/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * org.onap.dmaap * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 IBM. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.service; import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response.Status; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.client.DrProvConnection; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.database.DatabaseClass; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.logging.BaseLoggingClass; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.logging.DmaapbcLogMessageEnum; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.model.ApiError; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.model.DR_Sub; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.util.DmaapConfig; import org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.util.RandomInteger; public class DR_SubService extends BaseLoggingClass { private Map dr_subs = DatabaseClass.getDr_subs(); private DR_NodeService nodeService = new DR_NodeService(); private String provURL; private static DrProvConnection prov; private String unit_test; public DR_SubService( ) { logger.debug( "Entry: DR_SubService (with no args)" ); DmaapConfig p = (DmaapConfig)DmaapConfig.getConfig(); unit_test = p.getProperty( "UnitTest", "No" ); } public DR_SubService( String subURL ) { logger.debug( "Entry: DR_SubService " + subURL ); provURL = subURL; DmaapConfig p = (DmaapConfig)DmaapConfig.getConfig(); unit_test = p.getProperty( "UnitTest", "No" ); } public Map getDR_Subs() { logger.debug( "enter getDR_Subs()"); return dr_subs; } public List getAllDr_Subs() { logger.debug( "enter getAllDR_Subs()"); return new ArrayList<>(dr_subs.values()); } public ArrayList getDr_SubsByFeedId( String pubId ) { ArrayList someSubs = new ArrayList<>(); for( DR_Sub sub : dr_subs.values() ) { if ( pubId.equals( sub.getFeedId() )) { someSubs.add( sub ); } } return someSubs; } public DR_Sub getDr_Sub( String key, ApiError apiError ) { logger.debug( "enter getDR_Sub()"); DR_Sub sub = dr_subs.get( key ); if ( sub == null ) { apiError.setCode(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode()); apiError.setFields( "subId"); apiError.setMessage("subId " + key + " not found"); } else { apiError.setCode(200); } return sub; } public DR_Sub addDr_Sub( DR_Sub sub, ApiError apiError ) { logger.debug( "enter addDR_Subs()"); prov = new DrProvConnection(); prov.makeSubPostConnection( provURL ); String resp = prov.doPostDr_Sub( sub, apiError ); if ( "Yes".equals(unit_test) ) { resp = simulateResp( sub, "POST" ); apiError.setCode(201); } logger.debug( "addDr_Sub resp=" + resp ); DR_Sub snew = null; if ( resp != null ) { snew = new DR_Sub( resp ); snew.setDcaeLocationName(sub.getDcaeLocationName()); snew.setLastMod(); addEgressRoute( snew, apiError ); dr_subs.put( snew.getSubId(), snew ); apiError.setCode(201); } else { apiError.setCode(400); } return snew; } private void addEgressRoute( DR_Sub sub, ApiError err ) { String nodePattern = nodeService.getNodePatternAtLocation( sub.getDcaeLocationName(), false ); if ( nodePattern != null && nodePattern.length() > 0 ) { logger.info( "creating egress rule: sub " + sub.getSubId() + " on feed " + sub.getFeedId() + " to " + nodePattern); prov.makeEgressConnection( sub.getSubId(), nodePattern); int rc = prov.doXgressPost(err); logger.info( "rc=" + rc + " error code=" + err.getCode() ); if ( rc != 200 ) { switch( rc ) { case 403: logger.error( "Not authorized for DR egress API"); err.setCode(500); err.setMessage("API deployment/configuration error - contact support"); err.setFields( "PROV_AUTH_ADDRESSES"); break; default: logger.info( DmaapbcLogMessageEnum.EGRESS_CREATE_ERROR, Integer.toString(rc), sub.getSubId(), sub.getFeedId(), nodePattern); } } } } public DR_Sub updateDr_Sub( DR_Sub obj, ApiError apiError ) { logger.debug( "enter updateDR_Subs()"); DrProvConnection prov = new DrProvConnection(); prov.makeSubPutConnection( obj.getSubId() ); String resp = prov.doPutDr_Sub( obj, apiError ); if ( unit_test.equals( "Yes" ) ) { resp = simulateResp( obj, "PUT" ); apiError.setCode(200); } logger.debug( "resp=" + resp ); DR_Sub snew = null; if ( resp != null ) { snew = new DR_Sub( resp ); snew.setDcaeLocationName(obj.getDcaeLocationName()); snew.setLastMod(); dr_subs.put( snew.getSubId(), snew ); apiError.setCode(200); } else if ( apiError.is2xx()) { apiError.setCode(400); apiError.setMessage("unexpected empty response from DR Prov"); } return snew; } public void removeDr_Sub( String key, ApiError apiError ) { removeDr_Sub( key, apiError, true ); return; } public void removeDr_Sub( String key, ApiError apiError, boolean hitDR ) { logger.debug( "enter removeDR_Subs()"); DR_Sub sub = dr_subs.get( key ); if ( sub == null ) { apiError.setCode(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode()); apiError.setFields( "subId"); apiError.setMessage("subId " + key + " not found"); } else { if ( hitDR ) { DrProvConnection prov = new DrProvConnection(); prov.makeSubPutConnection( key ); String resp = prov.doDeleteDr_Sub( sub, apiError ); logger.debug( "resp=" + resp ); } else { apiError.setCode(200); } if ( apiError.is2xx() || unit_test.equals( "Yes" ) ) { dr_subs.remove(key); } } return; } private String simulateResp( DR_Sub sub, String action ){ String server = "subscriber.onap.org"; String subid; if ( action.equals( "POST" ) ) { RandomInteger ran = new RandomInteger(10000); subid = Integer.toString( ran.next() ); } else if ( action.equals( "PUT" ) ) { subid = sub.getSubId(); } else { subid = "99"; } String ret = String.format("{\"suspend\": false, \"delivery\": {\"url\": \"https://%s/delivery/%s\", \"user\": \"%s\", \"password\": \"%s\", \"use100\": true}, \"metadataOnly\": false, \"groupid\": \"0\" , \"follow_redirect\": true, ", server, subid, sub.getUsername(), sub.getUserpwd()); String links = String.format( "\"links\": {\"feed\": \"https://dr-prov/feedlog/%s\", \"self\": \"https://dr-prov/sub/%s\", \"log\": \"https://dr-prov/sublog/%s\" }", sub.getFeedId(), subid, subid ); ret += links + "}"; logger.info( "DR_SubService:simulateResp=" + ret); return ret; } }