#============LICENSE_START======================================================== # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2021 J. F. Lucas. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2021 Nokia. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= ################################################################# # Global configuration defaults. ################################################################# global: nodePortPrefix: 302 nodePortPrefixExt: 304 ################################################################# # Filebeat configuration defaults. ################################################################# filebeatConfig: logstashServiceName: log-ls logstashPort: 5044 ################################################################# # initContainer images. ################################################################# tlsImage: onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.tls-init-container:2.1.0 consulLoaderImage: onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.consul-loader-container:1.1.1 certPostProcessorImage: onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-post-processor:2.4.0 ################################################################# # Application configuration defaults. ################################################################# # application image image: onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.hv-ves.hv-collector-main:1.9.0 pullPolicy: Always # log directory where logging sidecar should look for log files # if absent, no sidecar will be deployed logDirectory: /var/log/ONAP/dcae-hv-ves-collector # directory where TLS certs should be stored # if absent, no certs will be retrieved and stored certDirectory: /etc/ves-hv/ssl # TLS role -- set to true if microservice acts as server # If true, an init container will retrieve a server cert # and key from AAF and mount them in certDirectory. tlsServer: true secrets: - uid: &aafCredsUID aafcreds type: basicAuth login: '{{ .Values.aafCreds.user }}' password: '{{ .Values.aafCreds.password }}' passwordPolicy: required # CMPv2 certificate # It is used only when: # - certDirectory is set # - global cmpv2Enabled flag is set to true # - flag useCmpv2Certificates is set to true # Disabled by default useCmpv2Certificates: false certificates: - mountPath: /etc/ves-hv/ssl/external commonName: dcae-hv-ves-collector dnsNames: - dcae-hv-ves-collector - hv-ves-collector - hv-ves keystore: outputType: - jks passwordSecretRef: name: hv-ves-cmpv2-keystore-password key: password create: true # dependencies readinessCheck: wait_for: - dcae-config-binding-service - aaf-cm # probe configuration readiness: type: exec initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 2 command: - /opt/ves-hv-collector/healthcheck.sh # service configuration service: type: NodePort name: dcae-hv-ves-collector ports: - name: http port: 6061 port_protocol: http nodePort: 22 aafCreds: user: admin password: admin_secret credentials: - name: AAF_USER uid: *aafCredsUID key: login - name: AAF_PASSWORD uid: *aafCredsUID key: password # initial application configuration applicationConfig: logLevel: INFO server.idleTimeoutSec: 300 server.listenPort: 6061 cbs.requestIntervalSec: 5 security.sslDisable: false security.keys.keyStoreFile: /etc/ves-hv/ssl/cert.jks security.keys.keyStorePasswordFile: /etc/ves-hv/ssl/jks.pass security.keys.trustStoreFile: /etc/ves-hv/ssl/trust.jks security.keys.trustStorePasswordFile: /etc/ves-hv/ssl/trust.pass streams_publishes: ves-3gpp-fault-supervision: type: kafka aaf_credentials: username: ${AAF_USER} password: ${AAF_PASSWORD} kafka_info: bootstrap_servers: message-router-kafka:9092 topic_name: SEC_3GPP_FAULTSUPERVISION_OUTPUT ves-3gpp-provisioning: type: kafka aaf_credentials: username: ${AAF_USER} password: ${AAF_PASSWORD} kafka_info: bootstrap_servers: message-router-kafka:9092 topic_name: SEC_3GPP_PROVISIONING_OUTPUT ves-3gpp-heartbeat: type: kafka aaf_credentials: username: ${AAF_USER} password: ${AAF_PASSWORD} kafka_info: bootstrap_servers: message-router-kafka:9092 topic_name: SEC_3GPP_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT ves-3gpp-performance-assurance: type: kafka aaf_credentials: username: ${AAF_USER} password: ${AAF_PASSWORD} kafka_info: bootstrap_servers: message-router-kafka:9092 topic_name: SEC_3GPP_PERFORMANCEASSURANCE_OUTPUT perf3gpp: type: kafka aaf_credentials: username: ${AAF_USER} password: ${AAF_PASSWORD} kafka_info: bootstrap_servers: message-router-kafka:9092 topic_name: HV_VES_PERF3GPP applicationEnv: JAVA_OPTS: '-Dlogback.configurationFile=/etc/ONAP/dcae-hv-ves-collector/logback.xml' # Resource Limit flavor -By Default using small flavor: small # Segregation for Different environment (Small and Large) resources: small: limits: cpu: 2 memory: 2Gi requests: cpu: 1 memory: 1Gi large: limits: cpu: 4 memory: 4Gi requests: cpu: 2 memory: 2Gi unlimited: {} #Pods Service Account serviceAccount: nameOverride: dcae-hv-ves-collector roles: - read