.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .. International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation .. Links .. _helm deploy: https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/helm/plugins/deploy/deploy.sh .. _oom_customize_overrides: OOM Custom Overrides #################### The OOM `helm deploy`_ plugin requires deployment configuration as input, usually in the form of override yaml files. These input files determine what ONAP components get deployed, and the configuration of the OOM deployment. Other helm config options like `--set log.enabled=true|false` are available. See the `helm deploy`_ plugin usage section for more detail, or it the plugin has already been installed, execute the following:: > helm deploy --help Users can customize the override files to suit their required deployment. .. note:: Standard and example override files (e.g. `onap-all.yaml`, `onap-all-ingress-istio.yaml`) can be found in the `oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/overrides/` directory. * Users can selectively enable or disable ONAP components by changing the ``enabled: true/false`` flags. * Add to the command line a value for the global master password (ie. --set global.masterPassword=My_superPassw0rd). Enabling/Disabling Components ***************************** Here is an example of the nominal entries that need to be provided. Different values files are available for different contexts. .. collapse:: Default ONAP values.yaml .. include:: ../../../../kubernetes/onap/values.yaml :code: yaml | (Optional) "ONAP on Service Mesh" ********************************* To enable "ONAP on Service Mesh" both "ServiceMesh" and "Ingress" configuration entries need to be configured before deployment. Global settings relevant for ServiceMesh: .. code-block:: yaml global: ingress: # generally enable ingress for ONAP components enabled: false # enable all component's Ingress interfaces enable_all: false # default Ingress base URL # All http requests via ingress will be redirected virtualhost: # Default Ingress base URL # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.baseurlOverride baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org" # prefix for baseaddr # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.preaddrOverride preaddr: "" # postfix for baseaddr # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.postaddrOverride postaddr: "" # All http requests via ingress will be redirected on Ingress controller # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled) config: ssl: "redirect" # you can set an own Secret containing a certificate # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled) # tls: # secret: 'my-ingress-cert' # optional: Namespace of the Istio IngressGateway # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled) namespace: istio-ingress ... serviceMesh: enabled: true tls: true # be aware that linkerd is not well tested engine: "istio" # valid value: istio or linkerd aafEnabled: false cmpv2Enabled: false tlsEnabled: false msbEnabled: false ServiceMesh settings: - enabled: true → enables ServiceMesh functionality in the ONAP Namespace (Istio: enables Sidecar deployment) - tls: true → enables mTLS encryption in Sidecar communication - engine: istio → sets the SM engine (currently only Istio is supported) - aafEnabled: false → disables AAF usage for TLS interfaces - tlsEnabled: false → disables creation of TLS in component services - cmpv2Enabled: false → disable cmpv2 feature - msbEnabled: false → MSB is not used in Istio setup (Open, if all components are MSB independend) Ingress settings: - enabled: true → enables Ingress using: Nginx (when SM disabled), Istio IngressGateway (when SM enabled) - enable_all: true → enables Ingress configuration in each component - virtualhost.baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org" → sets globally the URL for all Interfaces set by the components, resulting in e.g. "aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.baseurlOverride - virtualhost.preaddr: "pre-" → sets globally a prefix for the Application name for all Interfaces set by the components, resulting in e.g. "pre-aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.preaddrOverride - virtualhost.postaddr: "-post" → sets globally a postfix for the Application name for all Interfaces set by the components, resulting in e.g. "aai-api-post.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.postaddrOverride - config.ssl: redirect → sets in the Ingress globally the redirection of all Interfaces from http (port 80) to https (port 443) - config.tls.secret: "..." → (optional) overrides the default selfsigned SSL certificate with a certificate stored in the specified secret - namespace: istio-ingress → (optional) overrides the namespace of the ingress gateway which is used for the created SSL certificate .. note:: For "ONAP on Istio" an example override file (`onap-all-ingress-istio.yaml`) can be found in the `oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/overrides/` directory.