![att_logo] # ABS Angular library A framework of [AngularJS] directives that allow for a plug'n'play development experience. This framework is apart of AT&T [QuickStart]. # Installation The framework requres [NodeJS] to be installed prior to building. ## Build If on a Windows machine, you can quickly start the build by invoking Build.bat which in turn calls: grunt --gruntfile ng-Gruntfile.js grunt --gruntfile Gruntfile.js If on Linux/Mac machine, you can directly execute the commands above. ## Run the project ### To Run in Netbeans 1. Right Click on the project 2. **Categories->Sources** * Set the value of "Site Root Folder" to "Production/dist" 3. **Categories->Run** * Set the value of "Start File" to "ng-ui-elements.html" * Set the value of "Web Root" to "/" ## How to contribute ### To Add a New Module nModule 1. Create a file Under the folder *ng-misc* nModule.hbs * nModule.hbs to be a copy of ng-misc/module.html 2. open nModule.hbs and replace all the occurance of *module* by *nModule* 3. ADD one entry at the end of the file app\templates\pages\ng-ui-elements.hbs * {{globWithContext 'app/templates/partials/ng-ui-elements/nModule.hbs' this}} ### Create the following folder / file structure under the directory app\scripts\ng_js_att ```javascript app\scripts\ng_js_att\nModule\docs app\scripts\ng_js_att\nModule\test app\scripts\ng_js_att\nModule\nModule.js app\scripts\ng_js_att\nModule\docs\demo.html app\scripts\ng_js_att\nModule\docs\demo.js app\scripts\ng_js_att\nModule\docs\dev-notes.html app\scripts\ng_js_att\nModule\test\nModule.spec.js ``` ### Any templates used will go under the following folder app\scripts\ng_js_att_tpls General Development Rules: 1. Directive to have only the logic. 2. Styles to be out of the logic. 3. Markup to be into templates. # Copyright PROPRIETARY INFORMATION _Not for use or disclosure outside of the AT&T family of companies, except under written agreement._ [AngularJS]:http://angularjs.org [QuickStart]:http://quickstart.att.com [NodeJS]:http://nodejs.org [att_logo]:http://www.underconsideration.com/speakup/archives/att_new_logo.jpg [det_logo]: http://quickstart.web.att.com/images/logo-DETS.png