--- title: Javascript tree with multiple select layout: page js: examples/multiple_select.js css: example.css ---

Example 8 - multiple select

This example implements multiple select using the following functions and events:


{% highlight html %}
{% endhighlight %}


{% highlight js %} $(function() { var $tree = $('#tree1'); $tree.tree({ data: ExampleData.example_data, autoOpen: true }); $tree.bind( 'tree.click', function(e) { // Disable single selection e.preventDefault(); var selected_node = e.node; if (selected_node.id == undefined) { console.log('The multiple selection functions require that nodes have an id'); } if ($tree.tree('isNodeSelected', selected_node)) { $tree.tree('removeFromSelection', selected_node); } else { $tree.tree('addToSelection', selected_node); } } ); }); {% endhighlight %}