*** Settings *** Documentation Initializes ONAP Test Web Page and Password Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Library StringTemplater Resource ../resources/openstack/keystone_interface.robot Resource ../resources/openstack/nova_interface.robot Test Timeout 1 minutes *** Variables *** ${URLS_HTML_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/web/index.html.template ${WEB_USER} test ${WEB_PASSWORD} ${URLS_HTML} html/index.html ${CREDENTIALS_FILE} /etc/lighttpd/authorization #${CREDENTIALS_FILE} authorization *** Test Cases *** Update ONAP Page [Tags] UpdateWebPage Run Keyword If '${WEB_PASSWORD}' == '' Fail "WEB Password must not be empty" Run Openstack Auth Request auth ${server_map}= Get Openstack Servers auth ${oam_ip_map}= Create Dictionary Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} aai-service.onap-aai=aai Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} sdnhost.onap-appc=appc Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} mso.onap-mso=mso Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} drools.onap-policy=policy Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} sdnhost.onap-sdnc=sdnc Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} vid-server.onap-vid=vid Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} portalapps.onap-portal=portal Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} robot-openecompete.onap-robot=robot Set To Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} dmaap.onap-message-router=message_router ${values}= Create Dictionary ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${oam_ip_map} :for ${oam_ip} in @{keys} \ ${value_name}= Get From Dictionary ${oam_ip_map} ${oam_ip} \ Set Public Ip ${server_map} ${oam_ip} ${value_name} ${values} Log ${values} Run Keyword If '${WEB_PASSWORD}' != '' Create File ${CREDENTIALS_FILE} ${WEB_USER}:${WEB_PASSWORD} Create File From Template ${URLS_HTML_TEMPLATE} ${URLS_HTML} ${values} *** Keywords *** Create File From Template [Arguments] ${template} ${file} ${values} ${data} OperatingSystem.Get File ${template} ${data}= Template String ${data} ${values} Create File ${file} ${data} Set Public Ip [Arguments] ${server_map} ${oam_ip} ${value_name} ${values} ${status} ${public_ip}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get Public Ip ${server_map} ${oam_ip} ${public_ip}= Set Variable If '${status}' == 'PASS' ${public_ip} ${oam_ip} Set To Dictionary ${values} ${value_name} ${public_ip} Get Public Ip [Arguments] ${server_map} ${oam_ip} ${servers} Get Dictionary Values ${server_map} :for ${server} in @{servers} \ ${status} ${public_ip} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Search Addresses ${server} ${oam_ip} \ Return From Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' ${public_ip} Fail ${oam_ip} Server Not Found Search Addresses [Arguments] ${server} ${oam_ip} ${addresses} Get From Dictionary ${server} addresses ${public_ips} Get From Dictionary ${addresses} public ${public_ip}= Get V4 IP ${public_ips} ${oam_ips} Get From Dictionary ${addresses} ${GLOBAL_VM_PROPERTIES['network']} ${this_oam_ip}= Get V4 IP ${oam_ips} Return From Keyword If '${this_oam_ip}' == '${oam_ip}' ${public_ip} Fail ${oam_ip} Server Not Found Get V4 IP [Arguments] ${ipmaps} :for ${ipmap} in @{ipmaps} \ ${ip} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} addr \ ${version} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} version \ Return from Keyword if '${version}' == '4' ${ip} Fail No Version 4 IP