.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 ======= Logging ======= .. note:: * This section is used to describe the informational or diagnostic messages emitted from a software component and the methods or collecting them. * This section is typically: provided for a platform-component and sdk; and referenced in developer and user guides * This note must be removed after content has been added. Where to Access Information --------------------------- +--------+------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | Server | Location | Type | Description | Rolling | +========+==========================================+=====================+===========================================================================================================================================================================================+=====================+ | BE | /data/logs/BE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log | Jetty server log | The log describes info regarding Jetty startup and execution | the log rolls daily | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/audit.log | application audit | An audit record is created for each operation in SDC | rolls at 20 mb | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/debug.log | application logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. | rolls at 20 mb | | | | | The file is located under:,config/catalog-be/logback.xml. | | | | | | This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application. | | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/error.log | application logging | This log holds the info and error level output of the application. | rolls at 20 mb | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/transaction.log | application logging | Not currently in use. will be used in future relases. | rolls at 20 mb | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/all.log | application logging | On demand, we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debugging. This is done by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. | rolls at 20 mb | | | | | The file is located under:,config/catalog-be/logback.xml. | | | | | | To allow this logger, set the value for this property to true This log holds all logging output of the application. | | +--------+------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | FE | /data/logs/FE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log | Jetty server log | The log describes info regarding the Jetty startup and execution | the log rolls daily | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/debug.log | application logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. | rolls at 20 mb | | | | | The file is located,under: config/catalog-fe/logback.xml. | | | | | | This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application. | | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/error.log | application logging | This log holds the Info and Error level output of the application. | rolls at 20 mb | + +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/all.log | application logging | On demand we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debuging, by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.The file is located under: config/catalog-fe/logback.xml. | rolls | | | | | To allow this logger set this property to true | | | | | | This log holds all the logging output of the application. | | +--------+------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ Error / Warning Messages ------------------------ Respone Types ============= :: OK: { code: 200, message: "OK" } CREATED: { code: 201, message: "OK" } NO_CONTENT: { code: 204, message: "No Content" } --------POL4050----------------------------- ============================================ :: NOT_ALLOWED: { code: 405, message: "Error: Method not allowed.", messageId: "POL4050" } --------POL5000----------------------------- ============================================ :: GENERAL_ERROR: { code: 500, message: "Error: Internal Server Error. Please try again later.", messageId: "POL5000" } ---------POL5001---------------------------- ============================================ :: MISSING_X_ECOMP_INSTANCE_ID: { code: 400 , message: "Error: Missing 'X-ECOMP-InstanceID' HTTP header.", messageId: "POL5001" } ---------POL5002------------------------------ ============================================== :: AUTH_REQUIRED: { code: 401 , message: "Error: Authentication is required to use the API.", messageId: "POL5002" } ---------POL5003------------------------------ ============================================== :: AUTH_FAILED: { code: 403 , message: "Error: Not authorized to use the API.", messageId: "POL5003" } ---------POL5004------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING\_USER\_ID: { code: 400 , message: "Error: Missing 'USER\_ID' HTTP header.", messageId: "POL5004" } ---------SVC4000----------------------------- ============================================= :: INVALID_CONTENT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid content.", messageId: "SVC4000" } ---------SVC4002----------------------------- ============================================= :: MISSING_INFORMATION: { code: 403, message: "Error: Missing information.", messageId: "SVC4002" } ---------SVC4003------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Users's ID :: USER_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: User '%1' was not found.", messageId: "SVC4003" } ---------SVC4004----------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Users's email address :: INVALID_EMAIL_DDRESS: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid email address '%1'.", messageId: "SVC4004" } ---------SVC4005------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - role :: INVALID_ROLE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid role '%1'.", messageId: "SVC4005" } ---------SVC4006------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Users's USER_ID :: USER_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: User with '%1' ID already exists.", messageId: "SVC4006" } ---------SVC4007------------------------------ ============================================== :: DELETE_USER_ADMIN_CONFLICT: { code: 409, message: "Error: An administrator can only be deleted by another administrator.", messageId: "SVC4007" } ---------SVC4008----------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Users's USER_ID :: INVALID_USER_ID: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid userId '%1'.", messageId: "SVC4008" } ---------SVC4049------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource :: COMPONENT_MISSING_CONTACT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 contact.", messageId: "SVC4049" } ---------SVC4050----------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource/Additional parameter - %2 - Service/Resource/Label name :: COMPONENT_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: %1 with name '%2' already exists.", messageId: "SVC4050" } ---------SVC4051------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service :: COMPONENT_MISSING_CATEGORY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 category.", messageId: "SVC4051" } ---------SVC4052------------------------------ ============================================== :: COMPONENT_MISSING_TAGS: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. At least one tag has to be specified.", messageId: "SVC4052" } ---------SVC4053------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service/resource :: COMPONENT_MISSING_DESCRIPTION: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 description.", messageId: "SVC4053" } ---------SVC4054------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service/resource :: COMPONENT_INVALID_CATEGORY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Invalid %1 category.", messageId: "SVC4054" } ---------SVC4055------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING_VENDOR_NAME: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing vendor name.", messageId: "SVC4055" } ---------SVC4056------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING_VENDOR_RELEASE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing vendor release.", messageId: "SVC4056" } ---------SVC4057------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING_DERIVED_FROM_TEMPLATE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing derived from template specification.", messageId: "SVC4057" } ---------SVC4058------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service/resource :: COMPONENT_MISSING_ICON: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 icon.", messageId: "SVC4058" } ---------SVC4059------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service/resource :: COMPONENT_INVALID_ICON: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Invalid %1 icon.", messageId: "SVC4059" } ---------SVC4060------------------------------ ============================================== :: PARENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Derived from resource template was not found.", messageId: "SVC4060" } ---------SVC4061------------------------------ ============================================== :: MULTIPLE_PARENT_RESOURCE_FOUND: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Multiple derived from resource template is not allowed.", messageId: "SVC4061" } ---------SVC4062------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service/resource :: MISSING_COMPONENT_NAME: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 name.", messageId: "SVC4062" } ---------SVC4063------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service/resource :: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' resource was not found.", messageId: "SVC4063" } ---------SVC4064------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource/Property :: COMPONENT_INVALID_DESCRIPTION: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 description contains non-english characters.", messageId: "SVC4064" } ---------SVC4065------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource/Property - %2 - max resource/service name length :: COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 description exceeds limit of %2 characters.", messageId: "SVC4065" } ---------SVC4066------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - max length :: COMPONENT_TAGS_EXCEED_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Tags overall length exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4066" } ---------SVC4067------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - max length :: VENDOR_NAME_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Vendor name exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4067" } ---------SVC4068------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - max length :: VENDOR_RELEASE_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Vendor release exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4068" } ---------SVC4069------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource/Product :: COMPONENT_INVALID_CONTACT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 Contact Id should be in format 'mnnnnnn' or 'aannna' or 'aannnn', where m=m ,a=a-zA-Z and n=0-9", messageId: "SVC4069" } ---------SVC4070------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource :: INVALID_COMPONENT_NAME: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. %1 name is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.', messageId: "SVC4070" } ---------SVC4071------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_VENDOR_NAME: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Vendor name is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.', messageId: "SVC4071" } ---------SVC4072------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_VENDOR_RELEASE: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Vendor release is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.', messageId: "SVC4072" } ---------SVC4073------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource - %2 - max resource/service name :: COMPONENT_NAME_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 name exceeds limit of %2 characters.", messageId: "SVC4073" } ---------SVC4080------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource name - %2 - Service/Resource - %3 - First name of last modifier - %4 - Last name of last modifier - %5 - USER_ID of last modifier :: COMPONENT_IN_CHECKOUT_STATE: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is locked for modification by %3 %4(%5).", messageId: "SVC4080" } ---------SVC4081----------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource name - %2 - Service/Resource - %3 - First name of last modifier - %4 - Last name of last modifier - %5 - USER_ID of last modifier :: COMPONENT_IN_CERT_IN_PROGRESS_STATE: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is locked for certification by %3 %4(%5).", messageId: "SVC4081" } -----------SVC4082--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource name - %2 - Service/Resource - %3 - First name of last modifier - %4 - Last name of last modifier - %5 - USER_ID of last modifier :: COMPONENT_SENT_FOR_CERTIFICATION: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is sent for certification by %3 %4(%5).", messageId: "SVC4082" } -----------SVC4083--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource name :: COMPONENT_VERSION_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Version of this %1 was already promoted.", messageId: "SVC4083" } -----------SVC4084--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource/Product name - %2 - Service/Resource/Product - %3 - First name of last modifier - %4 - Last name of last modifier - %5 - USER_ID of last modifier :: COMPONENT_ALREADY_CHECKED_IN: { code: 409, message: "Error: The current version of '%1' %2 was already checked-in by %3 %4(%5).", messageId: "SVC4084" } -----------SVC4085--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource/Product name - %2 - Service/Resource/Product - %3 - First name of last modifier - %4 - Last name of last modifier - %5 - USER_ID of last modifier :: COMPONENT_CHECKOUT_BY_ANOTHER_USER: { code: 403, message: "Error: %1 %2 has already been checked out by %3 %4(%5).", messageId: "SVC4085" } -----------SVC4086--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource name - %2 - Service/Resource :: COMPONENT_IN_USE: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is in use by another user.", messageId: "SVC4086" } -----------SVC4087--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Component name - %2 - Service/Resource/Product :: COMPONENT_HAS_NEWER_VERSION: { code: 409, message: "Error: Checking out of the requested version of the '%1' %2 is not allowed as a newer version exists.", messageId: "SVC4087" } -----------SVC4088--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource name - %2 - Service/Resource - %3 - First name of last modifier - %4 - Last name of last modifier - %5 - USER_ID of last modifier :: COMPONENT_ALREADY_CERTIFIED: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested %1 %2 has already been certified by %3 %4(%5).", messageId: "SVC4088" } -----------SVC4089--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Service/Resource name - %2 - Service/Resource :: COMPONENT_NOT_READY_FOR_CERTIFICATION: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is not ready for certification.", messageId: "SVC4089" } -----------SVC4100--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - property name :: PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' property was not found.", messageId: "SVC4100" } -----------SVC4101--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - property name :: PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Property with '%1' name already exists.", messageId: "SVC4101" } -----------SVC4102--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - capability type name :: CAPABILITY_TYPE_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Capability Type with name '%1' already exists.", messageId: "SVC4102" } -----------SVC4114--------------------------- ============================================= :: AUTH_FAILED_INVALIDE_HEADER: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Authorization header.", messageId: "SVC4114" } -----------SVC4115--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - capability type name :: MISSING_CAPABILITY_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing Capability Type '%1'.", messageId: "SVC4115" } -----------SVC4116--------------------------- ============================================= :: RESOURCE_INSTANCE_BAD_REQUEST: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content.", messageId: "SVC4116" } -----------SVC4117--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - resource instance name - %2 - resource instance name - %3 - requirement name :: RESOURCE_INSTANCE_MATCH_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Match not found between resource instance '%1' and resource instance '%2' for requirement '%3'.", messageId: "SVC4117" } -----------SVC4118--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - resource instance name - %2 - resource instance name - %3 - requirement name :: RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Resource instances '%1' and '%2' are already associated with requirement '%3'.", messageId: "SVC4118" } -----------SVC4119--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - resource instance name - %2 - resource instance name - %3 - requirement name :: RESOURCE_INSTANCE_RELATION_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: No relation found between resource instances '%1' and '%2' for requirement '%3'.", messageId: "SVC4119" } -----------SVC4120--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - User's USER_ID :: USER_INACTIVE: { code: 404, message: "Error: User %1 was not found.", messageId: "SVC4120" } -----------SVC4121--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - User's USER\_ID :: USER_HAS_ACTIVE_ELEMENTS: { code: 403, message: "Error: User with %1 ID can not be deleted since it has active elements(resources/services/artifacts).", messageId: "SVC4121" } -----------SVC4122--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - artifact type :: ARTIFACT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid artifact type '%1'.", messageId: "SVC4122" } -----------SVC4123--------------------------- ============================================= :: ARTIFACT_LOGICAL_NAME_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Artifact logical name cannot be changed.", messageId: "SVC4123" } -----------SVC4124--------------------------- ============================================= :: MISSING_ARTIFACT_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Missing artifact type.", messageId: "SVC4124" } -----------SVC4125--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - artifact name :: ARTIFACT_EXIST: { code: 400, message: "Error: Artifact '%1' already exists.", messageId: "SVC4125" } ---------SVC4126------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service/Product/... - %2 - field (tag, vendor name...) :: INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid %1 %2 format.", messageId: "SVC4126" } -----------SVC4127--------------------------- ============================================= :: ARTIFACT_INVALID_MD5: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid artifact checksum.", messageId: "SVC4127" } -----------SVC4128--------------------------- ============================================= :: MISSING_ARTIFACT_NAME: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid content. Missing artifact name.", messageId: "SVC4128" } -----------SVC4129--------------------------- ============================================= :: MISSING_PROJECT_CODE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing PROJECT_CODE number.", messageId: "SVC4129" } -----------SVC4130--------------------------- ============================================= :: INVALID_PROJECT_CODE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. PROJECT_CODE must be from 3 up to 50 characters.", messageId: "SVC4130" } -----------SVC4131--------------------------- ============================================= - %1-resource/service - %2-artifact/artifacts - %3-semicolomn separated list of artifact :: COMPONENT_MISSING_MANDATORY_ARTIFACTS: { code: 403, message: "Error: Missing mandatory informational %1 %2: [%3].", messageId: "SVC4131" } -----------SVC4132--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - lifecycle type name :: LIFECYCLE_TYPE_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Lifecycle Type with name '%1' already exists.", messageId: "SVC4132" } -----------SVC4133--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - service version - %2 - service name :: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_DISTRIBUTION: { code: 403, message: "Error: Version %1 of '%2' service is not available for distribution.", messageId: "SVC4133" } -----------SVC4134--------------------------- ============================================= :: MISSING_LIFECYCLE_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing interface life-cycle type.", messageId: "SVC4134" } ---------SVC4135------------------------------ ============================================== :: SERVICE_CATEGORY_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Service category cannot be changed once the service is certified.", messageId: "SVC4135" } ---------SVC4136------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - distribution environment name :: DISTRIBUTION_ENVIRONMENT_NOT_AVAILABLE: { code: 500, message: "Error: Requested distribution environment '%1' is not available.", messageId: "SVC4136" } ---------SVC4137------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - distribution environment name :: DISTRIBUTION_ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND: { code: 400, message: "Error: Requested distribution environment '%1' was not found.", messageId: "SVC4137" } ---------SVC4138------------------------------ ============================================== :: DISTRIBUTION_ENVIRONMENT_INVALID: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid distribution environment.", messageId: "SVC4138" } ---------SVC4139------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service name :: DISTRIBUTION_ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND: { code: 409, message: "Error: Service '%1' cannot be distributed due to missing deployment artifacts.", messageId: "SVC4139" } ---------SVC4200------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource - %2 - max icon name length :: COMPONENT_ICON_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 icon name exceeds limit of %2 characters.", messageId: "SVC4200" } ---------SVC4300------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESTRICTED_ACCESS: { code: 403, message: "Error: Restricted access.", messageId: "SVC4300" } ---------SVC4301------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESTRICTED_OPERATION: { code: 409, message: "Error: Restricted operation.", messageId: "SVC4301" } ---------SVC4500------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING_BODY: { code: 400 , message: "Error: Missing request body.", messageId: "SVC4500" } ---------SVC4501------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING_PUBLIC_KEY: { code: 400 , message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing mandatory parameter 'apiPublicKey'." , messageId: "SVC4501" } ---------SVC4502------------------------------ ============================================== :: DISTRIBUTION_ENV_DOES_NOT_EXIST: { code: 400 , message: "Error: Invalid Body : Missing mandatory parameter 'distrEnvName'." , messageId: "SVC4502" } -----------SVC4503--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - service name :: SERVICE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' service was not found.", messageId: "SVC4503" } ---------SVC4504------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/Resource - %2 - service/resource version :: COMPONENT_VERSION_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: %1 version %2 was not found.", messageId: "SVC4504" } -----------SVC4505--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - artifact name :: ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Artifact '%1' was not found.", messageId: "SVC4505" } ---------SVC4506------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING_ENV_NAME: { code: 400 , message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing mandatory parameter 'distrEnvName'.", messageId: "SVC4506" } ---------SVC4507------------------------------ ============================================== :: COMPONENT_INVALID_TAGS_NO_COMP_NAME: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. One of the tags should be the component name.", messageId: "SVC4507" } ---------SVC4508------------------------------ ============================================== :: SERVICE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Service name cannot be changed once the service is certified.", messageId: "SVC4508" } ---------SVC4509------------------------------ ============================================== :: SERVICE_ICON_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Icon cannot be changed once the service is certified.", messageId: "SVC4509" } ---------SVC4510------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - icon name max length :: SERVICE_ICON_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Icon name exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4510" } ---------SVC4511------------------------------ ============================================== :: DISTRIBUTION_REQUESTED_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested distribution was not found.", messageId: "SVC4511" } ---------SVC4512------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Distribution ID :: DISTRIBUTION_REQUESTED_FAILED: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested distribution '%1' failed.", messageId: "SVC4512" } ---------SVC4513------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_CATEGORY_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Resource category cannot be changed once the resource is certified.", messageId: "SVC4513" } ---------SVC4514------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Resource name cannot be changed once the resource is certified.", messageId: "SVC4514" } ---------SVC4515------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_ICON_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Icon cannot be changed once the resource is certified.", messageId: "SVC4515" } ---------SVC4516------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_VENDOR_NAME_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Vendor name cannot be changed once the resource is certified.", messageId: "SVC4516" } ---------SVC4517------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_DERIVED_FROM_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Derived from resource template cannot be changed once the resource is certified.", messageId: "SVC4517" } ---------SVC4518------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - max length :: COMPONENT_SINGLE_TAG_EXCEED_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Single tag exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4518" } ---------SVC4519------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_DEFAULT_VALUE: { code: 400, message: "Error: mismatch in data-type occurred for property %1. data type is %2 and default value found is %3.", messageId: "SVC4519" } ---------SVC4520------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service\resource :: ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_MAX_NUMBER_REACHED: { code: 409, message: "Error: Maximal number of additional %1 parameters was reached.", messageId: "SVC4520" } ---------SVC4521------------------------------ ============================================== :: ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_EMPTY_STRING_NOT_ALLOWED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. The Additional information label and value cannot be empty.", messageId: "SVC4521" } ---------SVC4522------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - label/value - %2 - Maximal length of %1 :: ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Additional information %1 exceeds limit of %2 characters.", messageId: "SVC4522" } ---------SVC4523------------------------------ ============================================== :: ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_KEY_NOT_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Additional information label is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.', messageId: "SVC4523" } ---------SVC4524------------------------------ ============================================== :: ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_NOT_FOUND: { code: 409, message: "Error: Requested additional information was not found.", messageId: "SVC4524" } ---------SVC4525------------------------------ ============================================== :: ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Additional information contains non-english characters.', messageId: "SVC4525" } ---------SVC4526------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' resource instance was not found.", messageId: "SVC4526" } ---------SVC4527------------------------------ ============================================== :: ASDC_VERSION_NOT_FOUND: { code: 500, message: 'Error: ASDC version cannot be displayed.', messageId: "SVC4527" } ---------SVC4528------------------------------ ============================================== - %1-artifact url/artifact label/artifact description/VNF Service Indicator :: MISSING_DATA: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid content. Missing %1.", messageId: "SVC4528" } ---------SVC4529------------------------------ ============================================== - %1-artifact url/artifact label/artifact description/artifact name - %2 - Maximal length of %1 :: EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 exceeds limit of %2 characters.", messageId: "SVC4529" } ---------SVC4530------------------------------ ============================================== :: ARTIFACT_INVALID_TIMEOUT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Artifact Timeout should be set to valid positive non-zero number of minutes.", messageId: "SVC4530" } ---------SVC4531------------------------------ ============================================== :: SERVICE_IS_VNF_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: VNF Indicator cannot be updated for certified service.", messageId: "SVC4531" } ---------SVC4532------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND_ON_SERVICE: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' resource instance was not found on the service '%2.", messageId: "SVC4532" } ---------SVC4533------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - artifact name("HEAT"/"HEAT_ENV"/"MURANO_PKG"/"YANG_XML") :: WRONG_ARTIFACT_FILE_EXTENSION: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid file extension for %1 artifact type.", messageId: "SVC4533" } ---------SVC4534------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "HEAT"/"HEAT_ENV" :: INVALID_YAML: { code: 400, message: "Error: Uploaded YAML file for %1 artifact is invalid.", messageId: "SVC4534" } ---------SVC4535------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "HEAT" :: INVALID_DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT_HEAT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid %1 artifact.", messageId: "SVC4535" } ---------SVC4536------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service - %2 - Resource/Service name - %3 - "HEAT"/"HEAT_ENV"/"MURANO_PKG" - %4 - "HEAT"/"HEAT_ENV"/"MURANO_PKG :: DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT_OF_TYPE_ALREADY_EXISTS: { code: 400, message: "Error: %1 '%2' already has a deployment artifact of %3 type .Please delete or update an existing %4 artifact.", messageId: "SVC4536" } ---------SVC4537------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISSING_HEAT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Missing HEAT artifact. HEAT_ENV artifact cannot be uploaded without corresponding HEAT template.", messageId: "SVC4537" } ---------SVC4538------------------------------ ============================================== :: MISMATCH_HEAT_VS_HEAT_ENV: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid artifact content. Parameter's set in HEAT_ENV '%1' artifact doesn't match the parameters in HEAT '%2' artifact.", messageId: "SVC4538" } ---------SVC4539------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_RESOURCE_PAYLOAD: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid resource payload.", messageId: "SVC4539" } ---------SVC4540------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_TOSCA_FILE_EXTENSION: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid file extension for TOSCA template.", messageId: "SVC4540" } ---------SVC4541------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_YAML_FILE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid YAML file.", messageId: "SVC4541" } ---------SVC4542------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_TOSCA_TEMPLATE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid TOSCA template.", messageId: "SVC4542" } ---------SVC4543------------------------------ ============================================== :: NOT_RESOURCE_TOSCA_TEMPLATE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Imported Service TOSCA template.", messageId: "SVC4543" } ---------SVC4544------------------------------ ============================================== :: NOT_SINGLE_RESOURCE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Imported TOSCA template should contain one resource definition.", messageId: "SVC4544" } ---------SVC4545------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_RESOURCE_NAMESPACE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid resource namespace.", messageId: "SVC4545" } ---------SVC4546------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS: { code: 400, message: "Error: Imported resource already exists in ASDC Catalog.", messageId: "SVC4546" } ---------SVC4549------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_RESOURCE_CHECKSUM: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid resource checksum.", messageId: "SVC4549" } ---------SVC4550------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Consumer salt :: INVALID_LENGTH: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid %1 length.", messageId: "SVC4550" } ---------SVC4551------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - ECOMP User name :: ECOMP_USER_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: ECOMP User '%1' was not found.", messageId: "SVC4551" } ---------SVC4552------------------------------ ============================================== :: CONSUMER_ALREADY_EXISTS: { code: 409, message: "Error: ECOMP User already exists.", messageId: "SVC4552" } ---------SVC4553----------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Consumer name / Consumer password/ Consumer salt :: INVALID_CONTENT_PARAM: { code: 400, message: "Error: %1 is invalid.", messageId: "SVC4553" } ---------SVC4554------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "Resource"/"Service" :: COMPONENT_ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested artifact doesn't belong to specified %1.", messageId: "SVC4554" } ---------SVC4554------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "Service name" :: SERVICE_DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested '%1' service is not ready for certification. Service has to have at least one deployment artifact.", messageId: "SVC4554" } ---------SVC4555------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service/Product - %2 - Category" :: COMPONENT_ELEMENT_INVALID_NAME_LENGTH: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid %1 %2 name length.", messageId: "SVC4555" } ---------SVC4556------------------------------ ============================================== %1 - Resource/Service/Product %2 - Category" :: COMPONENT_ELEMENT_INVALID_NAME_FORMAT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid %1 %2 name format.", messageId: "SVC4556" } ---------SVC4557------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service/Product - %2 - Category name" :: COMPONENT_CATEGORY_ALREADY_EXISTS: { code: 409, message: "Error: %1 category name '%2' already exists.", messageId: "SVC4557" } ---------SVC4558------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - service/VF - %2 - Resource name :: VALIDATED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 403, message: "Error: Submit for Testing is not permitted as your '%1' includes non-validated '%2' resource.", messageId: "SVC4558" } ---------SVC4559------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/VF - %2 - Resource name :: FOUND_ALREADY_VALIDATED_RESOURCE: { code: 403, message: "Error: Submit for Testing is not permitted as your '%1' includes non-validated '%2' resource. Please use already available validated resource version.", messageId: "SVC4559" } ---------SVC4560------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/VF - %2 - Resource name :: FOUND_LIST_VALIDATED_RESOURCES: { code: 403, message: "Error: Submit for Testing is not permitted as your '%1' includes non-validated '%2' resource. Please use one of available validated resource versions.", messageId: "SVC4560" } ---------SVC4561------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Product - %2 - Category - %3 - Category name :: COMPONENT_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested %1 %2 '%3' was not found.", messageId: "SVC4561" } ---------SVC4562------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Product - %2 - Sub-Category name - %3 - Category name :: COMPONENT_SUB_CATEGORY_EXISTS_FOR_CATEGORY: { code: 409, message: "Error: %1 sub-category '%2' already exists under '%3' category.", messageId: "SVC4562" } ---------SVC4563------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Product - %2 - Grouping name - %3 - Sub-Category name :: COMPONENT_GROUPING_EXISTS_FOR_SUB_CATEGORY: { code: 409, message: "Error: %1 grouping '%2' already exists under '%3' sub-category.", messageId: "SVC4563" } ---------SVC4564------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Product name :: PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' product was not found.", messageId: "SVC4564" } ---------SVC4565------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "HEAT" - %2 - Parameter type ("string" , "boolean" , "number") - %3 - Parameter name :: INVALID_HEAT_PARAMETER_VALUE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid %1 artifact. Invalid %2 value set for '%3' parameter.", messageId: "SVC4565" } ---------SVC4566------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "HEAT" - %2 - Parameter type ("string" , "boolean" , "number") :: INVALID_HEAT_PARAMETER_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid %1 artifact. Unsupported '%2' parameter type.", messageId: "SVC4566" } ---------SVC4567------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "YANG_XML" :: INVALID_XML: { code: 400, message: "Error: Uploaded XML file for %1 artifact is invalid.", messageId: "SVC4567" } ---------SVC4567------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - User Name and UserId - %2 - Checked-out/In-certification :: CANNOT_DELETE_USER_WITH_ACTIVE_ELEMENTS: { code: 409, message: "Error: User cannot be deleted. User '%1' has %2 projects.", messageId: "SVC4567" } ---------SVC4568------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - User Name and UserId - %2 - Checked-out/In-certification :: CANNOT_UPDATE_USER_WITH_ACTIVE_ELEMENTS: { code: 409, message: "Error: Role cannot be changed. User '%1' has %2 projects.", messageId: "SVC4568" } ---------SVC4570------------------------------ ============================================== :: UPDATE_USER_ADMIN_CONFLICT: { code: 409, message: "Error: An administrator is not allowed to change his/her role.", messageId: "SVC4570" } ---------SVC4571------------------------------ ============================================== :: SERVICE_CANNOT_CONTAIN_SUBCATEGORY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Sub category cannot be defined for service", messageId: "SVC4571" } ---------SVC4572------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service :: COMPONENT_TOO_MUCH_CATEGORIES: { code: 400, message: "Error: %1 must have only 1 category", messageId: "SVC4572" } ---------SVC4574------------------------------ ============================================== :: RESOURCE_TOO_MUCH_SUBCATEGORIES: { code: 400, message: "Error: Resource must have only 1 sub category", messageId: "SVC4574" } ---------SVC4575------------------------------ ============================================== :: COMPONENT_MISSING_SUBCATEGORY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Missing sub category", messageId: "SVC4575" } ---------SVC4576------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Component type :: UNSUPPORTED_ERROR: { code: 400, message: "Error : Requested component type %1 is unsupported.", messageId: "SVC4576" } ---------SVC4577------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource type :: RESOURCE_CANNOT_CONTAIN_RESOURCE_INSTANCES: { code: 409, message: "Error : Resource of type %1 cannot contain resource instances.", messageId: "SVC4577" } ---------SVC4578------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service - %2 - Resource/Service name - %3 - Artifact name :: DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS: { code: 400, message: "Error: %1 '%2' already has a deployment artifact named '%3'.", messageId: "SVC4578" } ---------SVC4579------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - "Category/Sub-Category/Group" - %2 - Category/Sub-Category/Grouping name. :: INVALID_GROUP_ASSOCIATION: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid group association. %1 '%2' was not found.", messageId: "SVC4579" } ---------SVC4580------------------------------ ============================================== :: EMPTY_PRODUCT_CONTACTS_LIST: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid content. At least one Product Contact has to be specified.", messageId: "SVC4580" } ---------SVC4581------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - UserId :: INVALID_PRODUCT_CONTACT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid content. User '%1' cannot be set as Product Contact.", messageId: "SVC4581" } ---------SVC4582------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Product - %2 - Aabbreviated/Full" :: MISSING_ONE_OF_COMPONENT_NAMES: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid content. Missing %1 %2 name.", messageId: "SVC4582" } ---------SVC4583------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Icon - %2 - Resource/Service/Product :: COMPONENT_PARAMETER_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED: { code: 400, message: "Error: %1 cannot be changed once the %2 is certified.", messageId: "SVC4583" } ---------SVC4584------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Service/VF name - %2 - Service/VF - %3 - Resource instance origin type - %4 - Resource instance name - %5 - Requirement/Capability - %6 - Requirement/Capability name - %7 - Fulfilled" (for req)/Consumed (forcap) :: REQ_CAP_NOT_SATISFIED_BEFORE_CERTIFICATION: { code: 403, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is not ready for certification. %3'%4' has to have %5 '%6' %7.", messageId: "SVC4584" } ---------SVC4585------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID\_OCCURRENCES: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid occurrences format.", messageId: "SVC4585" } ---------SVC4586------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_SERVICE_API_URL:{ code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Service API URL. Please check whether your URL has a valid domain extension 'and does not contain the following characters - #?&@%+;,=$<>~^\`[]{}\|"\*!', messageId: "SVC4586" } ---------SVC4587------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name :: DATA_TYPE_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: 'Error: Data type %1 already exists.', messageId: "SVC4587" } ---------SVC4588------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name :: DATA_TYPE_NOR_PROPERTIES_NEITHER_DERIVED_FROM: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Data type %1. Data type must have either a valid derived from declaration or at least one valid property', messageId: "SVC4588" } ---------SVC4589------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name :: DATA_TYPE_PROPERTIES_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Data type %1. 'properties' parameter cannot be empty if provided.", messageId: "SVC4589" } ---------SVC4590------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Property type name - %2 - Property name :: INVALID_PROPERTY_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Property type %1 in property %2.", messageId: "SVC4590" } ---------SVC4591------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Property inner type - %2 - Property name :: INVALID_PROPERTY_INNER_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid property inner type %1, in property %2", messageId: "SVC4591" } ---------SVC4592------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Component instance name - %2 - Resource instance/Service instance :: COMPONENT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 was not found.", messageId: "SVC4592" } ---------SVC4593------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Component instance name - %2 - Resource instance/Service instance - %3 - Resource/Service/Product - %4 - Container name :: COMPONENT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND_ON_CONTAINER: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 was not found on the %3 '%4'.", messageId: "SVC4593" } ---------SVC4594------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Requirement/Capability - %2 - Requirement name :: IMPORT_DUPLICATE_REQ_CAP_NAME: { code: 400, message: "Error: Imported TOSCA template contains more than one %1 named '%2'.", messageId: "SVC4594" } ---------SVC4595------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Requirement/Capability - %2 - Requirement name - %3 - Parent containing the requirement :: IMPORT_REQ_CAP_NAME_EXISTS_IN_DERIVED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Imported TOSCA template contains %1 '%2' that is already defined by derived template %3.", messageId: "SVC4595" } ---------SVC4596------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name :: DATA_TYPE_DERIVED_IS_MISSING: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. The ancestor data type %1 cannot be found in the system.", messageId: "SVC4596" } ---------SVC4597------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name - %2 - Property names :: DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY_ALREADY_DEFINED_IN_ANCESTOR: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 contains properties named %2 which are already defined in one of its ancestors.", messageId: "SVC4597" } ---------SVC4598------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name :: DATA_TYPE_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 contains duplicate property.", messageId: "SVC4598" } ---------SVC4599------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name - %2 - Property names :: DATA_TYPE_PROEPRTY_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_TYPE_OF_DATA_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 contains properties %2 which their type is this data type.", messageId: "SVC4599" } ---------SVC4600------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name :: DATA_TYPE_CANNOT_HAVE_PROPERTIES: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 cannot have properties since it is of type scalar", messageId: "SVC4600" } ---------SVC4601------------------------------ ============================================== :: NOT_TOPOLOGY_TOSCA_TEMPLATE: { code: 400, message: "Error: TOSCA yaml file %1 cannot be modeled to VF as it does not contain 'topology_template.", messageId: "SVC4601" } ---------SVC4602-------------------------------- ================================================ - %1 - YAML file name - %2 - Node_Template label - %3 - Node_Template type :: INVALID_NODE_TEMPLATE: { code: 400, message: "Error: TOSCA yaml file '%1' contains node_template '%2' of type '%3' that does not represent existing VFC/CP/VL", messageId: "SVC4602" } ---------SVC4603------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Component type - %2 - Component name - %3 - State :: ILLEGAL_COMPONENT_STATE: { code: 403, message: "Error: Component instance of %1 can not be created because the component '%2' is in an illegal state %3.", messageId: "SVC4603" } ---------SVC4604------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - CSAR file name :: CSAR_INVALID: { code: 400, message: "Error: TOSCA CSAR '%1' is invalid. 