@startuml participant ACM_Runtime participant Participant participant Participant_API ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Deploy AC Element Instances for this AC Instance loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID? alt Is this AC Element Instance already deployed ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already deployed else Participant -> Participant_API: Deploy AC Element Instance activate Participant_API Participant <- Participant_API: AC Element Instance Deploy Response deactivate Participant_API alt AC Element deployed successfully Participant -> Participant: Set AC Element Instance administrative state to LOCKED ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element has been deployed else ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not deployed end end else note left of Participant Ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant end note end end @enduml