.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. ===================== Prerequisites for AAF ===================== To *run* AAF, you need the following: * Java 8+, openjdk is fine (see Version below) * Cassandra * a separate installation is fine * Docker based AAF Envs offer a single instance Cassandra for convenience. Single Instance Cassandra is **NOT** recommended for real AAF systems. * Machine - one of the following * Standalone Java Processes - Bare Metal or VMs. No additional running environments necessary * docker - typically available via packages for O/S * kubernetes - various installs available To *build* AAF, you additionally need: * Java 8+, openjdk is fine (see Version below) * git * maven * for Container Based, you'll need Docker to build as well * Note: 'minikube' works well to provide both Docker and Kubernetes Single Instance installations. --------------------------- Current Technology Versions --------------------------- - Java(tm). Version 8.121+ - Oracle Java previous to Oracle Java SE 8 to version 8 Update 121 is vulnerable to "SWEET32" attack. 1369383 - CVE-2016-2183 SSL/TLS: Birthday attack against 64-bit block ciphers (SWEET32) - Cassandra, Version 3.11+ - X509 Certificates (at minimum to support HTTP/S TLS transactions (TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 are default, but can be configured).