'TOSCA-Metadata/Tosca.meta' file must be provided.", messageId: "SVC4604" } ---------SVC4605------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - CSAR file name :: CSAR_INVALID_FORMAT: { code: 400, message: "Error: TOSCA CSAR '%1' is invalid. Invalid 'TOSCA-Metadata/Tosca.meta' file format.", messageId: "SVC4605" } ---------SVC4606------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Property name - %2 - Property type - %3 - Property innerType - %4 - Default value :: INVALID_COMPLEX_DEFAULT_VALUE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid default value of property %1. Data type is %2 with inner type %3 and default value found is %4.", messageId: "SVC4606" } ---------SVC4607------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - csar file name :: CSAR_NOT_FOUND: { code: 400, message: "Error: TOSCA CSAR '%1' is not found.", messageId: "SVC4607" } ---------SVC4608------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Artifact name - %2 - Component type - %3 - Actual component type :: MISMATCH_BETWEEN_ARTIFACT_TYPE_AND_COMPONENT_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Artifact %1 is only compatible with component of type %2, but component type is %3.", messageId: "SVC4608" } ---------SVC4609------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - INVALID_JSON :: INVALID_JSON: { code: 400, message: "Error: Uploaded JSON file for %1 artifact is invalid.", messageId: "SVC4609" } ---------SVC4610------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - CSAR file name - %2 - Missing file name :: YAML_NOT_FOUND_IN_CSAR: { code: 400, message: "Error - TOSCA CSAR %1 is invalid. TOSCA-Metadata/Tosca.meta refers to file %2 that is not provided.", messageId: "SVC4610" } ---------SVC4611------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group name :: GROUP_MEMBER_EMPTY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Group %1 member list was provided but does not have values", messageId: "SVC4611" } ---------SVC4612------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group name :: GROUP_TYPE_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: 'Error: Group type %1 already exists.', messageId: "SVC4612" } ---------SVC4613------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group name - %2 - VF name(component name) - %3 - Actual component type [VF] :: GROUP_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Group with name '%1' already exists in %2 %3.", messageId: "SVC4613" } ---------SVC4614------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group type :: GROUP_TYPE_IS_INVALID: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid content. Group type %1 does not exist", messageId: "SVC4614" } ---------SVC4615------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - group name :: GROUP_MISSING_GROUP_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing Group Type for group '%1'", messageId: "SVC4615" } ---------SVC4616------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Member name - %2 - Group name - %3 - VF name - %4 - Component type [VF ] :: GROUP_INVALID_COMPONENT_INSTANCE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Member '%1' listed in group '%2' is not part of '%3' %4.", messageId: "SVC4616" } ---------SVC4617------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Member name - %2 - Group name - %3 - Group type :: GROUP_INVALID_TOSCA_NAME_OF_COMPONENT_INSTANCE: { code: 400, message: "Error: member %1 listed in group %2 is not part of allowed members of group type %3.", messageId: "SVC4617" } ---------SVC4618------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Missing file name - %2 - CSAR file name :: ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND_IN_CSAR: { code: 400, message: "Error: artifact %1 is defined in CSAR %2 manifest but is not provided", messageId: "SVC4618" } ---------SVC4619------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Artifact name - %2 - Artifact type - %3 - Existing artifact type :: ARTIFACT_ALRADY_EXIST_IN_DIFFERENT_TYPE_IN_CSAR: { code: 400, message: "Error: artifact %1 in type %2 already exists in type %3.", messageId: "SVC4619" } ---------SVC4620------------------------------ ============================================== :: FAILED_RETRIVE_ARTIFACTS_TYPES: { code: 400, message: "Error: Failed to retrieve list of suported artifact types.", messageId: "SVC4620" } ---------SVC4621------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Artifact name - %2 - Master :: ARTIFACT_ALRADY_EXIST_IN_MASTER_IN_CSAR: { code: 400, message: "Error: artifact %1 already exists in master %2 .", messageId: "SVC4621" } ---------SVC4622------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Artifact name - %2 - Artifact type - %3 - Master name - %4 - Master type :: ARTIFACT_NOT_VALID_IN_MASTER: { code: 400, message: "Error: artifact %1 in type %2 can not be exists under master %3 in type %4.", messageId: "SVC4622" } ---------SVC4623------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Artifact name - %2 - Artifact type - %3 - Env name - %4 - Existing env :: ARTIFACT_NOT_VALID_ENV: { code: 400, message: "Error: Artifact %1 in type %2 with env %3 already exists with another env %4", messageId: "SVC4623" } ---------SVC4624------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Groups names - %2 - VF name - %3 - Component type [VF ] :: GROUP_IS_MISSING: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. The groups '%1' cannot be found under %2 %3.", messageId: "SVC4624" } ---------SVC4625------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Groups name :: GROUP_ARTIFACT_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Artifact already associated to group '%1'.", messageId: "SVC4625" } ---------SVC4626------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Groups name :: GROUP_ARTIFACT_ALREADY_DISSOCIATED: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Artifact already dissociated from group '%1'.", messageId: "SVC4626" } ---------SVC4627------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Property name - %2 - Group name - %3 - Group type name :: GROUP_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND: { code: 400, message: "Error: property %1 listed in group %2 is not exist in group type %3.", messageId: "SVC4627" } ---------SVC4628------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - CSAR UUID - %2 - VF name :: VSP_ALREADY_EXISTS: { code: 400, message: "Error: The VSP with UUID %1 was already imported for VF %2. Please select another or update the existing VF.", messageId: "SVC4628" } ---------SVC4629------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - VF name :: MISSING_CSAR_UUID: { code: 400, message: "Error: The Csar UUID or payload name is missing for VF %1.", messageId: "SVC4629" } ---------SVC4630------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - VF name - %2 - New CSAR UUID - %3 - Old CSAR UUID :: RESOURCE_LINKED_TO_DIFFERENT_VSP: { code: 400, message: "Error: Resource %1 cannot be updated using CsarUUID %2 since the resource is linked to a different VSP with csarUUID %3.", messageId: "SVC4630" } ---------SVC4631------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Policy name :: POLICY_TYPE_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Policy type %1 already exists.", messageId: "SVC4631" } ---------SVC4632------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Target name - %2 - Policy type name :: TARGETS_NON_VALID: { code: 400, message: "Error: target %1 listed in policy type %2 is not a group or resource.", messageId: "SVC4632" } ---------SVC4633------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Policy name :: TARGETS_EMPTY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Policy %1 target list was provided but does not have values", messageId: "SVC4633" } ---------SVC4634------------------------------ ============================================== :: DATA_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY: { code: 500, message: "Error: Data types are empty. Please import the data types.", messageId: "SVC4634" } ---------SVC4635------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - CSAR UUID :: RESOURCE_FROM_CSAR_NOT_FOUND: { code: 400, message: "Error: resource from csar uuid %1 not found", messageId: "SVC4635" } ---------SVC4636------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Data type name :: DATA_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED_BAD_REQUEST: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Data type %1 cannot be upgraded. The new data type does not contain old properties or the type of one of the properties has been changed.', messageId: "SVC4636" } -----------SVC4637--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Attribute name :: ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested '%1' attribute was not found.", messageId: "SVC4637" } -----------SVC4638--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Attribute name :: ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_EXIST: { code: 409, message: "Error: Attribute with '%1' name already exists.", messageId: "SVC4638" } -----------SVC4639--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Property name :: PROPERTY_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS: { code: 409, message: "Error: Property with '%1' name and different type already exists.", messageId: "SVC4639" } -----------SVC4640--------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Property name :: INVALID_PROPERTY: { code: 409, message: "Error: Invalid property received.", messageId: "SVC4640" } ---------SVC4641----------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Invalid filter - %2 - Valid filters :: INVALID_FILTER_KEY: { code: 400, message: "Error: The filter %1 is not applicable. Please use one of the following filters: %2", messageId: "SVC4641" } ---------SVC4642----------------------------- ============================================= - %1 - Asset type - %2 - Filter :: NO_ASSETS_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "No %1 were found to match criteria %2", messageId: "SVC4642" } ---------SVC4643------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource"/"Product - %2 - Sub-Category name - %3 - Category name :: COMPONENT_SUB_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND_FOR_CATEGORY: { code: 404, message: "Error: %1 sub-category '%2' not found under category '%3'.", messageId: "SVC4643" } ---------SVC4644------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Format :: CORRUPTED_FORMAT: { code: 400, message: "Error: %1 format is corrupted.", messageId: "SVC4644" } ---------SVC4645------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - GroupType :: INVALID_VF_MODULE_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid group type '%1' (should be VfModule).", messageId: "SVC4645" } ---------SVC4646------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - GroupName :: INVALID_VF_MODULE_NAME: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. VF Module name '%1' contains invalid characters", messageId: "SVC4646" } ---------SVC4647------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - ModifiedName :: INVALID_VF_MODULE_NAME_MODIFICATION: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid VF Module name modification, can not modify '%1'", messageId: "SVC4647" } ---------SVC4648------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - InputId - %2 - ComponentId :: INPUT_IS_NOT_CHILD_OF_COMPONENT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Input id: '%1' is not child of component id: '%2'", messageId: "SVC4648" } ---------SVC4649------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - GroupName :: GROUP_HAS_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY: { code: 400, message: "Error: The group '%1' has cyclic dependency", messageId: "SVC4649" } ---------SVC4650------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Component Type - %2 - Service Name - %3 - Error description :: AAI_ARTIFACT_GENERATION_FAILED: { code: 500, message: "Error: %1 %2 automatic generation of artifacts failed. Description: %3", messageId: "SVC4650" } ---------SVC4651------------------------------ ============================================== :: PARENT_RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXTEND: { code: 400, message: "Error: Once resource is certified, derived_from can be changed only to a sibling", messageId: "SVC4651" } ---------SVC4652------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Resource/Service :: COMPONENT_INVALID_SUBCATEGORY: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Invalid %1 sub category.", messageId: "SVC4652" } ---------SVC4653------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group instance uniqueId - %2 - Service uniqueId :: GROUP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND_ON_COMPONENT_INSTANCE: { code: 404, message: "Error: Requested group instance %1 was not found on component %2.", messageId: "SVC4653" } ---------SVC4654------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group property name - %2 - Valid min limit value - %3 - Valid max limit value :: INVALID_GROUP_MIN_MAX_INSTANCES_PROPERTY_VALUE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Value of %1 must be not higher than %2, and not lower than %3.", messageId: "SVC4654" } ---------SVC4655------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group property name - %2 - Valid min limit value - %3 - Valid max limit value :: INVALID_GROUP_INITIAL_COUNT_PROPERTY_VALUE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Value of %1 must be between %2 and %3.", messageId: "SVC4655" } ---------SVC4656------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Group property name - %2 - Lower/Higher - %3 - Valid max/min value :: INVALID_GROUP_PROPERTY_VALUE_LOWER_HIGHER: { code: 400, message: "Error: Value of %1 must be %2 or equals to %3.", messageId: "SVC4656" } ---------SVC4657------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - CertificationRequest/StartTesting :: RESOURCE_VFCMT_LIFECYCLE_STATE_NOT_VALID: { code: 400, message: "Error - Lifecycle state %1 is not valid for resource of type VFCMT", messageId: "SVC4657" } ---------SVC4658------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 – Asset type [Service/Resource] - %2 – Main asset uuid - %3 – Not found asset type [Service/Resource] - %4 – Not found asset name :: ASSET_NOT_FOUND_DURING_CSAR_CREATION: { code: 400, message: "Error: CSAR packaging failed for %1 %2. %3 %4 was not found", messageId: "SVC4658" } ---------SVC4659------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 – asset type [Service/Resource] - %2 – Main asset UUID - %3 – Artifact name - %4 – Artifact uuid :: ARTIFACT_PAYLOAD_NOT_FOUND_DURING_CSAR_CREATION: { code: 400, message: "Error: CSAR packaging failed for %1 %2. Artifact %3 [%4] was not found", messageId: "SVC4659" } ---------SVC4660------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Asset type - %2 - Matching generic node type name :: GENERIC_TYPE_NOT_FOUND: { code: 404, message: "Creation of %1 failed. Generic type %2 was not found", messageId: "SVC4660" } ---------SVC4661------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Asset type - %2 - Matching generic node type name :: TOSCA_SCHEMA_FILES_NOT_FOUND: { code: 400, message: "Error: CSAR packaging failed. TOSCA schema files for SDC-Version: %1 and Conformance-Level %2 were not found", messageId: "SVC4661" } ---------SVC4662------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - File name - %2 - Parser error :: TOSCA_PARSE_ERROR: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid TOSCA template in file %1. %2", messageId: "SVC4662" } ---------SVC4663------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Max length :: RESOURCE_VENDOR_MODEL_NUMBER_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Resource vendor model number exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4663" } ---------SVC4664------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_RESOURCE_VENDOR_MODEL_NUMBER: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Resource vendor model number is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.', messageId: "SVC4664" } ---------SVC4665------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Max length :: SERVICE_TYPE_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Service type exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4665" } ---------SVC4666------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_SERVICE_TYPE: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Serivce type is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.', messageId: "SVC4666" } ---------SVC4667------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - Max length :: SERVICE_ROLE_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid Content. Service role exceeds limit of %1 characters.", messageId: "SVC4667" } ---------SVC4668------------------------------ ============================================== :: INVALID_SERVICE_ROLE: { code: 400, message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Service role is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.', messageId: "SVC4668" } ---------SVC4669----------------------------- ============================================= :: INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE: { code: 400, message: "Error: Invalid resource type.", messageId: "SVC4669" } ---------SVC4670------------------------------ ============================================== :: ARTIFACT_NAME_INVALID: { code: 400, message: "Error: Artifact name is invalid.", messageId: "SVC4670" } ---------SVC4671------------------------------ ============================================== - %1 - VSP name - %2 - VFC name :: CFVC_LOOP_DETECTED: { code: 400, message: 'Error: VSP %1 cannot be imported. The VSP contains internal loop in VFC %2', messageId: "SVC4671" }