# Deploy-DCAE 1. default.rb = file that defines default to parameters used inside the cookbook 2. recipes/dcae_setup.rb = create and configure application.properties and logback-spring.xml using template defined in dcae-application.properties.erb with values from defaults.rb or from environments.json 3. recipes/jetty_setup.rb = configure the jetty (ssl) 4. roles/dcae-fe.json = chef roles (which recipe to run) 5. Dockerfile = SDC Base line jettystartup.sh = run all of the above and run docker-entrypoint.sh that starts the jetty 6. pom.xml = docker profile. tag for onap build-helper-maven-plugin = extract version from the war maven-resources-plugin - copy the war to docker/target docker-maven-plugin = creates the docker - configured with the dockerFile location