package org.onap.sdc.dcae.checker; import java.util.Map; import org.onap.sdc.dcae.checker.annotations.Checks; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; @Checks public class Workflows { @Checks(path="/topology_template/workflows") public void check_workflows(Map theDefinition, Checker.CheckContext theContext) { theContext.enter("workflows"); try { if(!theContext.checker().checkDefinition("workflows", theDefinition, theContext)) return; for (Iterator> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry e =; check_workflow_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext); } } finally { theContext.exit(); } } public void check_workflow_definition(String theName, Map theDef, Checker.CheckContext theContext) { theContext.enter("workflow", Construct.Workflow); if (theDef.containsKey("inputs")) { theContext .checker() .checkProperties((Map)theDef.get("inputs"), theContext); } if (theDef.containsKey("preconditions")) { check_workflow_preconditions_definition((List)theDef.get("preconditions"), theContext); } if (theDef.containsKey("steps")) { check_workflow_steps_definition((Map)theDef.get("steps"), theContext); } theContext.exit(); } public void check_workflow_steps_definition(Map theSteps, Checker.CheckContext theContext) { theContext.enter("steps"); try { for (Iterator> i = theSteps.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry e =; check_workflow_step_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext); } } finally { theContext.exit(); } } public void check_workflow_step_definition(String theName, Map theDef, Checker.CheckContext theContext) { theContext.enter(theName); try { //requireed entry, must be a node or group template String target = (String)theDef.get("target"); Construct targetConstruct = null; if (theContext.catalog().hasTemplate(, Construct.Group, target)) { targetConstruct = Construct.Group; } else if (theContext.catalog().hasTemplate(, Construct.Node, target)) { targetConstruct = Construct.Node; } else { theContext.addError("The 'target' entry must contain a reference to a node template or group template, '" + target + "' is none of those", null); } String targetRelationship = (String)theDef.get("target_relationship"); if (targetConstruct.equals(Construct.Node)) { if (targetRelationship != null) { //must be a requirement of the target Node } } } finally { theContext.exit(); } } public void check_workflow_preconditions_definition(List thePreconditions, Checker.CheckContext theContext) { theContext.enter("preconditions"); try { for (Map precondition: thePreconditions) { check_workflow_precondition_definition(precondition, theContext); } } finally { theContext.exit(); } } public void check_workflow_precondition_definition(Map theDef, Checker.CheckContext theContext) { } }