# docker-compose for ONAP portal containers: database, microservice, portal apps. # Relies on .env file in current directory. # Works in multiple environments; does not pull from a Nexus registry. # Exposes the portal apps docker (but not DB nor WMS dockers) on the host network. # Images must be pulled from ONAP Nexus registry after logging in like this: # docker login -u USER -p PASS nexus3.onap.org:10001 version: '2.1' services: cli: image: ${CLI_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG} environment: CLI_MODE: 'daemon' ports: - 8080:80 - 9090:8080 logging: driver: json-file # Config files may use hostname "portal-db" portal-db: image: ${DB_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG} environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'Aa123456' expose: - 3306 volumes: # Just specify a path and let the Engine create a volume - /var/lib/mysql logging: driver: json-file # An environment variable here CAN override the database URL; # instead the value in the config file uses hostname from above portal-wms: image: ${WMS_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG} expose: - 8082 links: - portal-db depends_on: - portal-db volumes: - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPWIDGETMS/application.properties:/application.properties command: - /wait-for.sh - -t - "300" - portal-db:3306 - -- - /start-wms-cmd.sh logging: driver: json-file # Environment variables here CANNOT override the database URL because # two apps use identical configuration keys with different values portal-apps: image: ${EP_IMG_NAME}:${PORTAL_TAG} ports: - 8989:8080 - 8010:8009 - 8006:8005 links: - portal-db - portal-wms depends_on: - portal-db - portal-wms volumes: - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/system.properties:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/fusion.properties:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/fusion/conf/fusion.properties - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/portal.properties:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/classes/portal.properties - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/openid-connect.properties:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/classes/openid-connect.properties - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/logback.xml:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTAL/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK-1.3.0/fusion.properties:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK/WEB-INF/fusion/conf/fusion.properties - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK-1.3.0/system.properties:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK-1.3.0/portal.properties:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK/WEB-INF/classes/portal.properties - ${PROPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK-1.3.0/logback.xml:${WEBAPPS_DIR}/ONAPPORTALSDK/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml - ${LOGS_DIR}:/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.37/logs command: - /wait-for.sh - -t - "300" - portal-db:3306 - -- - /start-apps-cmd.sh # see comments in .env file - $EXTRA_HOST_IP - $EXTRA_HOST_NAME logging: driver: json-file