# Copyright 2016 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import traceback import uuid from lcm.pub.config.config import REPORT_TO_AAI from lcm.pub.database.models import NSInstModel from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException from lcm.pub.msapi.aai import create_ns_aai from lcm.pub.msapi.sdc_run_catalog import query_nspackage_by_id from lcm.pub.utils.timeutil import now_time from lcm.pub.utils.values import ignore_case_get from lcm.ns.const import SERVICE_ROLE, SERVICE_TYPE logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CreateNSService(object): """ This class for NS instance Model create """ def __init__(self, csar_id, ns_name, description, context): self.csar_id = csar_id self.ns_name = ns_name self.description = description self.global_customer_id = ignore_case_get(context, 'globalCustomerId') self.service_type = ignore_case_get(context, 'serviceType') self.ns_inst_id = '' self.ns_package_id = '' def do_biz(self): """ Create NS instance model :return: """ self.check_nsd_valid() self.check_ns_inst_name_exist() self.create_ns_inst() if REPORT_TO_AAI: self.create_ns_in_aai() logger.debug("CreateNSService::do_biz::ns_inst_id=%s" % self.ns_inst_id) return self.ns_inst_id def check_nsd_valid(self): """ Check the validation of NSD :return: """ logger.debug("CreateNSService::check_nsd_valid::csar_id=%s" % self.csar_id) ns_package_info = query_nspackage_by_id(self.csar_id) if not ns_package_info: raise NSLCMException("nsd(%s) not exists." % self.csar_id) packageInfo = ns_package_info["packageInfo"] self.ns_package_id = ignore_case_get(packageInfo, "nsPackageId") self.nsd_id = ignore_case_get(packageInfo, "nsdId") self.nsd_invariant_id = ignore_case_get(packageInfo, "nsdInvariantId") logger.debug("CreateNSService::check_nsd_valid::ns_package_id=%s,nsd_id=%s", self.ns_package_id, self.nsd_id) def check_ns_inst_name_exist(self): """ Check if the ns instance with same name exists :return: """ is_exist = NSInstModel.objects.filter(name=self.ns_name).exclude(status='null').exists() logger.debug("CreateNSService::check_ns_inst_name_exist::is_exist=%s" % is_exist) if is_exist: raise NSLCMException("ns(%s) already existed." % self.ns_name) def create_ns_inst(self): """ Create NS instance Model :return: """ self.ns_inst_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) logger.debug("CreateNSService::create_ns_inst::ns_inst_id=%s" % self.ns_inst_id) NSInstModel(id=self.ns_inst_id, name=self.ns_name, nspackage_id=self.ns_package_id, nsd_id=self.nsd_id, nsd_invariant_id=self.nsd_invariant_id, description=self.description, status='NOT_INSTANTIATED', # 'empty', lastuptime=now_time(), global_customer_id=self.global_customer_id, service_type=self.service_type).save() def create_ns_in_aai(self): """ Create NS instance record in AAI :return: """ logger.debug("CreateNSService::create_ns_in_aai::report ns instance[%s] to aai." % self.ns_inst_id) try: data = { "service-instance-id": self.ns_inst_id, "service-instance-name": self.ns_name, "service-type": SERVICE_TYPE, "service-role": SERVICE_ROLE } resp_data, resp_status = create_ns_aai(self.global_customer_id, self.service_type, self.ns_inst_id, data) logger.debug("Success to create ns[%s] to aai:[%s],[%s].", self.ns_inst_id, resp_data, resp_status) except NSLCMException as e: logger.debug("Fail to createns[%s] to aai, detail message: %s" % (self.ns_inst_id, e.args[0])) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc())