--- title: openNode name: functions-opennode --- **function openNode(node);** **function openNode(node, slide);** **function openNode(node, on_finished);** **function openNode(node, slide, on_finished);** Open this node. The node must have child nodes. Parameter **slide (optional)**: open the node using a slide animation (default is true). Parameter **on_finished (optional)**: callback when the node is opened; this also works for nodes that are loaded lazily {% highlight js %} // create tree var $tree = $('#tree1'); $tree.tree({ data: data }); var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 123); $tree.tree('openNode', node); {% endhighlight %} To open the node without the slide animation, call with **slide** parameter is false. {% highlight js %} $tree.tree('openNode', node, false); {% endhighlight %} Example with `on_finished` callback: {% highlight js %} function handleOpened(node) { console.log('openende node', node.name); } $tree.tree('openNode', node, handleOpened); {% endhighlight %}