# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import uuid import mock from django.test import TestCase, Client from rest_framework import status from lcm.nf.vnfs.vnf_create.inst_vnf import InstVnf from lcm.pub.database.models import NfInstModel, JobStatusModel, VmInstModel, NetworkInstModel, \ SubNetworkInstModel, PortInstModel from lcm.pub.utils import restcall from lcm.pub.utils.jobutil import JobUtil from lcm.pub.utils.timeutil import now_time class TestNFInstantiate(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.client = Client() VmInstModel.objects.create(vmid="1", vimid="1", resouceid="11", insttype=0, instid="1", vmname="test_01", operationalstate=1) VmInstModel.objects.create(vmid="2", vimid="2", resouceid="22", insttype=0, instid="2", vmname="test_02", operationalstate=1) NetworkInstModel.objects.create(networkid='1', vimid='1', resouceid='1', name='pnet_network', tenant='admin', insttype=0, instid='1') SubNetworkInstModel.objects.create(subnetworkid='1', vimid='1', resouceid='1', networkid='1', name='sub_pnet', tenant='admin', insttype=0, instid='1') PortInstModel.objects.create(portid='1', networkid='1', subnetworkid='1', vimid='1', resouceid='1', name='aaa_pnet_cp', tenant='admin', insttype=0, instid='1') def tearDown(self): pass VmInstModel.objects.all().delete() NetworkInstModel.objects.all().delete() SubNetworkInstModel.objects.all().delete() PortInstModel.objects.all().delete() def assert_job_result(self, job_id, job_progress, job_detail): jobs = JobStatusModel.objects.filter( jobid=job_id, progress=job_progress, descp=job_detail) self.assertEqual(1, len(jobs)) def test_swagger_ok(self): response = self.client.get("/openoapi/vnflcm/v1/swagger.json", format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') def test_create_vnf_identifier(self, mock_call_req): r1 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode({'package_id':'222', 'csar_id':'2222'}), '200'] # get csar_id from nslcm by vnfd_id r2 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1, r2] data = { "vnfdId": "111", "vnfInstanceName": "vFW_01", "vnfInstanceDescription": "vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge"} response = self.client.post("/openoapi/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances", data=data, format='json') self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response.status_code) context = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(NfInstModel.objects.filter(nfinstid=context['vnfInstanceId']).exists()) @mock.patch.object(InstVnf, 'run') def test_instantiate_vnf(self, mock_run): mock_run.re.return_value = None response = self.client.post("/openoapi/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/12/instantiate", data={}, format='json') self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED, response.status_code) def test_instantiate_vnf_when_inst_id_not_exist(self): self.nf_inst_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") data = inst_req_data InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "VNF nf_inst_id is not exist.") @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') def test_instantiate_vnf_when_get_package_info_by_vnfdid_failed(self, mock_call_req): NfInstModel.objects.create(nfinstid='1111', nf_name='vFW_01', package_id='todo', version='', vendor='', netype='', vnfd_model='', status='NOT_INSTANTIATED', nf_desc='vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge', vnfdid='111', create_time=now_time()) r1 = [1, json.JSONEncoder().encode({'package_id':'222', 'csar_id':'2222'}), '200'] # get csar_id from nslcm by vnfd_id mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1] self.nf_inst_id = '1111' self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") data = inst_req_data InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "Failed to query package_info of vnfdid(111) from nslcm.") @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') def test_instantiate_vnf_when_get_rawdata_by_csarid_failed(self, mock_call_req): NfInstModel.objects.create(nfinstid='1111', nf_name='vFW_01', package_id='todo', version='', vendor='', netype='', vnfd_model='', status='NOT_INSTANTIATED', nf_desc='vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge', vnfdid='111', create_time=now_time()) r1 