.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _healthcheck: DCAE Health Check ================= HealthCheck Services -------------------- DCAE healthchecks are performed by a separate service. - dcae-ms-healthcheck These service is packaged into a Docker image (``onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.healthcheck-container``), which is built in the ``healthcheck-container`` module in the ``dcaegen2/deployments`` repository. dcae-ms-healthcheck is deployed along with services enabled under (``oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2-services``) This healthcheck container runs as service that exposes a simple Web API. In response to request, the service checks Kubernetes to verify that all of the expected DCAE platform and service components are in a ready state. The service has a fixed list service components identified by json file - `expected-components.json `_ ; these are normally deployed when dcaegen2-services is installed. In addition, the healthcheck service also tracks and checks components that are deployed dynamically after the initial DCAE installation. The healthcheck service is exposed as a Kubernetes ClusterIP Service named `dcae-ms-healthcheck`. The service can be queried for status as shown below. .. note:: Run the below commands before running "curl dcae-ms-healthcheck" * To get the dcae-ms-healthcheck pod name, run following command: .. code-block:: bash kubectl get pods -n onap | grep dcae-ms-healthcheck * Then enter in to the shell of the container, run the following command (substituting the pod name retrieved by the previous command): .. code-block:: bash kubectl exec -it -n onap bash .. code-block:: bash $ curl dcae-ms-healthcheck { "type": "summary", "count": 5, "ready": 5, "items": [{ "name": "onap-dcae-hv-ves-collector", "ready": 1, "unavailable": 0 }, { "name": "onap-dcae-prh", "ready": 1, "unavailable": 0 }, { "name": "onap-dcae-tcagen2", "ready": 1, "unavailable": 0 }, { "name": "onap-dcae-ves-collector", "ready": 1, "unavailable": 0 }, { "name": "onap-dcae-ves-openapi-manager", "ready": 1, "unavailable": 0 } ] }