.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. _clamp-policy-gui-label: TOSCA Policy GUI ################ .. contents:: :depth: 4 1 - How to run the Front-End Gui ================================ This section describes how to run the front end on your local machine. **Prerequisite:** **Building and running CLAMP** see :ref:`Clamp ACM Smoke Tests ` **Step 1:** Go to the clamp directory .. code-block:: bash cd /clamp/extra/bin-for-dev **Step 2:** Inside the clamp directory run .. code-block:: bash ./start-db.sh test **Step 3:** Check docker container id .. code-block:: bash docker ps **Step 4:** Log into docker container .. code-block:: bash docker exec -it 'container_id' bash **Step 5:** Go into mariadb shell .. code-block:: bash mysql -u root -p **Step 6:** Enter password strong_pitchou .. image:: images/01-gui.png **Step 7:** Go into cldsdb4 database .. code-block:: bash use cldsdb4; **Step 8:** Verify if there is data in the following table 'loop_templates' .. code-block:: bash select * from loop_templates; ** If for some reason the database is empty do the go to the '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump' directory .. code-block:: bash ./load-fake-data.sh **Step 9:** Once the database is up and running need to start the clamp emulator, by running the following command inside the /clamp/extra/bin-for-dev .. code-block:: bash ./start-emulator.sh **Step 10:** Verify if mariadb and the emulator is running .. code-block:: bash docker ps .. image:: images/02-gui.png **Step 11:** Start the backend service by running the command inside the /clamp/extra/bin-for-dev .. code-block:: bash ./start-backend.sh .. _building-ui-label: 2 - Checking out and building the UI ==================================== **Step 1:** Checkout the UI from the repo .. code-block:: bash git clone "https://gerrit.nordix.org/onap/policy/gui" **Step 2:** Change into the "gui" directory and run the following .. code-block:: bash mvn clean install **Step 3:** Go into the gui-clamp/ui-react directory and run the following .. code-block:: bash npm install **Step 4:** Start the front end UI .. code-block:: bash npm start --scripts-prepend-node-path *If you get the following error* .. image:: images/03-gui.png .. code-block:: bash gedit package.json Then change ``"version": "${project.version}",`` to ``"version": "2.1.1",`` Save and close, then delete the node_modules directory .. code-block:: bash rm -rf node_modules/ Then run again .. code-block:: bash npm install .. code-block:: bash npm start --scripts-prepend-node-path **Step 5:** Once the UI starts at localhost:3000 it will ask for credentials: Login: admin Password: password 3 - How to Commission/Decommission the TOSCA Service Template ============================================================= This section describes how to commission and decommission the Tosca Service Template ** Prerequisite: See :ref:`Policy GUI Prerequisites` **Step 1:** From the Main Menu Click on TOSCA Automation Composition Dropdown .. image:: images/04-gui.png **Step 2:** From the Dropdown Menu Select Upload Automation Composition To Commissioning .. image:: images/05-gui.png **Step 3:** On the window Upload Tosca to Commissioning API Click on the input box that says 'Please Select a file' .. image:: images/06-gui.png **Step 4:** Once the yaml file is selected click on Upload Tosca Service Template .. image:: images/07-gui.png **Step 5:** After the upload there should have a message "Upload Success" in green .. image:: images/08-gui.png **Step 6:** To validate that the TOSCA Service Template has been commissioned click on Manage Commissioned Automation Composition Template .. image:: images/09-gui.png **Step 7:** In the View Tosca Template Window click on Pull Tosca Service Template .. image:: images/10-gui.png **Step 8:** Once the Tosca Service Template has been pulled there should be a json object rendered in the window .. image:: images/11-gui.png **Step 9:** Click on Close close the window **Step 10:** Click on Edit Automation Composition Properties .. image:: images/12-gui.png **Step 11:** In the Change ACM Common Properties change the appropriate properties and click on save and there should have a popup saying 'Changes Saved. Commission When Ready...' .. image:: images/13-gui.png **Step 12:** After saving the changes click on Commission and should have a Green message saying 'Commissioning Success' .. image:: images/14-gui.png **Step 13:** To Decommission the Tosca Service Follow Step 6 and 8 **Step 14:** Once the json objected is rendered in the window click on delete .. image:: images/11-gui.png **Step 14:** Once the json objected is rendered in the window click on delete .. image:: images/11-gui.png **Step 15:** If the delete is successful it should show a message "Delete Successful" .. image:: images/15-gui.png 4 - How to Save Instance Properties and Change The Order State ============================================================== This section describes how to save the instance properties and change it's order state ** Prerequisite: see building-ui-label_ **Step 1:** Go to the participant http directory .. code-block:: bash cd /clamp/participant/participant-impl/participant-impl-http **Step 2:** Run he following command .. code-block:: bash mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments=--server.port=8080 **Step 3:** Go to the participant kubernetes directory .. code-block:: bash cd /clamp/participant/participant-impl/participant-impl-kubernetes **Step 4:** Run he following command .. code-block:: bash mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments=--server.port=8081 **Step 5:** Go to the participant policy directory .. code-block:: bash cd /clamp/participant/participant-impl/participant-impl-policy **Step 6:** Run he following command .. code-block:: bash mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments=--server.port=8082 **Step 7:** From the Main Menu Click on Instantiation Management .. image:: images/16-gui.png **Step 8:** Once the window for Manage Instance is open click on Create Instance .. image:: images/17-gui.png **Step 9:** With the Window Create Instance Properties Insert a Name and change the appropriate properties and click save .. image:: images/18-gui.png **Step 10:** After clicking save it should come with a green message saying "Instantiation Properties Success" .. image:: images/19-gui.png **Step 11:** To delete an instance repeat Step 7 .. image:: images/16-gui.png **Step 12:** Once the window for Manage Instance is open click on Delete .. image:: images/20-gui.png * NOTE: The only way to delete the instance properties if the order state has to be UNINITIALISED **Step 13:** To change the state click on Change in Manage Instances Window .. image:: images/20-gui.png **Step 14:** After clicking Change there should have a drop down with specific different ordered states .. image:: images/21-gui.png **Step 15:** From UNINITIALISED the user can only select Passive Ordered State .. image:: images/22-gui.png **Step 16:** Click on Save and a Message in Green "Ordered State Change Success" .. image:: images/23-gui.png * NOTE: Can't change from Passive to Running in a local developer machine, can only change in the production environment End of document