# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada # Modifications Copyright © 2018-2019 AT&T # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ################################################################# # Global configuration defaults. ################################################################# global: # global defaults nodePortPrefix: 302 repositorySecret: eyJuZXh1czMub25hcC5vcmc6MTAwMDEiOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJkb2NrZXIiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6ImRvY2tlciIsImVtYWlsIjoiQCIsImF1dGgiOiJaRzlqYTJWeU9tUnZZMnRsY2c9PSJ9fQ== readinessRepository: oomk8s readinessImage: readiness-check:2.0.0 persistence: {} flavor: small # application image repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001 image: onap/clamp-backend:4.1.1 pullPolicy: Always # flag to enable debugging - application support required debugEnabled: false ################################################################# # Application configuration defaults. ################################################################# config: log: logstashServiceName: log-ls logstashPort: 5044 mysqlPassword: strong_pitchou dataRootDir: /dockerdata-nfs springApplicationJson: > { "spring.datasource.cldsdb.url": "jdbc:mariadb:sequential://clampdb.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:3306/cldsdb4?autoReconnect=true&connectTimeout=10000&socketTimeout=10000&retriesAllDown=3", "clamp.config.sdc.catalog.url": "http://sdc-be.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8080/sdc/v1/catalog/", "clamp.config.sdc.hostUrl": "http://sdc-be.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8080/", "clamp.config.sdc.serviceUrl": "http://sdc-be.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8080/sdc/v1/catalog/services", "clamp.config.sdc.serviceUsername": "clamp", "clamp.config.sdc.servicePassword": "b7acccda32b98c5bb7acccda32b98c5b05D511BD6D93626E90D18E9D24D9B78CD34C7EE8012F0A189A28763E82271E50A5D4EC10C7D93E06E0A2D27CAE66B981", "clamp.config.files.sdcController": "file:/opt/clamp/sdc-controllers-config.json", "clamp.config.dcae.inventory.url": "https://inventory.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8080", "clamp.config.dcae.dispatcher.url": "https4://deployment-handler.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8443", "clamp.config.dcae.deployment.url": "https4://deployment-handler.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8443", "clamp.config.dcae.deployment.userName": "none", "clamp.config.dcae.deployment.password": "none", "clamp.config.policy.api.url": "https4://policy-api.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:6969", "clamp.config.policy.api.userName": "healthcheck", "clamp.config.policy.api.password": "zb!XztG34", "clamp.config.policy.pap.url": "https4://policy-pap.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:6969", "clamp.config.policy.pap.userName": "healthcheck", "clamp.config.policy.pap.password": "zb!XztG34", "clamp.config.policy.pdpUrl1": "https://pdp.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/pdp/ , testpdp, alpha123", "clamp.config.policy.pdpUrl2": "https://pdp.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/pdp/ , testpdp, alpha123", "clamp.config.policy.papUrl": "https://pap.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:9091/pap/ , testpap, alpha123", "clamp.config.policy.clientKey": "dGVzdA==", "clamp.config.cadi.aafLocateUrl": "https://aaf-locate.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8095", "com.att.eelf.logging.path": "/opt/clamp", "com.att.eelf.logging.file": "logback.xml" } # default number of instances replicaCount: 1 nodeSelector: {} affinity: {} # probe configuration parameters liveness: initialDelaySeconds: 120 periodSeconds: 10 # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container enabled: true readiness: initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 service: type: ClusterIP name: clamp-backend portName: clamp-backend internalPort: 8443 externalPort: 443 ingress: enabled: false #resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # # Example: # Configure resource requests and limits # ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ # Minimum memory for development is 2 CPU cores and 4GB memory # Minimum memory for production is 4 CPU cores and 8GB memory resources: small: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1.2Gi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 800Mi large: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1.2Gi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 800Mi unlimited: {}