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode({'package_id':'222', 'csar_id':'2222'}), '200'] # get csar_id from nslcm by vnfd_id r2 = [1, json.JSONEncoder().encode(''), '200'] mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1, r2] self.nf_inst_id = '1111' self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") data = inst_req_data InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "Failed to query rawdata of CSAR(2222) from catalog.") # @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') # def test_instantiate_vnf_when_input_para_not_define_in_vnfd(self, mock_call_req): # r1 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r2 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(''), '200'] # mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1, r2] # create_data = { # "vnfdId": "111", # "vnfInstanceName": "vFW_01", # "vnfInstanceDescription": " vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge"} # self.nf_inst_id = CreateVnf(create_data).do_biz() # self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) # JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") # data = inst_req_data # InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() # self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "Input parameter is not defined in vnfd_info.") # # @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') # def test_instantiate_vnf_when_get_nfvo_config_failed(self, mock_call_req): # r1 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r2 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1, r2] # create_data = { # "vnfdId": "111", # "vnfInstanceName": "vFW_01", # "vnfInstanceDescription": " vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge"} # self.nf_inst_id = CreateVnf(create_data).do_biz() # self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) # JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") # data = inst_req_data # InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() # self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "Nfvo was not registered") # # @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') # def test_instantiate_vnf_when_applay_grant_failed(self, mock_call_req): # NfvoRegInfoModel.objects.create(nfvoid='nfvo111', vnfminstid='vnfm111', apiurl='', # nfvouser='root', nfvopassword='root123') # r1 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r2 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r3 = [1, json.JSONEncoder().encode(''), '200'] # mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1, r2, r3] # create_data = { # "vnfdId": "111", # "vnfInstanceName": "vFW_01", # "vnfInstanceDescription": " vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge"} # self.nf_inst_id = CreateVnf(create_data).do_biz() # self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) # JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") # data = inst_req_data # InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() # self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "Nf instancing apply grant exception") # @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') # # @mock.patch.object(adaptor, 'create_vim_res') # def test_instantiate_vnf_when_create_res_failed(self, mock_call_req): # NfvoRegInfoModel.objects.create(nfvoid='nfvo111', vnfminstid='vnfm111', apiurl='', # nfvouser='root', nfvopassword='root123') # r1 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r2 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r3 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode('Nf instancing apply grant'), '200'] # # r4 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode('Nf instancing apply resource'), '200'] # mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1, r2, r3] # # mock_create_vim_res.re.return_value = None # create_data = { # "vnfdId": "111", # "vnfInstanceName": "vFW_01", # "vnfInstanceDescription": " vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge"} # self.nf_inst_id = CreateVnf(create_data).do_biz() # self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) # JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") # data = inst_req_data # InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() # self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "Create resource failed") # @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req') # # @mock.patch.object(adaptor, 'create_vim_res') # def test_instantiate_vnf_success(self, mock_call_req): # NfvoRegInfoModel.objects.create(nfvoid='nfvo111', vnfminstid='vnfm111', apiurl='', # nfvouser='root', nfvopassword='root123') # r1 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r2 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(vnfd_model_dict), '200'] # r3 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode('Nf instancing apply grant'), '200'] # r4 = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode('None'), '200'] # mock_call_req.side_effect = [r1, r2, r3, r4] # # mock_create_vim_res.re.return_value = None # create_data = { # "vnfdId": "111", # "vnfInstanceName": "vFW_01", # "vnfInstanceDescription": " vFW in Nanjing TIC Edge"} # self.nf_inst_id = CreateVnf(create_data).do_biz() # self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id) # JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY") # data = inst_req_data # InstVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run() # self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 100, "Instantiate Vnf success.") inst_req_data = { "flavourId": "flavour_1", "instantiationLevelId": "instantiationLevel_1", "extVirtualLinks": [ { "vlInstanceId": "1", "vim": { "vimInfoId": "1", "vimId": "1", "interfaceInfo": { "vimType": "vim", "apiVersion": "v2", "protocolType": "http" }, "accessInfo": { "tenant": "tenant_vCPE", "username": "vCPE", "password": "vCPE_321" }, "interfaceEndpoint": "" }, "resourceId": "1246", "extCps": [ { "cpdId": "11", "addresses": [ { "addressType": "MAC", "l2AddressData": "00:f3:43:20:a2:a3" }, { "addressType": "IP", "l3AddressData": { "iPAddressType": "IPv4", "iPAddress": "" } } ], "numDynamicAddresses": 0 } ] } ], "localizationLanguage": "en_US", "additionalParams": {} } vnfd_model_dict = { 'local_storages': [], 'vdus': [ { 'volumn_storages': [], 'nfv_compute': { 'mem_size': '', 'num_cpus': u'2'}, 'local_storages': [], 'vdu_id': u'vdu_omm.001', 'image_file': u'opencos_sss_omm_img_release_20150723-1-disk1', 'dependencies': [], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'properties': { 'key_vdu': '', 'support_scaling': False, 'vdu_type': '', 'name': '', 'storage_policy': '', 'location_info': { 'vimId': '', 'availability_zone': '', 'region': '', 'dc': '', 'host': '', 'tenant': ''}, 'inject_data_list': [], 'watchdog': { 'action': '', 'enabledelay': ''}, 'local_affinity_antiaffinity_rule': {}, 'template_id': u'omm.001', 'manual_scale_select_vim': False}, 'description': u'singleommvm'}, { 'volumn_storages': [], 'nfv_compute': { 'mem_size': '', 'num_cpus': u'4'}, 'local_storages': [], 'vdu_id': u'vdu_1', 'image_file': u'sss', 'dependencies': [], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'properties': { 'key_vdu': '', 'support_scaling': False, 'vdu_type': '', 'name': '', 'storage_policy': '', 'location_info': { 'vimId': '', 'availability_zone': '', 'region': '', 'dc': '', 'host': '', 'tenant': ''}, 'inject_data_list': [], 'watchdog': { 'action': '', 'enabledelay': ''}, 'local_affinity_antiaffinity_rule': {}, 'template_id': u'1', 'manual_scale_select_vim': False}, 'description': u'ompvm'}, { 'volumn_storages': [], 'nfv_compute': { 'mem_size': '', 'num_cpus': u'14'}, 'local_storages': [], 'vdu_id': u'vdu_2', 'image_file': u'sss', 'dependencies': [], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'properties': { 'key_vdu': '', 'support_scaling': False, 'vdu_type': '', 'name': '', 'storage_policy': '', 'location_info': { 'vimId': '', 'availability_zone': '', 'region': '', 'dc': '', 'host': '', 'tenant': ''}, 'inject_data_list': [], 'watchdog': { 'action': '', 'enabledelay': ''}, 'local_affinity_antiaffinity_rule': {}, 'template_id': u'2', 'manual_scale_select_vim': False}, 'description': u'ompvm'}, { 'volumn_storages': [], 'nfv_compute': { 'mem_size': '', 'num_cpus': u'14'}, 'local_storages': [], 