/* * Copyright 2016-2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onap.vfc.nfvo.vnfm.svnfm.vnfmadapter.service.constant; /** * @author * @version VFC 1.0 Sep 6, 2016 */ public class ParamConstants { public static final String GET_TOKENS_V1 = "{\"grantType\": \"password\", \"userName\": \"%s\",\"value\": \"%s\"}"; public static final String GET_TOKENS_V2 = "{\"auth\":{\"identity\": {\"methods\": [\"password\"],\"password\": {\"user\": {\"name\": \"%s\",\"password\": \"%s\"}}}}}"; public static final String GET_TOKENS_V3 = "{\"auth\": {\"identity\": {\"methods\": [\"password\"],\"password\": {\"user\": {\"name\": " + "\"%s\",\"password\": \"%s\",\"domain\": {\"name\": \"%s\"}}}}}}"; public static final String GET_TOKEN_SUC_RESP = "{\"token\": {\"methods\": [\"password\"],\"expires_at\": \"\",\"user\": {\"id\": \"%s\"," + "\"name\": \"%s\"},\"roa_rand\": \"%s\"}}"; public static final String GET_TOKEN_FAIL_RESP = "{\"Information\": \"%s\"}"; public static final String REST_3RD_CONNECTION = "/rest/plat/smapp/v1/oauth/token"; public static final String REST_3RD_DISCONNECT = "/rest/plat/smapp/v1/sessions?roarand=%s"; public static final String REST_3RD_HANDSHAKE = "/rest/plat/ssm/v1/sessions/verify"; public static final String CSM_AUTH_CONNECT_SOUTH = "/v3/auth/tokens"; public static final String CSM_AUTH_CONNECT_SOUTH_DISCONNECT = "/v3/auth/tokens/%s"; public static final String CSM_AUTH_CONNECT = "/v2/auth/tokens"; public static final String CSM_AUTH_DISCONNECT = "/v2/auth/tokens/%s/%s"; public static final String CSM_AUTH_HANDSHAKE = "/v2/nfvo/shakehand?roattr=status"; public static final String VNFMMED = "/rest/vnfmmed/"; public static final String CONNECTMGR_CONNECT = "/connectmgr/v1/connect"; public static final String CONNECTMGR_DISCONNECT = "/connectmgr/v1/disconnect"; public static final String CONNECTMGR_HANDSHAKE = "/connectmgr/v1/handshake"; public static final String CREATE_VNF_PERF = "/staticsmgr/v1/vnfperformance"; public static final String VNFMGR_INSTANCE = "/vnfmgr/v1/instances"; public static final String VNFD_FLAVOR = "/vnfdmgr/v1/flavor"; public static final String UPDATE_RESOURCE = "/rest/v1/resmanage/resuse/updateres"; public static final String VNF_QUERY = "/resmgr/v1/vnfs"; public static final String VMS_QUERY = "/resmgr/v1/vms"; public static final String VNFMGR_VNFKPI = "/staticsmgr/v1/vnfkpi"; public static final String RES_VNF = "/rest/v1/resmanage/vappvm"; public static final String NOTIFY_VNF_PERF = "/rest/v1/resmanage/vappvm"; public static final String PARAM_MODULE = "VnfmDriver"; public static final String GET_ALL_SOS = "/rest/sodriver/v1/sos"; public static final String OPERATION_LOG_PATH = "/rest/plat/audit/v1/logs"; public static final String SYSTEM_LOG_PATH = "/rest/plat/audit/v1/systemlogs"; public static final String SECURITY_LOG_PATH = "/rest/plat/audit/v1/seculogs"; public static final String GET_VNFM_VNF = "/rest/v1/resmanage/vapps?vnfmId=%s"; public static final String GET_RES_NET = "/rest/v1/resmanage/virtualnetworks?id=%s"; public static final String GET_JOB_STATUS = "/vnfmgr/v1/jobs/%s"; public static final String VNF_INSTANCE = "/v2/vapps/instances"; public static final String VNF_INSTANCE_DEL = "/v2/vapps/instances/%s"; public static final String VNF_INSTANCE_GET_U2000 = "/v2/vapps/instances/%s"; public static final String VNF_INSTANCE_GET = "/v2/vnfm/instances/%s"; public static final String VNF_CONFIGURATION_GET = "/v2/vnfm/configurations/%s"; public static final String VNF_SCALE = "/v2/vapps/instances/%s/scale"; public static final String VNF_GET_VMINFO = "/v2/vapps/instances/%s/vm"; public static final String MSB_REGISTER_URL = "/api/microservices/v1/services"; public static final String MSB_UNREGISTER_URL = "/api/microservices/v1/services/hw-vnfm"; // /api/extsys/v1/vnfms/%s public static final String ESR_GET_VNFM_URL = "/aai/v11/external-system/esr-vnfm-list/esr-vnfm/%s/esr-system-info-list"; // /api/extsys/v1/vnfms public static final String ESR_GET_VNFMS_URL = "/aai/v11/external-system/esr-vnfm-list"; public static final String GRANT_RES_URL = "/api/resmgr/v1/resource/grant"; public static final String HEAL_VNF = "/v2/vapps/instances/vm/%s/action"; private ParamConstants() { // private contstructor } }