--- title: tree.move name: event-tree-move --- Triggered when the user moves a node. Note that this event is called **before** the node is moved. See note about `do_move` below. Event.move_info contains: * moved_node * target_node * position: (before, after or inside) * previous_parent {% highlight js %} $('#tree1').tree({ data: data, dragAndDrop: true }); $('#tree1').bind( 'tree.move', function(event) { console.log('moved_node', event.move_info.moved_node); console.log('target_node', event.move_info.target_node); console.log('position', event.move_info.position); console.log('previous_parent', event.move_info.previous_parent); } ); {% endhighlight %} You can prevent the move by calling **event.preventDefault()** {% highlight js %} $('#tree1').bind( 'tree.move', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); } ); {% endhighlight %} You can later call **event.move_info.move_info.do_move()** to move the node. This way you can ask the user before moving the node: {% highlight js %} $('#tree1').bind( 'tree.move', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (confirm('Really move?')) { event.move_info.do_move(); } } ); {% endhighlight %} Note that if you want to serialise the tree, for example to POST back to a server, you need to let tree complete the move first: {% highlight js %} $('#tree1').bind( 'tree.move', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // do the move first, and _then_ POST back. event.move_info.do_move(); $.post('your_url', {tree: $(this).tree('toJson')}); } ); {% endhighlight %}