInstanceId')) else: errmsg = 'nf heal failed' logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) def do_vnf_or_ns_heal(self, heal_param, progress): instance_id = heal_param.get('vnfInstanceId') nf_service = NFHealService(instance_id, heal_param) nf_service.start() self.update_job( progress, desc='nf[%s] heal handle start' % instance_id) status = self.wait_job_finish(nf_service.job_id) return status def prepare_ns_heal_params(self, ns_data): degree_healing = ignore_case_get(ns_data, 'degreeHealing') if not degree_healing: errmsg = 'degreeHealing does not exist.' logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) ns_instance_id = self.ns_instance_id cause = 'vm is down' # action = ignore_case_get(ns_data, 'actionsHealing') if degree_healing == "HEAL_RESTORE": ns_inst_infos = NfInstModel.objects.filter(ns_inst_id=self.ns_instance_id) if not ns_inst_infos.exists(): raise NSLCMException('NSInsts(%s) does not exist' % self.ns_instance_id) result_arr = [] for ns_inst_info in ns_inst_infos: vnfc_insts = VNFCInstModel.objects.filter(nfinstid=ns_inst_info.nfinstid) # If a condition is not met, will it all terminate? if not vnfc_insts.exists(): raise NSLCMException('vnfcinsts(%s) does not exist' % ns_inst_info.nfinstid) for vnfc_inst in vnfc_insts: vm_id = vnfc_inst.vmid vdu_id = vnfc_inst.vduid vm_inst_info = VmInstModel.objects.filter(vmid=vm_id) if not vm_inst_info.exists(): raise NSLCMException('vminstinfo(%s) does not exist' % vm_id) vm_name = vm_inst_info[0].vmname result = { "vnfInstanceId": ns_instance_id, "cause": cause, "additionalParams": { "action": "restartvm", "actionvminfo": { "vmid": vm_id, "vduid": vdu_id, "vmname": vm_name } } } result_arr.append(result) return result_arr else: errmsg = 'The degree of healing dose not exist or value is incorrect.' logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) def prepare_vnf_heal_params(self, vnf_data): vnf_instance_id = ignore_case_get(vnf_data, 'vnfInstanceId') if not vnf_instance_id: errmsg = 'vnfinstanceid does not exist or value is incorrect.' logger.error(errmsg) raise NSLCMException(errmsg) cause = ignore_case_get(vnf_data, 'cause') additional_params = ignore_case_get(vnf_data, 'additionalParams') action = ignore_case_get(additional_params, 'action') action_vm_info = ignore_case_get(additional_params, 'actionvminfo') vm_id = ignore_case_get(action_vm_info, 'vmid') vdu_id = ignore_case_get(action_vm_info, 'vduid') vm_name = ignore_case_get(action_vm_info, 'vmname') result = { "vnfInstanceId": vnf_instance_id, "cause": cause, "additionalParams": { "action": action, "actionvminfo": { "vmid": vm_id, "vduid": vdu_id, "vmname": vm_name } } } return result @staticmethod def wait_job_finish(sub_job_id, timeout=3600): query_interval = 2 start_time = end_time = datetime.datetime.now() while (end_time - start_time).seconds < timeout: job_result = JobModel.objects.get(jobid=sub_job_id) time.sleep(query_interval) end_time = datetime.datetime.now() if job_result.progress == 100: return JOB_MODEL_STATUS.FINISHED elif job_result.progress > 100: return JOB_MODEL_STATUS.ERROR else: continue return JOB_MODEL_STATUS.TIMEOUT def update_job(self, progress, desc=''): JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, progress, desc) def update_ns_status(self, status): NSInstModel.objects.filter( id=self.ns_instance_id).update(status=status)