# ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.dcae # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Provides utilities for Docker components """ import socket from sys import platform import docker import six import dockering as doc from dcae_cli.util.logger import get_logger from dcae_cli.util.exc import DcaeException dlog = get_logger('Docker') _reg_img = 'gliderlabs/registrator:latest' # TODO: Source this from app's configuration [ONAP URL TBD] _reg_cmd = '-ip {:} consul://make-me-valid:8500' class DockerError(DcaeException): pass class DockerConstructionError(DcaeException): pass # Functions to provide envs to pass into Docker containers def _convert_profile_to_docker_envs(profile): """Convert a profile object to Docker environment variables Parameters ---------- profile: namedtuple Returns ------- dict of environemnt variables to be used by docker-py """ profile = profile._asdict() return dict([(key.upper(), value) for key, value in six.iteritems(profile)]) def build_envs(profile, docker_config, instance_name): profile_envs = _convert_profile_to_docker_envs(profile) health_envs = doc.create_envs_healthcheck(docker_config) return doc.create_envs(instance_name, profile_envs, health_envs) # Methods to call Docker engine # TODO: Consolidate these two docker client methods. Need ability to invoke local # vs remote Docker engine def get_docker_client(profile): base_url = "tcp://{0}".format(profile.docker_host) try: client = docker.Client(base_url=base_url) client.ping() return client except: raise DockerError('Could not connect to the Docker daemon. Is it running?') def _get_docker_client(client_funcs=(docker.Client, docker.from_env)): '''Returns a docker client object''' for func in client_funcs: try: client = func(version='auto') client.ping() return client except: continue raise DockerError('Could not connect to the Docker daemon. Is it running?') def image_exists(image): '''Returns True if the image exists locally''' client = _get_docker_client() return True if client.images(image) else False def _infer_ip(): '''Infers the IP address of the host running this tool''' if not platform.startswith('linux'): raise DockerError('Non-linux environment detected. Use the --external-ip flag when running Docker components.') ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) dlog.info("Docker host external IP address inferred to be {:}. If this is incorrect, use the --external-ip flag.".format(ip)) return ip def _run_container(client, config, name=None, wait=False): '''Runs a container''' if name is not None: info = six.next(iter(client.containers(all=True, filters={'name': "^/{:}$".format(name)})), None) if info is not None: if info['State'] == 'running': dlog.info("Container '{:}' was detected as already running.".format(name)) return info else: client.remove_container(info['Id']) cont = doc.create_container_using_config(client, name, config) client.start(cont) info = client.inspect_container(cont) name = info['Name'][1:] # remove '/' prefix image = config['Image'] dlog.info("Running image '{:}' as '{:}'".format(image, name)) if not wait: return info cont_log = dlog.getChild(name) try: for msg in client.logs(cont, stream=True): cont_log.info(msg.decode()) else: dlog.info("Container '{:}' exitted suddenly.".format(name)) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): dlog.info("Stopping container '{:}' and cleaning up...".format(name)) client.kill(cont) client.remove_container(cont) def _run_registrator(client, external_ip=None): '''Ensures that Registrator is running''' ip = _infer_ip() if external_ip is None else external_ip cmd = _reg_cmd.format(ip).split() binds={'/var/run/docker.sock': {'bind': '/tmp/docker.sock'}} hconf = client.create_host_config(binds=binds, network_mode='host') conf = client.create_container_config(image=_reg_img, command=cmd, host_config=hconf) _run_container(client, conf, name='registrator', wait=False) # TODO: Need to revisit and reimplement _run_registrator(client, external_ip) # # High level calls # def deploy_component(profile, image, instance_name, docker_config, should_wait=False): """Deploy Docker component This calls runs a Docker container detached. The assumption is that the Docker host already has registrator running. TODO: Split out the wait functionality Returns ------- Dict that is the result from a Docker inspect call """ ports = docker_config.get("ports", None) hcp = doc.add_host_config_params_ports(ports=ports) volumes = docker_config.get("volumes", None) hcp = doc.add_host_config_params_volumes(volumes=volumes, host_config_params=hcp) # Thankfully passing in an IP will return back an IP dh = profile.docker_host.split(":")[0] _, _, dhips = socket.gethostbyname_ex(dh) if dhips: hcp = doc.add_host_config_params_dns(dhips[0], hcp) else: raise DockerConstructionError("Could not resolve the docker hostname:{0}".format(dh)) envs = build_envs(profile, docker_config, instance_name) client = get_docker_client(profile) config = doc.create_container_config(client, image, envs, hcp) return _run_container(client, config, name=instance_name, wait=should_wait) def undeploy_component(client, image, instance_name): """Undeploy Docker component TODO: Handle error scenarios. Look into: * no container found error - docker.errors.NotFound * failure to remove image - docker.errors.APIError: 409 Client Error * retry, check for still running container Returns ------- True if the container and associated image has been removed False otherwise """ try: client.remove_container(instance_name, force=True) client.remove_image(image) return True except Exception as e: dlog.error("Error while undeploying Docker container/image: {0}".format(e)) return False