.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Installation ============ This document will illustrates how to build and deploy all AAF components. Clone AAF Code: Build AAF with settings.xml: Build Docker Images: Modify the properties file: Mount the sample to /opt/app/osaaf: Run the docker containers: Clone AAF Code: bharath@bharath:~$ git clone https://git.onap.org/aaf/authz Build AAF with settings.xml: --------------------------- Copy the settings.xml from here and paste in ~/.m2/settings.xml Then run the following command .. code:: bash bharath@bharath:~$ cd authz && mvn clean install -DskipTests If the build is successful, then you can see a folder in "authz/auth" called "aaf_VERSION-SNAPSHOT" which contains all binaries of the components .. code:: bash bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth$ ls aaf_2.1.1-SNAPSHOT auth-cass auth-cmd auth-deforg auth-gui auth-locate auth-service pom.xml target auth-batch auth-certman auth-core auth-fs auth-hello auth-oauth docker sample Build Docker Images: ------------------- Now after building binaries, the next step is to build docker images for each aaf component. .. code:: bash bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth/docker$ chmod +x *.sh bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth/docker$ ./dbuild.sh The above command will build the following images: aaf_service aaf_oauth aaf_locate aaf_hello aaf_gui aaf_fs aaf_cm Modify the properties file: Modify the contents of the "authz/auth/docker/d.props .. code:: bash bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth/docker$ cat d.props # Variables for building Docker entities ORG=onap PROJECT=aaf DOCKER_REPOSITORY=nexus3.onap.org:10003 OLD_VERSION=2.1.0-SNAPSHOT VERSION=2.1.1-SNAPSHOT CONF_ROOT_DIR=/opt/app/osaaf # Local Env info HOSTNAME="" HOST_IP="" CASS_HOST="cass" Replace the with your hostname and HOST_IP with your host IP. Add the following entry to your /etc/hosts file aaf.osaaf.org Mount the sample to /opt/app/osaaf: As you can see there is a parameter "CONF_ROOT_DIR" which is set to "/opt/app/osaaf". So we have to create a folder "/opt/app/osaaf" and copy the contents of authz/auth/sample to /opt/app/osaaf .. code:: bash bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth$ mkdir -p /opt/app/osaaf bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth$ cp -r sample/* /opt/app/osaaf/ Run the docker containers: -------------------------- .. code:: bash bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth/docker$ ls dbash.sh dbuild.sh dclean.sh Dockerfile d.props dpush.sh drun.sh dstart.sh dstop.sh bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth/docker$ ./drun.sh