'vdu_id': u'vdu_3', 'image_file': u'sss', 'dependencies': [], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'properties': { 'key_vdu': '', 'support_scaling': False, 'vdu_type': '', 'name': '', 'storage_policy': '', 'location_info': { 'vimId': '', 'availability_zone': '', 'region': '', 'dc': '', 'host': '', 'tenant': ''}, 'inject_data_list': [], 'watchdog': { 'action': '', 'enabledelay': ''}, 'local_affinity_antiaffinity_rule': {}, 'template_id': u'3', 'manual_scale_select_vim': False}, 'description': u'ompvm'}, { 'volumn_storages': [], 'nfv_compute': { 'mem_size': '', 'num_cpus': u'4'}, 'local_storages': [], 'vdu_id': u'vdu_10', 'image_file': u'sss', 'dependencies': [], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'properties': { 'key_vdu': '', 'support_scaling': False, 'vdu_type': '', 'name': '', 'storage_policy': '', 'location_info': { 'vimId': '', 'availability_zone': '', 'region': '', 'dc': '', 'host': '', 'tenant': ''}, 'inject_data_list': [], 'watchdog': { 'action': '', 'enabledelay': ''}, 'local_affinity_antiaffinity_rule': {}, 'template_id': u'10', 'manual_scale_select_vim': False}, 'description': u'ppvm'}, { 'volumn_storages': [], 'nfv_compute': { 'mem_size': '', 'num_cpus': u'14'}, 'local_storages': [], 'vdu_id': u'vdu_11', 'image_file': u'sss', 'dependencies': [], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'properties': { 'key_vdu': '', 'support_scaling': False, 'vdu_type': '', 'name': '', 'storage_policy': '', 'location_info': { 'vimId': '', 'availability_zone': '', 'region': '', 'dc': '', 'host': '', 'tenant': ''}, 'inject_data_list': [], 'watchdog': { 'action': '', 'enabledelay': ''}, 'local_affinity_antiaffinity_rule': {}, 'template_id': u'11', 'manual_scale_select_vim': False}, 'description': u'ppvm'}, { 'volumn_storages': [], 'nfv_compute': { 'mem_size': '', 'num_cpus': u'14'}, 'local_storages': [], 'vdu_id': u'vdu_12', 'image_file': u'sss', 'dependencies': [], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'properties': { 'key_vdu': '', 'support_scaling': False, 'vdu_type': '', 'name': '', 'storage_policy': '', 'location_info': { 'vimId': '', 'availability_zone': '', 'region': '', 'dc': '', 'host': '', 'tenant': ''}, 'inject_data_list': [], 'watchdog': { 'action': '', 'enabledelay': ''}, 'local_affinity_antiaffinity_rule': {}, 'template_id': u'12', 'manual_scale_select_vim': False}, 'description': u'ppvm'}], 'volumn_storages': [], 'policies': { 'scaling': { 'targets': {}, 'policy_id': u'policy_scale_sss-vnf-template', 'properties': { 'policy_file': '*-vnfd.zip/*-vnf-policy.xml'}, 'description': ''}}, 'image_files': [ { 'description': '', 'properties': { 'name': u'opencos_sss_omm_img_release_20150723-1-disk1.vmdk', 'checksum': '', 'disk_format': u'VMDK', 'file_url': u'./zte-cn-sss-main-image/OMM/opencos_sss_omm_img_release_20150723-1-disk1.vmdk', 'container_type': 'vm', 'version': '', 'hypervisor_type': 'kvm'}, 'image_file_id': u'opencos_sss_omm_img_release_20150723-1-disk1'}, { 'description': '', 'properties': { 'name': u'sss.vmdk', 'checksum': '', 'disk_format': u'VMDK', 'file_url': u'./zte-cn-sss-main-image/NE/sss.vmdk', 'container_type': 'vm', 'version': '', 'hypervisor_type': 'kvm'}, 'image_file_id': u'sss'}], 'vls': [], 'cps': [], 'metadata': { 'vendor': u'zte', 'is_shared': False, 'description': '', 'domain_type': u'CN', 'version': u'v4.14.10', 'vmnumber_overquota_alarm': False, 'cross_dc': False, 'vnf_type': u'SSS', 'vnfd_version': u'V00000001', 'id': u'sss-vnf-template', 'name': u'sss-vnf-template'}, "flavourId": "flavour_1", "instantiationLevelId": "instantiationLevel_1", "extVirtualLinks": [ { "vlInstanceId": "1", "vim": { "vimInfoId": "1", "vimId": "1", "interfaceInfo": { "vimType": "vim", "apiVersion": "v2", "protocolType": "http" }, "accessInfo": { "tenant": "tenant_vCPE", "username": "vCPE", "password": "vCPE_321" }, "interfaceEndpoint": "" }, "resourceId": "1246", "extCps": [ { "cpdId": "11", "addresses": [ { "addressType": "MAC", "l2AddressData": "00:f3:43:20:a2:a3" }, { "addressType": "IP", "l3AddressData": { "iPAddressType": "IPv4", "iPAddress": "" } } ], "numDynamicAddresses": 0 } ] } ], "localizationLanguage": "en_US", "additionalParams": {} }