.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Sparky - VNFs ============== *VNFs* Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *VNFs* is an aggregation-based view that provides aggregate counts of VNFs based off of provisioning status and orchestration status. *VNFs* Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With VNFs UI, users can: * Search for generic-vnfs by attribute value(s) specified in the search box using suggested search terms. * View search results aggregated to display: - A count of the total VNFs returned by the search - A count of the VNFs for each prov-status values. * Filter out data to reduce the amount of data displayed to the user. Users can filter data based on: - Orchestration status - Provisioning status - Network function type - Network function role Navigation to *VNFs* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Main navigation menu 2. Selecting a search result related to an aggregation result (e.g. and VNFs) Using *VNFs* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *VNFs* is driven by using the search bar at the top of the UI to find and select aggregation queries. Once selected, the aggregation queries will be sent to the *Sparky* backend component for processing. When a result set has been determined *VNFs* will render the data - as below: Note: The OXM schema defines the services and resources archetypes and mappings to Java types that are used by A&AI to define the REST endpoints for reading and manipulating the inventory data. The OXM file has been annotated with suggestible attributes. Sparky communicates with Synapse (data-router) to update ElasticSearch as entities are created/updated and deleted. .. image:: images/view6.jpg :height: 150px :width: 270 px :scale: 100 % :alt: alternate text :align: center