.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Configuration and Performance ============================= Files Processing Configuration """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The PM Mapper consumes the 3GPP XML files from DMaaP-DR, and processes them. It is possible to process it in parallel. In order to parallel processing, new configuration env has been introduced: - PROCESSING_LIMIT_RATE (optional, default value: 1) - allows to limit the rate of processing files through channel. - THREADS_MULTIPLIER (optional, default value: 1) - allows to specify multiplier to calculate the amount of threads. - PROCESSING_THREADS_COUNT (optional, default value: number of threads available to JVM) - allows to specify number of threads that will be used for files processing. Envs should be specified in section "envs:" in blueprint. Example part of blueprint configuration: :: ... pm-mapper: type: dcae.nodes.ContainerizedServiceComponentUsingDmaap interfaces: cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: create: inputs: ports: - '8443:0' - '8081:0' envs: PROCESSING_LIMIT_RATE: "1" THREADS_MULTIPLIER: "2" PROCESSING_THREADS_COUNT: "3" relationships: - type: dcaegen2.relationships.subscribe_to_files target: pm-feed - type: dcaegen2.relationships.publish_events target: pm-topic ... PM Mapper Filtering """"""""""""""""""" The PM Mapper performs data reduction, by filtering the PM telemetry data it receives. This filtering information is provided to the service as part of its configuration, and is used to identify desired PM measurements (measType) contained within the data. The service can accept an exact match to the measType or regex(java.util.regex) identifying multiple measTypes (it is possible to use both types simultaneously). If a filter is provided, any measurement that does not match the filter, will be ignored and a warning will be logged. PM Mapper expects the filter in the following JSON format: :: "filters":[{ "pmDefVsn": "1.3", "nfType": "gnb", "vendor": "Ericsson", "measTypes": [ "attTCHSeizures", "succTCHSeizures", "att.*", ".*Seizures" ] }] ==================== ============================ ================================ Field Description Type ==================== ============================ ================================ pmDefVsn PM Dictionary version. String vendor Vendor of the xNF type. String nfType nfType is vendor String defined and should match the string used in file ready eventName. measTypes Measurement name used in PM List of Strings, Regular expressions file in 3GPP format where specified, else vendor defined. ==================== ============================ ================================ Message Router Topic Name """"""""""""""""""""""""" PM Mapper publishes the perf3gpp VES PM Events to the following authenticated MR topic; :: org.onap.dmaap.mr.PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Performance ^^^^^^^^^^^ To see the performance of PM Mapper, see "`PM Mapper performance baseline results`_". .. _PM Mapper performance baseline results: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/PM-Mapper+performance+baseline+results