.. contents:: :depth: 3 .. _dev-setup: AAI Developer Environment Setup ================================ This guide will illustrate setting up an A&AI development environment in Ubuntu 16.04.   For this exercise, I set up a new instance of Ubuntu in Virtualbox and gave it 16G RAM, 200GB dynamically allocated storage, and 3 processors. - install openjdk 8 ..code:: bash sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk - Install single node hadoop/titan ..code:: bash wget http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/downloads/titan/titan-1.0.0-hadoop1.zip unzip titan-1.0.0-hadoop1.zip cd titan-1.0.0-hadoop1 sudo ./bin/titan.sh start - Install haproxy ..code:: bash sudo apt-get -y install haproxy haproxy -v HA-Proxy version 1.6.3 2015/12/25 Copyright 2000-2015 Willy Tarreau willy@haproxy.org http://haproxy.org/ - Install this haproxy.cfg file in /etc/haproxy `haproxy.cfg `__ ..code:: bash sudo cp aai.pem /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem sudo chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem sudo chown root:ssl-cert /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem `aai.pem `__ ..code::bash sudo mkdir /usr/local/etc/haproxy - Add these hostnames to the loopback interface in /etc/hosts:  ..code:: bash localhost aai-traversal.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org aai-resouces.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org - Restart haproxy ..code:: bash sudo service haproxy restart - Set up repos. First, follow the initial setup instructions in  `Setting Up Your Development Environment `__ ..code:: bash mkdir -p ~/LF/AAI cd ~/LF/AAI git clone ssh://@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/aai-common git clone ssh://@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/traversal git clone ssh://@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/resources git clone ssh://@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/logging-service - If you did not originally create a settings.xml file when setting up the dev environment, you may get an error on some of the repos saying that oparent is unresolvable.  Using the example settings.xml file should solve this problem: `Setting Up Your Development Environment#MavenExamplesettings.xml `__ - Build aai-common, traversal, and resources ..code:: bash cd ~/LF/AAI/aai-common mvn clean install # Should result in BUILD SUCCESS cd ~/LF/AAI/resources mvn clean install # Should result in BUILD SUCCESS cd ~/LF/AAI/logging-service mvn clean install # Should result in BUILD SUCCESS cd ~/LF/AAI/traversal # I had to add the following to traversal/pom.xml to get traversal to build:  ..code:: xml maven-restletRestlet repositoryhttps://maven.restlet.com mvn clean install # Should result in BUILD SUCCESS - Titan setup 1. Modify both titan-cached.properties and titan-realtime.properties to the following (for all MS’s that will connect to the local Cassandra backend) ..code:: bash storage.backend=\ *cassandra* storage.hostname=\ *localhost* 2. update ~/LF/AAI/resources/aai-resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-cached.properties 3. update ~/LF/AAI/resources/aai-resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-realtime.properties 4. update ~/LF/AAI/traversal/aai-traversal/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-cached.properties 5. update ~/LF/AAI/traversal/aai-traversal/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-realtime.properties 6. The following property can be added to specify the keyspace name, each time you do this step (g) should be done. If not specified Titan will try to create/use a defaulted keyspace named titan. ..code:: bash storage.cassandra.keyspace= 7. From the resources MS run the create db schema standalone program. 8. ***NOTE***: The first thing that would need to be done is adding the schema to the local instance. (this will need to be done whenever using a new keyspace or after wiping the data). Runnable class org.onap.aai.dbgen.GenTester with the following vm args. ..code:: bash -DAJSC_HOME=~/LF/AAI/resources -DBUNDLECONFIG\_DIR="bundleconfig-local" 9. Here's the command I used, and it worked: ..code:: bash cd ~/LF/AAI; java -DAJSC_HOME=/home/jimmy/LF/AAI/resources/aai-resources -DBUNDLECONFIG_DIR="bundleconfig-local" -cp aai-common/aai-core/target/aai-core-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:resources/aai-resources/target/aai-resources.jar:resources/aai-resources/target/userjars/\* org.onap.aai.dbgen.GenTester - Start the "resources" microservice 1. Resources runs on port 8446.  Go to the resources directory ..code:: bash cd ~/LF/AAI/resources 2. Set the debug port to 9446 ..code:: bash export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx5120m -XX:PermSize=2024m -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=9446,server=y,suspend=n" 3. Start the microservice ..code::bash mvn -P runAjsc 16. Verify the resources microservice (this example uses Postman utility for Google Chrome) 1. | Use basic auth, user = AAI, pw = AAI 2. | Set the X-TransactionId header (in the example below, the value is | 9999) 3. | Set the X-FromAppId header (in the example below, the value is | jimmy-postman) 4. | Perform a GET of 5. | You should see an error as below, 404 Not Found, ERR.5.4.6114.  | This indicates that the service is functioning normally: +------------------------------------------+ | |image1| | +------------------------------------------+ 18. Start the "traversal" microservice 1. | Traversal runs on port 8447.  Go to the traversal directory ..code:: bash $ cd ~/LF/AAI/traversal 2. | Set the debug port to 9447 | $ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx5120m -XX:PermSize=2024m -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=9447,server=y,suspend=n" 3. | Start the microservice | $ mvn -P runAjsc | Should see something like this: 2017-07-26 12:46:35.524:INFO:oejs.Server:com.att.ajsc.runner.Runner.main(): Started @25827ms - Verify the traversal microservice 1. | Set up the widget models | This will set up the postman to add widget models: `Add Widget Models.postman_collection.json `__ `NamedQuery.postman_collection.json `__ 2. | Create a runner using this file: `models.csv `__ 3. | Run the test runner | |image2| 4. | Add a named query called "getComponentList" (this named query is used by VID):  `NamedQuery.postman_collection.json `__ | |image3| 5. | Add objects: `Add Instances for Named Query.postman_collection.json `__ 6. | Execute named-query: `Execute Named Query.postman_collection.json `__ | You should see something like the following: | |image4| - Your A&AI instance is now running, both the resources and traversal microservices are working properly with a local titan graph. - Next: `Tutorial: Making and Testing a Schema Change in A&AI `__ .. |image1| image:: media/image1.png :width: 4.87500in :height: 2.87500in .. |image2| image:: media/image2.png :width: 4.87500in :height: 3.75000in .. |image3| image:: media/image3.png :width: 4.87500in :height: 4.15000in .. |image4| image:: media/image4.png :width: 4.87500in :height: 4.15000in