.. This work is licensed under a .. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _xacml-s3p-label: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Policy XACML PDP component ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Performance Test of Policy XACML PDP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Summary ------- The Performance test was executed by performing requests against the Policy RESTful APIs residing on the XACML PDP installed in the windriver lab to get policy decisions for monitoring and guard policy types. This was running on a kubernetes host having the following configuration: - 16GB RAM - 8 VCPU - 160GB Disk The performance test runs 10 simultaneous threads calling XACML PDP RESTful APIs to get decisions for Monitoring, Guard Min Max, and Guard Frequency Limiter policy types, with at duration of 6000 seconds. The test execution lasted approximately 50 minutes resulting in the following summary: - 37,305 Healthcheck requests - 33,716 Statistics requests - 25,294 Monitoring decision requests - 25,288 Guard Min Max decisions - 25,286 Guard Frequency Limiter requests The average throughput was about 9.8 transactions per second. CPU and memory usage along with a screenshot of the JMeter Summary Report are provided in this document. Results ------- **CPU Utilization** Total CPU used by the PDP was measured before and after the test, using "ps -l". =================== ================== ================ =================== =============== ================== **Intial CPU time** **Final CPU time** **Intial CPU %** **Intial Memory %** **Final CPU %** **Final Memory %** =================== ================== ================ =================== =============== ================== 00:60:27 00:73:45 3.5% 4.0% 94.12.3% 4.0% =================== ================== ================ =================== =============== ================== **Memory Utilization** .. code-block:: bash Number of young garbage collections used during the test: 518 Avg. Young garbage collection time: ~11.56ms per collection Total number of Full garbage collection: 32 Avg. Full garbage collection time: ~315.06ms per collection S0C S1C S0U S1U EC EU OC OU MC MU CCSC CCSU YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT 16768.0 16768.0 0.0 5461.0 134144.0 71223.6 334692.0 138734.5 50008.0 48955.8 5760.0 5434.3 4043 45.793 32 10.082 55.875 16768.0 16768.0 0.0 4993.4 134144.0 66115.7 334692.0 252887.4 50264.0 49036.5 5760.0 5439.7 4561 53.686 32 10.082 63.768 **Jmeter Results Summary** .. image:: images/xacml-s3p.PNG